public void registerMe(boolean force) { if (uuid != null && (!isRegistered || force)) { // Unless were forcing this registration, We need to make sure we're giving the server a // proper amount of time to register us. 90 seconds. if (registrationTimeout > Common.getEpoch() - 90 && !force) return; registrationTimeout = Common.getEpoch(); if (!Common.isValidMD5(uuid)) { Log.i(TAG, "Device Registration: FAILED! - UUID is not valid"); LaunchActivity.cookToast("Device Registration: FAILED! - UUID is not valid"); isRegistered = false; uuid = null; // We have no UUID stored in our preferences. Have the server assign us one. // String seed = Settings.Secure.getString( // LaunchActivity.getInstance().getContentResolver(), "android_id" ); // if ( seed == null ) // seed = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); // mConnection.sendPacket( new UUIDRequestPacket( seed ) ); } else { Log.i(TAG, "Device Registration: Send Registration to Server"); mConnection.sendPacket(new RegistrationPacket(uuid)); } } }
public String getDeviceState() { if (uuid == null || !Common.isValidMD5(uuid)) { return "Unregistered!"; } else { if (isRegistered) { return "Registered!"; } else { return "Pending Registration!"; } } }
@Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { do { try { if (mConnection == null) { mConnection = new TcpClient( InetAddress.getByName(SERVER_URL), SERVER_PORT, new ConnectionHandler()); mConnection.registerPacket(ConfigurationPacket.class); mConnection.registerPacket(RegistrationPacket.class); mConnection.registerPacket(UpdatePacket.class); mConnection.registerPacket(UUIDRequestPacket.class); mConnection.registerPacket(DeviceInformationPacket.class); mConnection.registerPacket(LookupContactPacket.class); } else if (!mConnection.isConnected()) mConnection.attemptConnection(InetAddress.getByName(SERVER_URL), SERVER_PORT); else { for (Entry<Integer, Packet> packet : pendingPackets.entrySet()) { if (packet.getKey() < Common.getEpoch() - 60000) Log.w( TAG, "Is the client or network overwhelmed? There seems to be a major delay between receiving packets and processing them."); Log.w(TAG, "Receiving Packet " + packet.getKey() + " > " + packet.getValue()); if (packet.getValue() instanceof CommandPacket) { CommandPacket var1 = ((CommandPacket) packet.getValue()); if (var1.getKeyword().toUpperCase().equals("PONG")) {} } else if (packet.getValue() instanceof ConfigurationPacket) { LaunchActivity.getConfigHandler() .pushChanges(((ConfigurationPacket) packet.getValue()).config); } else if (packet.getValue() instanceof UUIDRequestPacket) { uuid = ((UUIDRequestPacket) packet.getValue()).uuid; LaunchActivity.getConfigHandler().getConfig().set("device.uuid", uuid); LaunchActivity.getConfigHandler().saveConfig(); Log.i(TAG, "We got a NEW UUID assigned to us from the server: " + uuid); } else if (packet.getValue() instanceof DeviceInformationPacket) { DeviceInformationPacket var = ((DeviceInformationPacket) packet.getValue()); LaunchActivity.getConfigHandler().pushChanges(var.saveToYaml()); LaunchActivity.uiNeedsUpdating = true; } else if (packet.getValue() instanceof LookupContactPacket) { LaunchActivity.serverResult = ((LookupContactPacket) packet.getValue()); } pendingPackets.remove(packet.getKey()); } for (Entry<Integer, Packet> packet : sendingPackets.entrySet()) { Log.w(TAG, "Sending Packet " + packet.getKey() + " > " + packet.getValue()); // TODO Make sure we are not sending out dated packets? mConnection.sendPacket(packet.getValue()); sendingPackets.remove(packet.getKey()); } sendPingCountdown--; if (sendPingCountdown < 1) { // Send ping every minute sendPingCountdown = 30; mConnection.sendPing(); } /** * The main activity will set the UUID once it has the opportunity to read from * configuration. As long as the UUID is NULL registration will not take place. */ if (uuid != null && !isRegistered) registerMe(false); if (uuid == null) isRegistered = false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // publishProgress( null ); SystemClock.sleep(2000); } while (true); }
public static void qPacket(Packet var1) { pendingPackets.put(Common.getEpoch(), var1); }
public boolean sendPacket(Packet var1) { if (mConnection != null && mConnection.isConnected()) { sendingPackets.put(Common.getEpoch(), var1); return true; } else return false; }