  public void update(
      Comment comment, Map<String, JSONObject> commentProperties, boolean dispatchEvent) {
    if (comment == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Comment must not be null");
    if (comment.getId() == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Comment ID must not be null");

    // create persistable generic value
    GenericValue commentGV;

    // We need an in-memory copy of the old comment so we can pass it through in the fired event and
    // to make sure
    // that some fields have changed.
    Comment originalComment = getCommentById(comment.getId());
    if (originalComment == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Can not find a comment in the datastore with id: " + comment.getId());

    // Make sure that either the comment body or visibility data has changed, otherwise do not
    // update the datastore
    if (!areCommentsEquivalent(originalComment, comment)) {
      try {
        commentGV = delegator.findById(COMMENT_ENTITY, comment.getId());
        populateGenericValueFromComment(comment, commentGV);
      } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
        throw new DataAccessException(e);

      // Update the issue object
      IssueFactory issueFactory = ComponentAccessor.getComponentOfType(IssueFactory.class);
      GenericValue issueGV = comment.getIssue().getGenericValue();
      MutableIssue mutableIssue = issueFactory.getIssue(issueGV);

    // Update comment properties
    if (commentProperties != null) {
      setProperties(comment.getAuthorApplicationUser(), comment, commentProperties);

    // Dispatch an event if required
    if (dispatchEvent) {
Exemple #2
   * Defines whether the given user has permission to see the given issue using the issue's value of
   * the named custom field.
   * @param user the user whose permission is being checked.
   * @param issueCreation unused.
   * @param issueGv a GenericValue representing the issue.
   * @param customFieldName user custom field to use to determine which users have permission to the
   *     issue.
   * @return true only if the user has permission to see the issue based on the custom field value.
  protected boolean hasIssuePermission(
      User user, boolean issueCreation, GenericValue issueGv, String customFieldName) {
    CustomFieldManager customFieldManager = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager();
    IssueFactory issueFactory = ComponentAccessor.getComponentOfType(IssueFactory.class);
    CustomField field = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject(customFieldName);

    if (field != null) {
      Set<User> values =
          convertToUserSet(getValuesFromIssue(field, issueFactory.getIssue(issueGv)));
      return values.contains(user);
    return false;
  private String getViewHtmlForId(
      Issue baseIssue,
      final FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem,
      OrderableField field,
      Long id,
      final boolean showProject) {
    // -1 means no value
    if (id == null || id == -1L) {
      return getText("common.words.unknown");

    // dummy up the value for an issue
    Object value;
    if (field instanceof CustomField) {
      value = getValueForId((CustomField) field, id);
    } else {
      value = getValueForId(field, id);

    // set the value in a field values holder
    final Map<String, Object> fieldValuesHolder = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
    fieldValuesHolder.put(field.getId(), value);

    // update an issue with these values
    final MutableIssue dummyIssue = issueFactory.cloneIssue(baseIssue);
    field.updateIssue(fieldLayoutItem, dummyIssue, fieldValuesHolder);

    // now render the field
    if (showProject) {
      return field.getViewHtml(
          fieldLayoutItem, this, dummyIssue, MapBuilder.singletonMap("showProject", true));
    } else {
      return field.getViewHtml(fieldLayoutItem, this, dummyIssue);
  public void processDocument(Document document) {
    Issue issue = issueFactory.getIssue(document);

    Iterator<CustomField> customFieldIterator = customFields.iterator();
    Iterator<List<Double>> customFieldSampleIterator = customFieldSamples.iterator();
    while (customFieldIterator.hasNext() && customFieldSampleIterator.hasNext()) {
      CustomField customField = customFieldIterator.next();
      List<Double> customFieldSample = customFieldSampleIterator.next();

      Object value = issue.getCustomFieldValue(customField);
      if (value instanceof Double) customFieldSample.add((Double) value);
 protected MutableIssue getIssueObject(GenericValue issueGV) {
   return issueFactory.getIssue(issueGV);
  public Comment create(
      Issue issue,
      ApplicationUser author,
      ApplicationUser updateAuthor,
      String body,
      String groupLevel,
      Long roleLevelId,
      Date created,
      Date updated,
      Map<String, JSONObject> commentProperties,
      boolean dispatchEvent,
      boolean modifyIssueUpdateDate) {

    if (textFieldCharacterLengthValidator.isTextTooLong(body)) {
      final long maximumNumberOfCharacters =
      String errorMessage =
          getText("field.error.text.toolong", String.valueOf(maximumNumberOfCharacters));
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage);

    // create new instance of comment
    CommentImpl comment =
        new CommentImpl(

    // create persistable generic value
    Map<String, Object> fields = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    fields.put("issue", issue.getId());
    fields.put("type", ActionConstants.TYPE_COMMENT);

    ApplicationUser commentAuthor = comment.getAuthorApplicationUser();
    ApplicationUser commentUpdateAuthor = comment.getUpdateAuthorApplicationUser();
    fields.put("author", commentAuthor == null ? null : commentAuthor.getKey());
    fields.put("updateauthor", commentUpdateAuthor == null ? null : commentUpdateAuthor.getKey());
    fields.put("body", comment.getBody());
    fields.put("level", comment.getGroupLevel());
    fields.put("rolelevel", comment.getRoleLevelId());
    fields.put("created", new Timestamp(comment.getCreated().getTime()));
    fields.put("updated", new Timestamp(comment.getUpdated().getTime()));

    GenericValue commentGV = EntityUtils.createValue(COMMENT_ENTITY, fields);
    // set the ID on comment object

    // Update the issue object if required
    if (modifyIssueUpdateDate) {
      // JRA-36334: Only modify the Issue updated date if it would move forward - we don't want it
      // to go back in time
      if (comment.getUpdated().getTime() > issue.getUpdated().getTime()) {
        IssueFactory issueFactory = ComponentAccessor.getComponentOfType(IssueFactory.class);
        MutableIssue mutableIssue = issueFactory.getIssue(issue.getGenericValue());
        // JRA-15723: Use the comments updated time for the updated time of the issue.  This allows
        // users to
        // import old comments without setting the updated time on the issue to now, but to the date
        // of the old comments.
        mutableIssue.setUpdated(new Timestamp(comment.getUpdated().getTime()));

    if (commentProperties != null) {
      setProperties(author, comment, commentProperties);

    // Dispatch an event if required
    if (dispatchEvent) {
      Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
      params.put("eventsource", IssueEventSource.ACTION);
      dispatchIssueCommentAddedEvent(comment, params);
    return comment;