private static JmesPathExpression getAstFromArgument( String argument, Map<String, JmesPathExpression> argumentToAstMap) throws IOException { if (argument != null && !argumentToAstMap.containsKey(argument)) { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder( "/apollo/env/SDETools/bin/brazil-runtime-exec", "python3.4", System.getProperty("codeGenSourceDirectory") + "/bin/", argument); Process p = pb.start(); JsonNode jsonNode = mapper.readTree(IOUtils.toString(p.getInputStream())); JmesPathExpression ast = fromAstJsonToAstJava(jsonNode); argumentToAstMap.put(argument, ast); IOUtils.closeQuietly(p.getInputStream(), null); return ast; } else if (argument != null) { return argumentToAstMap.get(argument); } return null; }
@Override public AmazonServiceException handle(HttpResponse httpResponse) throws XMLStreamException { final InputStream is = httpResponse.getContent(); String xmlContent = null; /* * We don't always get an error response body back from S3. When we send * a HEAD request, we don't receive a body, so we'll have to just return * what we can. */ if (is == null || httpResponse.getRequest().getHttpMethod() == HttpMethodName.HEAD) { return createExceptionFromHeaders(httpResponse, null); } String content = null; try { content = IOUtils.toString(is); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Failed in parsing the error response : ", ioe); return createExceptionFromHeaders(httpResponse, null); } /* * XMLInputFactory is not thread safe and hence it is synchronized. * Reference : * */ XMLStreamReader reader; synchronized (xmlInputFactory) { reader = xmlInputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes(UTF8))); } try { /* * target depth is to determine if the XML Error response from the * server has any element inside <Error> tag have child tags. * Parsing such tags is not supported now. target depth is * incremented for every start tag and decremented after every end * tag is encountered. */ int targetDepth = 0; final AmazonS3ExceptionBuilder exceptionBuilder = new AmazonS3ExceptionBuilder(); exceptionBuilder.setErrorResponseXml(content); exceptionBuilder.setStatusCode(httpResponse.getStatusCode()); boolean hasErrorTagVisited = false; while (reader.hasNext()) { int event =; switch (event) { case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT: targetDepth++; String tagName = reader.getLocalName(); if (targetDepth == 1 && !S3ErrorTags.Error.toString().equals(tagName)) return createExceptionFromHeaders( httpResponse, "Unable to parse error response. Error XML Not in proper format." + content); if (S3ErrorTags.Error.toString().equals(tagName)) { hasErrorTagVisited = true; } continue; case XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS: xmlContent = reader.getText(); if (xmlContent != null) xmlContent = xmlContent.trim(); continue; case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT: tagName = reader.getLocalName(); targetDepth--; if (!(hasErrorTagVisited) || targetDepth > 1) { return createExceptionFromHeaders( httpResponse, "Unable to parse error response. Error XML Not in proper format." + content); } if (S3ErrorTags.Message.toString().equals(tagName)) { exceptionBuilder.setErrorMessage(xmlContent); } else if (S3ErrorTags.Code.toString().equals(tagName)) { exceptionBuilder.setErrorCode(xmlContent); } else if (S3ErrorTags.RequestId.toString().equals(tagName)) { exceptionBuilder.setRequestId(xmlContent); } else if (S3ErrorTags.HostId.toString().equals(tagName)) { exceptionBuilder.setExtendedRequestId(xmlContent); } else { exceptionBuilder.addAdditionalDetail(tagName, xmlContent); } continue; case XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT: return; } } } catch (Exception e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Failed in parsing the error response : " + content, e); } return createExceptionFromHeaders(httpResponse, content); }