@Override public void saveStatistics(es.danirod.rectball.model.Statistics statistics) { Json json = new Json(); json.setOutputType(JsonWriter.OutputType.json); String jsonData = json.toJson(statistics); // Encode statistics in Base64 and save it to a file. String encodedJson = Base64Coder.encodeString(jsonData); FileHandle handle; handle = getStatistics(); handle.writeString(encodedJson, false); }
@Override public es.danirod.rectball.model.Statistics loadStatistics() { try { // Read stats from file and decode them. FileHandle handle = getStatistics(); String encodedJson = handle.readString(); String decodedJson = Base64Coder.decodeString(encodedJson); // Convert JSON to statistics Json json = new Json(); return json.fromJson(es.danirod.rectball.model.Statistics.class, decodedJson); } catch (Exception ex) { return new es.danirod.rectball.model.Statistics(); } }
protected void loadTileLayer(TiledMap map, Element element) { if (element.getName().equals("layer")) { String name = element.getAttribute("name", null); int width = element.getIntAttribute("width", 0); int height = element.getIntAttribute("height", 0); int tileWidth = element.getParent().getIntAttribute("tilewidth", 0); int tileHeight = element.getParent().getIntAttribute("tileheight", 0); boolean visible = element.getIntAttribute("visible", 1) == 1; float opacity = element.getFloatAttribute("opacity", 1.0f); TiledMapTileLayer layer = new TiledMapTileLayer(width, height, tileWidth, tileHeight); layer.setVisible(visible); layer.setOpacity(opacity); layer.setName(name); TiledMapTileSets tilesets = map.getTileSets(); Element data = element.getChildByName("data"); String encoding = data.getAttribute("encoding", null); String compression = data.getAttribute("compression", null); if (encoding == null) { // no 'encoding' attribute means that the encoding is XML throw new GdxRuntimeException("Unsupported encoding (XML) for TMX Layer Data"); } if (encoding.equals("csv")) { String[] array = data.getText().split(","); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { int id = (int) Long.parseLong(array[y * width + x].trim()); final boolean flipHorizontally = ((id & FLAG_FLIP_HORIZONTALLY) != 0); final boolean flipVertically = ((id & FLAG_FLIP_VERTICALLY) != 0); final boolean flipDiagonally = ((id & FLAG_FLIP_DIAGONALLY) != 0); id = id & ~MASK_CLEAR; tilesets.getTile(id); TiledMapTile tile = tilesets.getTile(id); if (tile != null) { Cell cell = createTileLayerCell(flipHorizontally, flipVertically, flipDiagonally); cell.setTile(tile); layer.setCell(x, yUp ? height - 1 - y : y, cell); } } } } else { if (encoding.equals("base64")) { byte[] bytes = Base64Coder.decode(data.getText()); if (compression == null) { int read = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { int id = unsignedByteToInt(bytes[read++]) | unsignedByteToInt(bytes[read++]) << 8 | unsignedByteToInt(bytes[read++]) << 16 | unsignedByteToInt(bytes[read++]) << 24; final boolean flipHorizontally = ((id & FLAG_FLIP_HORIZONTALLY) != 0); final boolean flipVertically = ((id & FLAG_FLIP_VERTICALLY) != 0); final boolean flipDiagonally = ((id & FLAG_FLIP_DIAGONALLY) != 0); id = id & ~MASK_CLEAR; tilesets.getTile(id); TiledMapTile tile = tilesets.getTile(id); if (tile != null) { Cell cell = createTileLayerCell(flipHorizontally, flipVertically, flipDiagonally); cell.setTile(tile); layer.setCell(x, yUp ? height - 1 - y : y, cell); } } } } else if (compression.equals("gzip")) { throw new GdxRuntimeException("GZIP compression not supported in GWT backend"); } else if (compression.equals("zlib")) { throw new GdxRuntimeException("ZLIB compression not supported in GWT backend"); } } else { // any other value of 'encoding' is one we're not aware of, probably a feature of a future // version of Tiled // or another editor throw new GdxRuntimeException( "Unrecognised encoding (" + encoding + ") for TMX Layer Data"); } } Element properties = element.getChildByName("properties"); if (properties != null) { loadProperties(layer.getProperties(), properties); } map.getLayers().add(layer); } }