@Test public void test() { Props props = new Props(); TimeBasedRetentionPolicy policy = new TimeBasedRetentionPolicy(props); DateTimeUtils.setCurrentMillisFixed(new DateTime(2015, 6, 2, 18, 0, 0, 0).getMillis()); TimestampedDatasetVersion datasetVersion1 = new TimestampedDatasetVersion(new DateTime(2015, 6, 2, 10, 0, 0, 0), new Path("test")); TimestampedDatasetVersion datasetVersion2 = new TimestampedDatasetVersion(new DateTime(2015, 6, 1, 10, 0, 0, 0), new Path("test")); Assert.assertEquals(policy.versionClass(), TimestampedDatasetVersion.class); List<TimestampedDatasetVersion> versions = Lists.newArrayList(); versions.add(datasetVersion1); versions.add(datasetVersion2); List<TimestampedDatasetVersion> deletableVersions = Lists.newArrayList(policy.listDeletableVersions(versions)); Assert.assertEquals(deletableVersions.size(), 1); Assert.assertEquals( deletableVersions.get(0).getDateTime(), new DateTime(2015, 6, 1, 10, 0, 0, 0)); DateTimeUtils.setCurrentMillisSystem(); }
@Override public PhysicalOperator getPhysicalOperator(PhysicalPlanCreator creator) throws IOException { // Prel child = (Prel) this.getChild(); final List<String> childFields = getChild().getRowType().getFieldNames(); final List<String> fields = getRowType().getFieldNames(); List<NamedExpression> keys = Lists.newArrayList(); List<NamedExpression> exprs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int group : BitSets.toIter(groupSet)) { FieldReference fr = new FieldReference(childFields.get(group), ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN); keys.add(new NamedExpression(fr, fr)); } for (Ord<AggregateCall> aggCall : Ord.zip(aggCalls)) { FieldReference ref = new FieldReference(fields.get(groupSet.cardinality() + aggCall.i)); LogicalExpression expr = toDrill(aggCall.e, childFields, new DrillParseContext()); exprs.add(new NamedExpression(expr, ref)); } Prel child = (Prel) this.getChild(); StreamingAggregate g = new StreamingAggregate( child.getPhysicalOperator(creator), keys.toArray(new NamedExpression[keys.size()]), exprs.toArray(new NamedExpression[exprs.size()]), 1.0f); return g; }
@Test public void testExportReadsets() throws Exception { ExportReadsCommand command = new ExportReadsCommand(); command.setDataStoreFactory(new MemoryDataStoreFactory()); command.readGroupSetIds = Lists.newArrayList("r1", "r2"); command.projectNumber = 3L; command.exportUri = "exportme"; // Get the readsets Mockito.when(readsets.get("r1")).thenReturn(readsetGet); Mockito.when(readsets.get("r2")).thenReturn(readsetGet); Mockito.when(readsetGet.execute()) .thenReturn(new ReadGroupSet().setName("name1"), new ReadGroupSet().setName("name2")); // Export them Mockito.when(readsets.export(Mockito.any(ExportReadGroupSetsRequest.class))) .thenReturn(readsetExport); Mockito.when(readsetExport.execute()) .thenReturn(new ExportReadGroupSetsResponse().setJobId("8675309")); // Get the job Mockito.when(jobs.get("8675309")).thenReturn(jobGet); Mockito.when(jobGet.execute()).thenReturn(new Job().setDetailedStatus("description1")); command.handleRequest(genomics); String output = outContent.toString(); assertTrue(output, output.contains("Exporting read group sets name1,name2")); assertTrue(output, output.contains("Export job:")); assertTrue(output, output.contains("description1")); }
public List<InputState> getRunningInputs() { List<InputState> runningInputs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (InputState inputState : inputStates) { if (inputState.getState() == InputState.InputStateType.RUNNING) runningInputs.add(inputState); } return inputStates; }
@GET @Timed @ApiOperation(value = "Get a list of all stream rules") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public String get( @ApiParam( title = "streamid", description = "The id of the stream whose stream rules we want.", required = true) @PathParam("streamid") String streamid) { List<Map<String, Object>> streamRules = Lists.newArrayList(); checkPermission(RestPermissions.STREAMS_READ, streamid); final Stream stream; try { stream = streamService.load(streamid); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new WebApplicationException(404); } try { for (StreamRule streamRule : streamRuleService.loadForStream(stream)) { streamRules.add(streamRule.asMap()); } } catch (org.graylog2.database.NotFoundException e) { throw new WebApplicationException(404); } Map<String, Object> result = Maps.newHashMap(); result.put("total", streamRules.size()); result.put("stream_rules", streamRules); return json(result); }
public AnnotationBasedTagProvider(EnvironmentVariables vars) { super(vars); configuration = new SystemPropertiesConfiguration(environmentVariables); rootPackage = THUCYDIDES_TEST_ROOT.from(environmentVariables, rootDirectory); persister = new RequirementPersister(configuration.getOutputDirectory(), rootPackage); leafRequirements = Lists.newArrayList(); }
private List<Requirement> findLeafRequirementsIn(Map<String, Requirement> requirementsByPath) { List<Requirement> leafRequirements = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String path : requirementsByPath.keySet()) { if (!longerPathExists(path, requirementsByPath.keySet())) { leafRequirements.add(requirementsByPath.get(path)); } } return leafRequirements; }
@Override public PhysicalOperator visitOrder(Order order, Object value) throws OptimizerException { PhysicalOperator input = order.getInput().accept(this, value); List<OrderDef> ods = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Ordering o : order.getOrderings()) { ods.add(OrderDef.create(o)); } return new SelectionVectorRemover(new Sort(input, ods, false)); }
public Statistics(long totalLength, long sliceLength) { this.totalLength = totalLength; this.sliceLength = sliceLength; this.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() + sliceLength; countList = Lists.newArrayList(); while ((totalLength -= sliceLength) >= 0) { countList.add(0); } }
@Test public void shouldConvertToDtos() { List<UserDto> models = sut.toDtos(Lists.newArrayList(TestDataModels.user())); assertNotNull(models); assertTrue(models.size() == 1); UserDto dto = models.get(0); checkDto(dto); }
@Test public void testCreateInjectionJavaKompile() { String[] argv = new String[] {"foo.k", "--backend", "java"}; List<Module> modules = Lists.newArrayList(KompileFrontEnd.getModules()); modules.addAll(new JavaBackendKModule().getKompileModules()); Injector injector = Guice.createInjector( Modules.override(modules).with(new TestModule(), new BaseTestCase.TestModule())); prepInjector(injector, "-kompile", argv); assertTrue(injector.getInstance(FrontEnd.class) instanceof KompileFrontEnd); }
@Test public void testExportReadsets_badIds() throws Exception { ExportReadsCommand command = new ExportReadsCommand(); command.readGroupSetIds = Lists.newArrayList("bad"); // Get the readsets Mockito.when(readsets.get(Mockito.anyString())).thenThrow(GoogleJsonResponseException.class); command.handleRequest(genomics); String output = outContent.toString(); assertTrue(output, output.contains("The read group set ID bad won't work")); }
private List<Requirement> buildRequirementsTree( SortedMap<String, Requirement> requirementsByPath, Map<Requirement, String> requirementPaths) { List<Requirement> requirementsTree = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Requirement requirement : requirementsByPath.values()) { if (isRoot(requirementPaths.get(requirement))) { List<Requirement> children = findDirectChildrenFor(requirement, requirementsByPath, requirementPaths); requirementsTree.add(requirement.withChildren(children)); } } return requirementsTree; }
@Test public void testCreateInjectionSimulation() { context.kompileOptions.backend = "java"; String[] argv = new String[] {"foo.c", "--simulation", "bar.c"}; List<Module> definitionSpecificModules = Lists.newArrayList(KRunFrontEnd.getDefinitionSpecificModules()); definitionSpecificModules.addAll(new JavaBackendKModule().getDefinitionSpecificKRunModules()); Module definitionSpecificModuleOverride = Modules.override(definitionSpecificModules).with(new TestModule()); List<Module> modules = Lists.newArrayList( KRunFrontEnd.getModules(ImmutableList.of(definitionSpecificModuleOverride))); modules.addAll( new JavaBackendKModule() .getKRunModules(ImmutableList.of(definitionSpecificModuleOverride))); Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(Modules.override(modules).with(new BaseTestCase.TestModule())); prepInjector(injector, "-krun", argv); assertTrue(injector.getInstance(FrontEnd.class) instanceof KRunFrontEnd); injector.getInstance(Key.get(Simulator.class, Main.class)); }
@Override public PhysicalOperator visitCollapsingAggregate(CollapsingAggregate agg, Object value) throws OptimizerException { if (!(agg.getInput() instanceof Segment)) { throw new OptimizerException( String.format( "Currently, Drill only supports CollapsingAggregate immediately preceded by a Segment. The input of this operator is %s.", agg.getInput())); } Segment segment = (Segment) agg.getInput(); if (!agg.getWithin().equals(segment.getName())) { throw new OptimizerException( String.format( "Currently, Drill only supports CollapsingAggregate immediately preceded by a Segment where the CollapsingAggregate works on the defined segments. In this case, the segment has been defined based on the name %s but the collapsing aggregate is working within the field %s.", segment.getName(), agg.getWithin())); } // a collapsing aggregate is a currently implemented as a sort followed by a streaming // aggregate. List<OrderDef> orderDefs = Lists.newArrayList(); List<NamedExpression> keys = Lists.newArrayList(); for (LogicalExpression e : segment.getExprs()) { if (!(e instanceof SchemaPath)) throw new OptimizerException( "The basic optimizer doesn't currently support collapsing aggregate where the segment value is something other than a SchemaPath."); keys.add(new NamedExpression(e, new FieldReference((SchemaPath) e))); orderDefs.add(new OrderDef(Direction.ASC, e)); } Sort sort = new Sort(segment.getInput().accept(this, value), orderDefs, false); StreamingAggregate sa = new StreamingAggregate( sort, keys.toArray(new NamedExpression[keys.size()]), agg.getAggregations(), 1.0f); return sa; }
private LogicalExpression toDrill( AggregateCall call, List<String> fn, DrillParseContext pContext) { List<LogicalExpression> args = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Integer i : call.getArgList()) { args.add(new FieldReference(fn.get(i))); } // for count(1). if (args.isEmpty()) args.add(new ValueExpressions.LongExpression(1l)); LogicalExpression expr = new FunctionCall( call.getAggregation().getName().toLowerCase(), args, ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN); return expr; }
@Override public PhysicalOperator visitJoin(Join join, Object value) throws OptimizerException { PhysicalOperator leftOp = join.getLeft().accept(this, value); List<OrderDef> leftOrderDefs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (JoinCondition jc : join.getConditions()) { leftOrderDefs.add(new OrderDef(Direction.ASC, jc.getLeft())); } leftOp = new Sort(leftOp, leftOrderDefs, false); leftOp = new SelectionVectorRemover(leftOp); PhysicalOperator rightOp = join.getRight().accept(this, value); List<OrderDef> rightOrderDefs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (JoinCondition jc : join.getConditions()) { rightOrderDefs.add(new OrderDef(Direction.ASC, jc.getRight())); } rightOp = new Sort(rightOp, rightOrderDefs, false); rightOp = new SelectionVectorRemover(rightOp); MergeJoinPOP mjp = new MergeJoinPOP( leftOp, rightOp, Arrays.asList(join.getConditions()), join.getJointType()); return new SelectionVectorRemover(mjp); }
public static List<Parameterized> parseArg(Object arg) { List<Parameterized> result = Lists.newArrayList(); Class<? extends Object> rootClass = arg.getClass(); // get the list of types that are extended or implemented by the root class // and all of its parent types Set<Class<?>> types = describeClassTree(rootClass); // analyze each type for (Class<?> cls : types) { // check fields for (Field f : cls.getDeclaredFields()) { Annotation annotation = f.getAnnotation(Parameter.class); Annotation delegateAnnotation = f.getAnnotation(ParametersDelegate.class); Annotation dynamicParameter = f.getAnnotation(DynamicParameter.class); if (annotation != null) { result.add( new Parameterized(new WrappedParameter((Parameter) annotation), null, f, null)); } else if (dynamicParameter != null) { result.add( new Parameterized( new WrappedParameter((DynamicParameter) dynamicParameter), null, f, null)); } else if (delegateAnnotation != null) { result.add(new Parameterized(null, (ParametersDelegate) delegateAnnotation, f, null)); } } // check methods for (Method m : cls.getDeclaredMethods()) { m.setAccessible(true); Annotation annotation = m.getAnnotation(Parameter.class); Annotation delegateAnnotation = m.getAnnotation(ParametersDelegate.class); Annotation dynamicParameter = m.getAnnotation(DynamicParameter.class); if (annotation != null) { result.add( new Parameterized(new WrappedParameter((Parameter) annotation), null, null, m)); } else if (dynamicParameter != null) { result.add( new Parameterized( new WrappedParameter((DynamicParameter) dynamicParameter), null, null, m)); } else if (delegateAnnotation != null) { result.add(new Parameterized(null, (ParametersDelegate) delegateAnnotation, null, m)); } } } return result; }
public FileSystemPlugin(FileSystemConfig config, DrillbitContext context, String name) throws ExecutionSetupException { try { this.config = config; this.context = context; Configuration fsConf = new Configuration(); fsConf.set(FileSystem.FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, config.connection); fsConf.set("fs.classpath.impl", ClassPathFileSystem.class.getName()); fsConf.set("fs.drill-local.impl", LocalSyncableFileSystem.class.getName()); this.fs = FileSystemCreator.getFileSystem(context.getConfig(), fsConf); this.formatsByName = FormatCreator.getFormatPlugins(context, fs, config); List<FormatMatcher> matchers = Lists.newArrayList(); formatPluginsByConfig = Maps.newHashMap(); for (FormatPlugin p : formatsByName.values()) { matchers.add(p.getMatcher()); formatPluginsByConfig.put(p.getConfig(), p); } List<WorkspaceSchemaFactory> factories = null; if (config.workspaces == null || config.workspaces.isEmpty()) { factories = Collections.singletonList( new WorkspaceSchemaFactory(this, "default", name, fs, "/", matchers)); } else { factories = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> space : config.workspaces.entrySet()) { factories.add( new WorkspaceSchemaFactory( this, space.getKey(), name, fs, space.getValue(), matchers)); } } this.schemaFactory = new FileSystemSchemaFactory(name, factories); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ExecutionSetupException("Failure setting up file system plugin.", e); } }
public static class NodeCollector extends QueryModelVisitorBase<RuntimeException> { List<QueryModelNode> qNodes = Lists.newArrayList(); public List<QueryModelNode> getNodes() { return qNodes; } @Override public void meetNode(QueryModelNode node) { if (node instanceof StatementPattern || node instanceof ExternalTupleSet) { qNodes.add(node); } super.meetNode(node); } }
/** * Export the master branch of the named agencies to GTFS. The boolean variable can be either true * or false, it is only to make this method have a different erasure from the other */ public ProcessGtfsSnapshotExport( Collection<String> agencies, File output, LocalDate startDate, LocalDate endDate, boolean isagency) { this.snapshots = Lists.newArrayList(agencies.size()); for (String agency : agencies) { // leaving version null will cause master to be used this.snapshots.add(new Tuple2<String, Integer>(agency, null)); } this.output = output; this.startDate = startDate; this.endDate = endDate; }
@Test public void testSingleIndex() throws Exception { SPARQLParser parser = new SPARQLParser(); ParsedQuery pq1 = parser.parseQuery(q15, null); ParsedQuery pq2 = parser.parseQuery(q7, null); ParsedQuery pq3 = parser.parseQuery(q8, null); ParsedQuery pq4 = parser.parseQuery(q9, null); SimpleExternalTupleSet extTup1 = new SimpleExternalTupleSet((Projection) pq2.getTupleExpr()); SimpleExternalTupleSet extTup2 = new SimpleExternalTupleSet((Projection) pq3.getTupleExpr()); SimpleExternalTupleSet extTup3 = new SimpleExternalTupleSet((Projection) pq4.getTupleExpr()); List<ExternalTupleSet> list = new ArrayList<ExternalTupleSet>(); list.add(extTup1); List<QueryModelNode> optTupNodes = Lists.newArrayList(); optTupNodes.add(extTup2); optTupNodes.add(extTup3); IndexedExecutionPlanGenerator iep = new IndexedExecutionPlanGenerator(pq1.getTupleExpr(), list); Iterator<TupleExpr> plans = new TupleExecutionPlanGenerator().getPlans(iep.getIndexedTuples()); IndexPlanValidator ipv = new IndexPlanValidator(false); Iterator<TupleExpr> validPlans = ipv.getValidTuples(plans); ThreshholdPlanSelector tps = new ThreshholdPlanSelector(pq1.getTupleExpr()); TupleExpr optimalTup = tps.getThreshholdQueryPlan(validPlans, .1, 1, 0, 0); NodeCollector nc = new NodeCollector(); optimalTup.visit(nc); List<QueryModelNode> qNodes = nc.getNodes(); Assert.assertEquals(qNodes.size(), optTupNodes.size()); for (QueryModelNode node : qNodes) { Assert.assertTrue(optTupNodes.contains(node)); } }
@Test public void testCost3() throws Exception { String q1 = "" // + "SELECT ?f ?m ?d ?e ?l ?c " // + "{" // + " Filter(?f > \"5\")." // + " Filter(?e > \"6\")." // + " ?f a ?m ." // + " ?e a ?l ." // + " ?d <uri:talksTo> ?f . " // + " ?c <uri:talksTo> ?e . " // + " ?m <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?d ." // + " ?l <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?c ." // + "}"; // String q2 = "" // + "SELECT ?s ?t ?u " // + "{" // + " ?s a ?t ." // + " ?t <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?u ." // + " ?u <uri:talksTo> ?s . " // + "}"; // SPARQLParser parser = new SPARQLParser(); ParsedQuery pq1 = parser.parseQuery(q1, null); ParsedQuery pq2 = parser.parseQuery(q2, null); SimpleExternalTupleSet sep = new SimpleExternalTupleSet((Projection) pq2.getTupleExpr()); List<ExternalTupleSet> eList = Lists.newArrayList(); eList.add(sep); final TupleExpr te = pq1.getTupleExpr().clone(); final PCJOptimizer pcj = new PCJOptimizer(eList, false); pcj.optimize(te, null, null); ThreshholdPlanSelector tps = new ThreshholdPlanSelector(pq1.getTupleExpr()); double cost = tps.getCost(te, .4, .3, .3); Assert.assertEquals(.575, cost, .0001); }
private void generateReportsFor(Collection<ReportingTask> reportingTasks) throws IOException { stopwatch.start(); try { Reporter.generateReportsFor(reportingTasks); final List<Callable<Void>> partitions = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ReportingTask reportingTask : reportingTasks) { partitions.add(new ReportExecutor(reportingTask)); } final ExecutorService executorPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(NumberOfThreads.forIOOperations()); for (Future<Void> executedTask : executorPool.invokeAll(partitions)) { executedTask.get(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Report generation failed", e); } LOGGER.debug("Test outcome reports generated in {} ms", stopwatch.stop()); }
@Override public Num calc(final AbstractCalculator abstractCalculator, final Num... numbers) throws Exception { final List<Num> sortedNumbers = Lists.newArrayList(); Collections.addAll(sortedNumbers, numbers); Collections.sort(sortedNumbers); final int indexHalfSize = sortedNumbers.size() / 2; if (evenSize(sortedNumbers)) { final Num firstHalfValue = sortedNumbers.get(indexHalfSize - 1); final Num secondHalfValue = sortedNumbers.get(indexHalfSize); final BigDecimal result = (firstHalfValue.toBigDecimal().add(secondHalfValue.toBigDecimal())) .divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(2)); return new Num(result); } else { return new Num(sortedNumbers.get(indexHalfSize)); } }
private List<Requirement> findDirectChildrenFor( Requirement requirement, SortedMap<String, Requirement> requirementsByPath, Map<Requirement, String> requirementPaths) { List<Requirement> immediateChildren = Lists.newArrayList(); if (!isLeaf(requirement)) { String requirementPath = requirementPaths.get(requirement); for (String path : requirementsByPath.keySet()) { Requirement childRequirement = requirementsByPath.get(path); if ((childRequirement != requirement) && (isImmediateChild(requirementPath, path))) { if (isLeaf(childRequirement)) { immediateChildren.add(childRequirement); } else { immediateChildren.add( childRequirement.withChildren( findDirectChildrenFor(childRequirement, requirementsByPath, requirementPaths))); } } } } return immediateChildren; }
@JsonTypeName("solr-scan") public class SolrGroupScan extends AbstractGroupScan { protected SolrStoragePlugin solrPlugin; protected SolrStoragePluginConfig solrPluginConfig; protected SolrScanSpec solrScanSpec; protected List<SolrScanSpec> scanList = Lists.newArrayList(); protected List<SchemaPath> columns; static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SolrGroupScan.class); public SolrGroupScan(SolrGroupScan that) { super(that); this.solrPlugin = that.solrPlugin; this.solrPluginConfig = that.solrPlugin.getSolrStorageConfig(); this.solrScanSpec = that.solrScanSpec; this.columns = that.columns; this.scanList.add(this.solrScanSpec); } public SolrGroupScan( String userName, SolrStoragePlugin solrStoragePlugin, SolrScanSpec scanSpec, List<SchemaPath> columns) { super(userName); this.solrPlugin = solrStoragePlugin; this.solrPluginConfig = solrStoragePlugin.getSolrStorageConfig(); this.solrScanSpec = scanSpec; this.columns = columns; this.scanList.add(this.solrScanSpec); } @Override public GroupScan clone(List<SchemaPath> columns) { SolrGroupScan clone = new SolrGroupScan(this); clone.columns = columns; return clone; } @Override public void applyAssignments(List<DrillbitEndpoint> endpoints) throws PhysicalOperatorSetupException { // TODO write the distribution logic } public void setColumns(List<SchemaPath> columns) { this.columns = columns; } @Override public SubScan getSpecificScan(int minorFragmentId) throws ExecutionSetupException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return new SolrSubScan(this); } @Override public int getMaxParallelizationWidth() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return -1; } @Override public String getDigest() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return toString(); } @Override public ScanStats getScanStats() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return ScanStats.TRIVIAL_TABLE; } @JsonIgnore @Override public PhysicalOperator getNewWithChildren(List<PhysicalOperator> children) throws ExecutionSetupException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Preconditions.checkArgument(children.isEmpty()); return new SolrGroupScan(this); } @JsonProperty public SolrScanSpec getSolrScanSpec() { return solrScanSpec; } @JsonProperty public SolrStoragePluginConfig getSolrPluginConfig() { return solrPluginConfig; } @JsonIgnore public SolrStoragePlugin getSolrPlugin() { return solrPlugin; } @Override @JsonIgnore public boolean canPushdownProjects(List<SchemaPath> columns) { // this.columns = columns; return true; } public List<SchemaPath> getColumns() { return columns; } @Override public String toString() { return "SolrGroupScan [SolrScanSpec=" + solrScanSpec + ", columns=" + columns + "]"; } }
/** @author Lennart Koopmann <*****@*****.**> */ public abstract class InputRegistry { protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InputRegistry.class); protected static final Map<String, ClassLoader> classLoaders = Maps.newHashMap(); protected final List<InputState> inputStates = Lists.newArrayList(); protected final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("inputs-%d").build()); private final MessageInputFactory messageInputFactory; private final ProcessBuffer processBuffer; public InputRegistry(MessageInputFactory messageInputFactory, ProcessBuffer processBuffer) { this.messageInputFactory = messageInputFactory; this.processBuffer = processBuffer; } public MessageInput create(String inputClass) throws NoSuchInputTypeException { return messageInputFactory.create(inputClass); } public InputState launch(final MessageInput input, String id) { return launch(input, id, false); } protected abstract void finishedLaunch(InputState state); protected abstract void finishedTermination(InputState state); public InputState launch(final MessageInput input, String id, boolean register) { final InputState inputState = new InputState(input, id); inputStates.add(inputState); executor.submit( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { LOG.info( "Starting [{}] input with ID <{}>", input.getClass().getCanonicalName(), input.getId()); try { input.checkConfiguration(); inputState.setState(InputState.InputStateType.STARTING); input.launch(processBuffer); inputState.setState(InputState.InputStateType.RUNNING); String msg = "Completed starting [" + input.getClass().getCanonicalName() + "] input with ID <" + input.getId() + ">"; LOG.info(msg); } catch (MisfireException | Exception e) { handleLaunchException(e, input, inputState); } finally { finishedLaunch(inputState); } } }); return inputState; } protected void handleLaunchException(Throwable e, MessageInput input, InputState inputState) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder( "The [" + input.getClass().getCanonicalName() + "] input with ID <" + input.getId() + "> misfired. Reason: "); String causeMsg = extractMessageCause(e); msg.append(causeMsg); LOG.error(msg.toString(), e); // Clean up. // cleanInput(input); inputState.setState(InputState.InputStateType.FAILED); inputState.setDetailedMessage(causeMsg); } private String extractMessageCause(Throwable e) { StringBuilder causeMsg = new StringBuilder(e.getMessage()); // Go down the whole cause chain to build a message that provides as much information as // possible. int maxLevel = 7; // ;) Throwable cause = e.getCause(); for (int i = 0; i < maxLevel; i++) { if (cause == null) { break; } causeMsg.append(", ").append(cause.getMessage()); cause = cause.getCause(); } return causeMsg.toString(); } public InputState launch(final MessageInput input) { return launch(input, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } public List<InputState> getInputStates() { return inputStates; } public List<InputState> getRunningInputs() { List<InputState> runningInputs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (InputState inputState : inputStates) { if (inputState.getState() == InputState.InputStateType.RUNNING) runningInputs.add(inputState); } return inputStates; } public boolean hasTypeRunning(Class klazz) { for (InputState inputState : inputStates) { if (inputState.getMessageInput().getClass().equals(klazz)) { return true; } } return false; } public Map<String, String> getAvailableInputs() { return messageInputFactory.getAvailableInputs(); } public int runningCount() { return getRunningInputs().size(); } public void removeFromRunning(MessageInput input) { // Remove from running list. InputState thisInputState = null; for (InputState inputState : inputStates) { if (inputState.getMessageInput().equals(input)) { thisInputState = inputState; } } inputStates.remove(thisInputState); } public InputState launchPersisted(MessageInput input) { return launch(input); } protected abstract List<MessageInput> getAllPersisted(); public void launchAllPersisted() { for (MessageInput input : getAllPersisted()) { launchPersisted(input); } } public InputState terminate(MessageInput input) { InputState inputState = stop(input); if (inputState != null) { inputState.setState(InputState.InputStateType.TERMINATED); finishedTermination(inputState); } return inputState; } public InputState stop(MessageInput input) { InputState inputState = getRunningInputState(input.getId()); if (inputState != null) { try { input.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Stopping input <{}> failed, removing anyway: {}", input.getId(), e); } removeFromRunning(input); inputState.setState(InputState.InputStateType.STOPPED); finishedStop(inputState); } return inputState; } protected abstract void finishedStop(InputState inputState); public MessageInput getRunningInput(String inputId) { for (InputState inputState : inputStates) { if (inputState.getMessageInput().getId().equals(inputId)) return inputState.getMessageInput(); } return null; } public InputState getRunningInputState(String inputStateId) { for (InputState inputState : inputStates) { if (inputState.getMessageInput().getId().equals(inputStateId)) return inputState; } return null; } public abstract void cleanInput(MessageInput input); public MessageInput getPersisted(String inputId) { for (MessageInput input : getAllPersisted()) { if (input.getId().equals(inputId)) return input; } return null; } }
/** * Class to parse a Compressed Streaming file and export to an RDF file in Ntriples * * @author javi */ public class StreamFile2RDF { public String InputStream = null; public String rdfOutput = null; /* START> Description of parameters */ @Parameter(description = "<input RDF_Comp> <outputRDF>") public List<String> parameters = Lists.newArrayList(); @Parameter(names = "-quiet", description = "Do not show progress of the conversion") public boolean quiet = false; /* END> Description of parameters */ /** * Main execution of the conversion * * @throws ParserException * @throws IOException */ public void execute() throws ParserException, IOException { StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(); PrintStream out = null; if (rdfOutput.equals("stdout")) { out = System.out; } else { out = new PrintStream(rdfOutput, "UTF-8"); } CompressedStreaming2RDFExporterFactory exporterFactory = new CompressedStreaming2RDFExporterFactory(); CompressedStreaming2RDF exporter = exporterFactory.loadFromFile(InputStream, out); // launch exporter out.close(); if (!quiet) { // Show basic stats System.out.println("- Conversion Time: " + sw.stopAndShow()); System.out.println("- Number of Triples: " + exporter.getNumTriples()); System.out.println("- Number of Blocks: " + exporter.getNumBlocks()); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { StreamFile2RDF streamfile2rdf = new StreamFile2RDF(); JCommander com = new JCommander(streamfile2rdf, args); com.setProgramName("stream2file"); if (streamfile2rdf.parameters.size() == 1) { System.err.println("No output file specified, writing to standard output."); streamfile2rdf.rdfOutput = "stdout"; streamfile2rdf.InputStream = streamfile2rdf.parameters.get(0); } else if (streamfile2rdf.parameters.size() == 2) { streamfile2rdf.InputStream = streamfile2rdf.parameters.get(0); streamfile2rdf.rdfOutput = streamfile2rdf.parameters.get(1); } else { com.usage(); System.exit(1); } System.out.println( "Converting '" + streamfile2rdf.InputStream + "' to Stream File'" + streamfile2rdf.rdfOutput + "'"); streamfile2rdf.execute(); System.out.println("Bye!"); System.exit(0); } }
public final class StartupParameters { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final String[] args; @Parameter private List<String> parameters = Lists.newArrayList(); @Parameter( names = {"-console"}, description = "Shows the console window") private boolean console = false; @Parameter( names = {"-width"}, description = "Sets the width of the minecraft window to be fixed to this.") private int width = -1; @Parameter( names = {"-height"}, description = "Sets the height of the minecraft window to be fixed to this.") private int height = -1; @Parameter( names = {"-fullscreen"}, description = "Whether to launch minecraft in fullscreen mode.") private boolean fullscreen = false; public StartupParameters(String[] args) { this.args = args; } public List<String> getParameters() { return parameters; } public void logParameters(Logger log) { log.info("------------ Startup Parameters ------------"); if (console) { log.info("Console frame enabled"); } if (width != -1) { log.info("Minecraft frame width: " + width); } if (height != -1) { log.info("Minecraft frame height: " + height); } log.info("--------- End of Startup Parameters ---------"); } public boolean isConsole() { return console; } public int getWidth() { return width; } public int getHeight() { return height; } public boolean getFullscreen() { return fullscreen; } }