Exemple #1
   * Normally returns the current state of the log entry. However, this is never called during
   * normal (non-recovery) execution. Therefore, the overhead of having to scan all of the logs (if
   * it's not one we're using) is minimal.
  public int currentState(Uid objUid, String tName) throws ObjectStoreException {
    InputObjectState ios = new InputObjectState();

     * TODO
     * It's possible that the entry has been marked to be deleted but
     * that the removal entry hasn't been written yet. We could check the
     * async cache. However, since we really only care about this during
     * recovery, it's not going to cause us  problems anyway.

    if (allObjUids(tName, ios, StateStatus.OS_UNKNOWN)) {
      Uid tempUid = new Uid(Uid.nullUid());

      do {
        try {
          tempUid = UidHelper.unpackFrom(ios);
        } catch (final Exception ex) {

          return StateStatus.OS_UNKNOWN;

        if (tempUid.equals(objUid)) return StateStatus.OS_COMMITTED;

      } while (tempUid.notEquals(Uid.nullUid()));

      return StateStatus.OS_UNKNOWN;
    } else return StateStatus.OS_UNKNOWN;
Exemple #2
  public static Xid getXid(Uid uid, boolean branch, int formatId) throws IllegalStateException {
    XID xid;
    if (branch) xid = getXid(uid, new Uid(), formatId, null);
    else xid = getXid(uid, Uid.nullUid(), formatId, null);

    return new XidImple(xid);
  public InputObjectState() {
    if (tsLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled()) {

    bufferUid = new Uid(Uid.nullUid());
    super._valid = false;
    imageType = null;
Exemple #4
  private final boolean supportedLog(String logID) throws ObjectStoreException, IOException {
    Uid id = new Uid(logID);

    if (id.equals(Uid.nullUid())) return false;

    ObjectStoreIterator iter =
        new ObjectStoreIterator(
    Uid u;

    do {
      u = iter.iterate();

      if (u.equals(id)) return true;
    } while (Uid.nullUid().notEquals(u));

    return false;
Exemple #5
  public static Uid getUid(XID xid) {
    if (xid == null || xid.formatID != FORMAT_ID) {
      return Uid.nullUid();

    // The Uid byte are the first in the data array, so we just pass
    // in the whole thing and the additional trailing data is ignored.
    Uid tx = new Uid(xid.data);
    return tx;
Exemple #6
  private final void listLogs(String type) throws IOException {
    InputObjectState buff = new InputObjectState();

    try {
      if (StoreManager.getRecoveryStore()
          .allObjUids(TransactionTypeManager.getInstance().getTransactionType(type), buff)) {
        Uid u = null;

        do {
          u = UidHelper.unpackFrom(buff);

          if (Uid.nullUid().notEquals(u)) {
            System.out.println("Log: " + u);
        } while (Uid.nullUid().notEquals(u));
    } catch (final ObjectStoreException ex) {
      throw new IOException();
Exemple #7
  private static XID getXid(Uid uid, Uid branch, int formatId, Integer eisName)
      throws IllegalStateException {
    if (uid == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException();

    XID xid = new XID();
    xid.formatID = formatId;

    // gtrid is uid byte form followed by as many chars of the node name as will fit.
    byte[] gtridUid = uid.getBytes();

    if (gtridUid.length > XID.MAXGTRIDSIZE) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(); // Uid is too long!!!!

    String nodeName = TxControl.getXANodeName();
    int nodeNameLengthToUse = nodeName.getBytes().length;
    xid.gtrid_length = gtridUid.length + nodeNameLengthToUse;

    // src, srcPos, dest, destPos, length
    System.arraycopy(gtridUid, 0, xid.data, 0, gtridUid.length);
    System.arraycopy(nodeName.getBytes(), 0, xid.data, gtridUid.length, nodeNameLengthToUse);

    if (branch.notEquals(Uid.nullUid())) {
      // bqual is uid byte form plus EIS name.
      byte[] bqualUid = branch.getBytes();

      if (bqualUid.length > XID.MAXBQUALSIZE) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(); // Uid is too long!!!!

      int spareBqualBytes = XID.MAXBQUALSIZE - (bqualUid.length + 4);

      xid.bqual_length = bqualUid.length + 4 + 4;

      // src, srcPos, dest, destPos, length
      int offset = xid.gtrid_length;
      System.arraycopy(bqualUid, 0, xid.data, offset, bqualUid.length);
      setEisName(xid, eisName);
    } else {
       * Note: for some dbs we seem to be able to get
       * away with setting the size field to the size
       * of the actual branch. However, for Oracle,
       * it appears as though it must always be 64.
       * (At least for zero branches.)
      xid.data[xid.gtrid_length] = (byte) 0;
      xid.bqual_length = 64;

    return xid;
Exemple #8
  public static Uid getBranchUid(XID xid) {
    if (xid == null || xid.formatID != FORMAT_ID) {
      return Uid.nullUid();

    byte[] bqual = new byte[xid.bqual_length];
    System.arraycopy(xid.data, xid.gtrid_length, bqual, 0, xid.bqual_length);

    // The Uid byte are the first in the data array, so we just pass
    // in the whole thing and the additional trailing data is ignored.
    Uid tx = new Uid(bqual);
    return tx;
Exemple #9
  public final InputObjectState allObjUids() throws ObjectStoreException {
    OutputObjectState state = new OutputObjectState();
    Iterator<Uid> iter = _ids.keySet().iterator();

    try {
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        UidHelper.packInto(iter.next(), state);

      // don't forget to null terminate

      UidHelper.packInto(Uid.nullUid(), state);
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      throw new ObjectStoreException(ex);

    return new InputObjectState(state);
Exemple #10
  protected static OSRecordHolder readObjectStoreRecord(String type) {
    try {
      RecoveryStore recoveryStore = StoreManager.getRecoveryStore();
      InputObjectState states = new InputObjectState();

      if (recoveryStore.allObjUids(type, states) && states.notempty()) {

        Uid uid = UidHelper.unpackFrom(states);

        if (uid.notEquals(Uid.nullUid())) {
          InputObjectState ios = recoveryStore.read_committed(uid, type);

          return new OSRecordHolder(uid, type, ios);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return null;
Exemple #11
  private static void clearObjectStore(String type) {
    try {
      RecoveryStore recoveryStore = StoreManager.getRecoveryStore();
      InputObjectState states = new InputObjectState();

      if (recoveryStore.allObjUids(type, states) && states.notempty()) {
        boolean finished = false;

        do {
          Uid uid = UidHelper.unpackFrom(states);

          if (uid.notEquals(Uid.nullUid())) {
            recoveryStore.remove_committed(uid, type);
          } else {
            finished = true;
        } while (!finished);
    } catch (Exception e) {
Exemple #12
   * This is a recovery-only method and should not be called during normal execution. As such we
   * need to load in all of the logs we can find that aren't already loaded (or activated).
  public boolean allObjUids(String tName, InputObjectState state, int match)
      throws ObjectStoreException {
     * match will always be OS_COMMITTED since that's all we ever write for
     * the logs.

    // in case of asynchronous removals trigger the purger now.


     * Get a list of logs. Load them in to memory if we aren't already
     * working on them/it. But we can prune the entry once we're
     * finished or the memory footprint will grow. We should do this
     * for all frozen entries eventually too.

    InputObjectState logs = new InputObjectState();
    OutputObjectState objUids = new OutputObjectState();

     * We never call this method except during recovery. As such we shouldn't
     * need to worry about optimizations such as checking whether or not the
     * log is in current working memory.

    if (!super.allObjUids(tName, logs, match)) return false;
    else {
       * Now we have all of the log names let's attach to each one
       * and locate the committed instances (not deleted.)

      Uid logName = new Uid(Uid.nullUid());

      try {
        do {
          logName = UidHelper.unpackFrom(logs);

          if (logName.notEquals(Uid.nullUid())) {
             * Could check to see if log is in current working memory.

             * TODO
             * First purge the log if we can, but we need to know that
             * we're not playing with an instance that is being manipulated
             * from another VM instance.

            ArrayList<InputObjectState> txs = scanLog(logName, tName);

            if (txs.size() > 0) {
              for (int i = 0; i < txs.size(); i++) {
                UidHelper.packInto(txs.get(i).stateUid(), objUids);
        } while (logName.notEquals(Uid.nullUid()));

        // remember null terminator

        UidHelper.packInto(Uid.nullUid(), objUids);

      } catch (final IOException ex) {

        return false;

      return true;
Exemple #13
 static XID getXid(Uid uid, boolean branch, Integer eisName) throws IllegalStateException {
   if (branch) return getXid(uid, new Uid(), FORMAT_ID, eisName);
   else return getXid(uid, Uid.nullUid(), FORMAT_ID, eisName);