private String getStringToSign(MessageContext msgCtxt) throws Exception { String msg = (String)"string-to-sign"); if (msg == null || msg.equals("")) { // by default, get the content of the message (either request or response) return msgCtxt.getVariable("message.content"); } // replace ALL curly-braced items in the string-to-sign TemplateString ts = new TemplateString(msg); Map valuesMap = new HashMap(); for (String s : ts.variableNames) { valuesMap.put(s, msgCtxt.getVariable(s)); } StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(valuesMap); String resolvedString = sub.replace(ts.template); return resolvedString; }
// If the value of a property value begins and ends with curlies, // and contains no spaces, eg, {}, then "resolve" the // value by de-referencing the context variable whose name appears // between the curlies. private String resolvePropertyValue(String spec, MessageContext msgCtxt) { if (spec.startsWith("{") && spec.endsWith("}") && (spec.indexOf(" ") == -1)) { String varname = spec.substring(1, spec.length() - 1); String value = msgCtxt.getVariable(varname); return value; } return spec; }
private void clearVariables(MessageContext msgCtxt) { msgCtxt.removeVariable("hmac.error"); msgCtxt.removeVariable("hmac.stacktrace"); msgCtxt.removeVariable("hmac.javaizedAlg"); msgCtxt.removeVariable("hmac.alg"); msgCtxt.removeVariable("hmac.string-to-sign"); msgCtxt.removeVariable("hmac.signature.hex"); msgCtxt.removeVariable("hmac.signature.b64"); }
public ExecutionResult execute(MessageContext msgCtxt, ExecutionContext exeCtxt) { try { clearVariables(msgCtxt); String signingKey = getKey(msgCtxt); String stringToSign = getStringToSign(msgCtxt); String algorithm = getAlgorithm(msgCtxt); boolean debug = getDebug(msgCtxt); msgCtxt.setVariable("hmac.alg", algorithm); String javaizedAlg = javaizeAlgorithmName(msgCtxt, algorithm); if (debug) { msgCtxt.setVariable("hmac.javaizedAlg", javaizedAlg); } Mac hmac = Mac.getInstance(javaizedAlg); SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec(signingKey.getBytes(), javaizedAlg); hmac.init(key); byte[] hmacBytes = hmac.doFinal(stringToSign.getBytes("UTF-8")); String sigHex = Hex.encodeHexString(hmacBytes); String sigB64 = Base64.encodeBase64String(hmacBytes); if (debug) { msgCtxt.setVariable("hmac.key", signingKey); } msgCtxt.setVariable("hmac.string-to-sign", stringToSign); msgCtxt.setVariable("hmac.signature.hex", sigHex); msgCtxt.setVariable("hmac.signature.b64", sigB64); // presence of hmac-base64 property indicates verification wanted String expectedHmac = getHmac(msgCtxt); if (expectedHmac != null) { if (!sigB64.equals(expectedHmac)) { msgCtxt.setVariable("hmac.error", "HMAC does not verify"); return ExecutionResult.ABORT; } } } catch (Exception e) { msgCtxt.setVariable("hmac.error", e.getMessage()); msgCtxt.setVariable("hmac.stacktrace", ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); return ExecutionResult.ABORT; } return ExecutionResult.SUCCESS; }