private void doRunMemcpy(int bufferSize) { double[] result = new double[REPETITION]; for (int i = 0; i < REPETITION; i++) { result[i] = MemoryNative.runMemcpy(bufferSize, REPEAT_IN_EACH_CALL); } getReportLog().printArray("ms", result, false); double[] mbps = ReportLog.calcRatePerSecArray( (double) bufferSize * REPEAT_IN_EACH_CALL / 1024.0 / 1024.0, result); getReportLog().printArray("MB/s", mbps, true); Stat.StatResult stat = Stat.getStat(mbps); WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); Point size = new Point(); wm.getDefaultDisplay().getSize(size); Log.i(TAG, " x " + size.x + " y " + size.y); double pixels = size.x * size.y; // now this represents how many times the whole screen can be copied in a sec. double screensPerSecAverage = stat.mAverage / pixels * 1024.0 * 1024.0 / 4.0; double screensPerSecStddev = stat.mStddev / pixels * 1024.0 * 1024.0 / 4.0; getReportLog().printSummary("screen copies per sec", screensPerSecAverage, screensPerSecStddev); }
public void testInstallTime() throws Exception { final int NUMBER_REPEAT = 10; final CtsBuildHelper build = mBuild; final ITestDevice device = mDevice; double[] result = MeasureTime.measure( NUMBER_REPEAT, new MeasureRun() { @Override public void prepare(int i) throws Exception { device.uninstallPackage(PACKAGE); } @Override public void run(int i) throws Exception { File app = build.getTestApp(APK); device.installPackage(app, false); } }); mReport.printArray("time in ms", result, false); StatResult stat = Stat.getStat(result); mReport.printSummary("time in ms", stat.mAverage, stat.mStddev); }