private static void renderText(List<DisplayCommand> displayList, InlineBox layoutBox) {
    // there needs to be some major refactoring before this is less ugly.
    // TODO eliminate the current wonky lookup for extracting a node
    // TODO include the parent box when rendering text without using this
    // check
    // FIXME text rendering is not contained because inline layout and
    // cascading(?) do not exist yet.
    Node sourceNode = layoutBox.getStyledNode().getNode();

    if (sourceNode.getType() == NodeType.TEXT) {
      Optional<Color> colorVal = getColor(layoutBox, "color");
      Color fontColor = colorVal.orElse(Color.BLACK);

      Dimensions dims = layoutBox.getDimensions();
      Rect paddingBox = dims.paddingBox();
      String text = ((TextNode) sourceNode).getText();
      Deque<LineBox> lines = layoutBox.getLines();

      // displayList.add(new RenderText(text, lines, paddingBox,
      // fontColor));