   * Creates a table with the following attributes:
   * Table name: testTableName Hash key: userNo type N Read Capacity Units: 10
   * Write Capacity Units: 5
  public static void createTable() {

    /*AmazonDynamoDBClient ddb = UserPreferenceDemoActivity.clientManager
    AmazonDynamoDBClient ddb = LoginActivity.clientManager.ddb();
    KeySchemaElement kse =
        new KeySchemaElement().withAttributeName("userNo").withKeyType(KeyType.HASH);
    AttributeDefinition ad =
        new AttributeDefinition()
    ProvisionedThroughput pt =
        new ProvisionedThroughput().withReadCapacityUnits(10l).withWriteCapacityUnits(5l);

    CreateTableRequest request =
        new CreateTableRequest()

    try {
    } catch (AmazonServiceException ex) {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(new ProfileCredentialsProvider());

    DynamoDBMapper mapper = new DynamoDBMapper(client);

    // retrieve an object using a "normal" (non-composite) id
    Movie m = new Movie();
    m.setTitle("foxy brown");
    Movie m2 = mapper.load(m);
    if (m2.getExtra() != null) {
      System.out.println("title:" + m2.getTitle() + " extra:" + m2.getExtra());

    // retrieve an object using a composite key
    Artist a = new Artist();
    a.setName("Van Gogh");
    Artist a2 = mapper.load(a);

    // scan through a bunch of entries in a table and print them out
    ScanRequest scanRequest = new ScanRequest().withTableName("Artists");
    ScanResult result = client.scan(scanRequest);
    for (Map<String, AttributeValue> item : result.getItems()) {
      String o1 = item.get("id").getN();
      String o2 = item.get("name").getS();
      Artist artist = mapper.load(Artist.class, new Integer(o1), o2);
 public AuthDaoImpl(AwsRegionCreds credentials) {
   try {
     AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(credentials);
     db = new DynamoDBMapper(client);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new RuntimeException(e);
   * Deletes the test table and all of its users and their attribute/value
   * pairs.
  public static void cleanUp() {

    AmazonDynamoDBClient ddb = LoginActivity.clientManager.ddb();

    DeleteTableRequest request =
        new DeleteTableRequest().withTableName(PropertyLoader.getInstance().getTestTableName());
    try {

    } catch (AmazonServiceException ex) {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient();
    DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(client);

    Table table = dynamoDB.getTable("Movies");

    HashMap<String, String> nameMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    nameMap.put("#yr", "year");

    HashMap<String, Object> valueMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    valueMap.put(":yyyy", 1985);

    QuerySpec querySpec =
        new QuerySpec()
            .withKeyConditionExpression("#yr = :yyyy")
            .withNameMap(new NameMap().with("#yr", "year"))

    ItemCollection<QueryOutcome> items = table.query(querySpec);

    Iterator<Item> iterator = items.iterator();
    Item item = null;

    System.out.println("Movies from 1985");
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      item = iterator.next();
      System.out.println(item.getNumber("year") + ": " + item.getString("title"));

    valueMap.put(":yyyy", 1992);
    valueMap.put(":letter1", "A");
    valueMap.put(":letter2", "L");

        .withProjectionExpression("#yr, title, info.genres, info.actors[0]")
        .withKeyConditionExpression("#yr = :yyyy and title between :letter1 and :letter2")

    items = table.query(querySpec);
    iterator = items.iterator();

    System.out.println("Movies from 1992 - titles A-L, with genres and lead actor");
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      item = iterator.next();
 public static void init() {
   try {
     credentials = new ProfileCredentialsProvider("default").getCredentials();
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new AmazonClientException(
         "Cannot load the credentials from the credential profiles file. "
             + "Please make sure that your credentials file is at the correct "
             + "location (/Users/sandiwibowo/.aws/credentials), and is in valid format.",
   AmazonDynamoDBClient dynamoDBAWS = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(credentials);
   Region usWest2 = Region.getRegion(Regions.US_WEST_2);
   dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(dynamoDBAWS);
Exemple #7
   * This method performs a batch request into DynamoDB and returns records that were unsuccessfully
   * processed by the batch request. Throws IOException if the client calls to DynamoDB encounter an
   * exception.
   * @param rList list of WriteRequests to batch
   * @param requestMap map of WriteRequests to records
   * @return records that did not get put in the table by the batch request
   * @throws IOException if DynamoDB client encounters an exception
  private List<Map<String, AttributeValue>> performBatchRequest(
      List<WriteRequest> rList, Map<WriteRequest, Map<String, AttributeValue>> requestMap)
      throws IOException {
    // Requests in the batch
    Map<String, List<WriteRequest>> requestItems = new HashMap<String, List<WriteRequest>>();

    if (rList.isEmpty()) {
      return Collections.emptyList();
    requestItems.put(dynamoDBTableName, rList);
    BatchWriteItemResult result;
    BatchWriteItemRequest batchWriteItemRequest =
        new BatchWriteItemRequest().withRequestItems(requestItems);
    try {
      result = dynamoDBClient.batchWriteItem(batchWriteItemRequest);
      return unproccessedItems(result, requestMap);
    } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
      String message = "DynamoDB Client could not perform batch request";
      LOG.error(message, e);
      throw new IOException(message, e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      String message = "Unexpected Exception while performing batch request";
      LOG.error(message, e);
      throw new IOException(message, e);
  public void createSimTradeTable() {

    CreateTableRequest createTableRequest = mapper.generateCreateTableRequest(SimDetails.class);
    // Table provision throughput is still required since it cannot be
    // specified in your POJO
    createTableRequest.setProvisionedThroughput(new ProvisionedThroughput(5L, 5L));
    // Fire off the CreateTableRequest using the low-level client
   * Retrieves the table description and returns the table status as a string.
  public static String getTestTableStatus() {

    try {
      /*AmazonDynamoDBClient ddb = UserPreferenceDemoActivity.clientManager
      AmazonDynamoDBClient ddb = LoginActivity.clientManager.ddb();
      DescribeTableRequest request =
          new DescribeTableRequest().withTableName(PropertyLoader.getInstance().getTestTableName());
      DescribeTableResult result = ddb.describeTable(request);

      String status = result.getTable().getTableStatus();
      return status == null ? "" : status;

    } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (AmazonServiceException ex) {

    return "";
  * The only information needed to create a client are security credentials consisting of the AWS
  * Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. All other configuration, such as the service endpoints,
  * are performed automatically. Client parameters, such as proxies, can be specified in an
  * optional ClientConfiguration object when constructing a client.
  * @see com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials
  * @see com.amazonaws.auth.ProfilesConfigFile
  * @see com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
 private static void init() throws Exception {
    * The ProfileCredentialsProvider will return your [default]
    * credential profile by reading from the credentials file located at
    * (~/.aws/credentials).
   AWSCredentials credentials = null;
   try {
     credentials = new ProfileCredentialsProvider().getCredentials();
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new AmazonClientException(
         "Cannot load the credentials from the credential profiles file. "
             + "Please make sure that your credentials file is at the correct "
             + "location (~/.aws/credentials), and is in valid format.",
   dynamoDB = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(credentials);
   Region usEast1 = Region.getRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1);
  private static void oneTimeAddContacts() {

    String firstNameLastName = "";
    String saltS = "";
    String ssnhash = "";

    Set<String> unionSet = new HashSet<>();

    String strArrr[] = unionSet.toArray(new String[unionSet.size()]);

    int numEntries = saltHashMap.size();

    for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
      firstNameLastName = strArrr[i];
      saltS = saltHashMap.get(strArrr[i]);
      ssnhash = hashedssnHashMap.get(strArrr[i]);

      Map<String, AttributeValue> item = newContactItem(firstNameLastName, saltS, ssnhash);
      PutItemRequest putItemRequest = new PutItemRequest("contacts-table", item);
      PutItemResult putItemResult = dynamoDB.putItem(putItemRequest);
Exemple #12
 public void shutdown() {
  private static void retrieveMultipleItemsBatchGet() {
    try {

      Map<String, KeysAndAttributes> requestItems = new HashMap<String, KeysAndAttributes>();

      List<Map<String, AttributeValue>> tableKeys = new ArrayList<Map<String, AttributeValue>>();
      Map<String, AttributeValue> key = new HashMap<String, AttributeValue>();
      key.put("Name", new AttributeValue().withS("Amazon S3"));

      key = new HashMap<String, AttributeValue>();
      key.put("Name", new AttributeValue().withS("Amazon DynamoDB"));

      requestItems.put(table1Name, new KeysAndAttributes().withKeys(tableKeys));

      tableKeys = new ArrayList<Map<String, AttributeValue>>();

      key = new HashMap<String, AttributeValue>();
      key.put("ForumName", new AttributeValue().withS("Amazon DynamoDB"));
      key.put("Subject", new AttributeValue().withS("DynamoDB Thread 1"));

      key = new HashMap<String, AttributeValue>();
      key.put("ForumName", new AttributeValue().withS("Amazon DynamoDB"));
      key.put("Subject", new AttributeValue().withS("DynamoDB Thread 2"));

      key = new HashMap<String, AttributeValue>();
      key.put("ForumName", new AttributeValue().withS("Amazon S3"));
      key.put("Subject", new AttributeValue().withS("S3 Thread 1"));

      requestItems.put(table2Name, new KeysAndAttributes().withKeys(tableKeys));

      BatchGetItemResult result;
      BatchGetItemRequest batchGetItemRequest = new BatchGetItemRequest();
      do {
        System.out.println("Making the request.");

        result = client.batchGetItem(batchGetItemRequest);

        List<Map<String, AttributeValue>> table1Results = result.getResponses().get(table1Name);
        if (table1Results != null) {
          System.out.println("Items in table " + table1Name);
          for (Map<String, AttributeValue> item : table1Results) {

        List<Map<String, AttributeValue>> table2Results = result.getResponses().get(table2Name);
        if (table2Results != null) {
          System.out.println("\nItems in table " + table2Name);
          for (Map<String, AttributeValue> item : table2Results) {

        // Check for unprocessed keys which could happen if you exceed provisioned
        // throughput or reach the limit on response size.
        for (Map.Entry<String, KeysAndAttributes> pair : result.getUnprocessedKeys().entrySet()) {
          System.out.println("Unprocessed key pair: " + pair.getKey() + ", " + pair.getValue());
        requestItems = result.getUnprocessedKeys();
      } while (result.getUnprocessedKeys().size() > 0);

    } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
      System.err.println("Failed to retrieve items.");
  private static void oneTimeAddWarrants() {

    String jsonString = "";

    try {
      jsonString = readFile("./json/warrants.json", StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    } catch (IOException e) {

    try {
      JSONObject rootObject = new JSONObject(jsonString); // Parse the JSON to a JSONObject
      JSONArray rows = rootObject.getJSONArray("stuff"); // Get all JSONArray rows

      // System.out.println("row lengths: " + rows.length());

      set2 = new HashSet<>();

      for (int j = 0; j < rows.length(); j++) { // Iterate each element in the elements array
        JSONObject element = rows.getJSONObject(j); // Get the element object

        String defendant = element.getString("Defendant");

        String strarr[] = defendant.split(" ");
        String temp = strarr[1];
        int len = strarr[0].length();
        strarr[0] = strarr[0].substring(0, len - 1);
        strarr[1] = strarr[0];
        strarr[0] = temp;

        String firstLast = strarr[0] + strarr[1];
        firstLast = firstLast.toLowerCase();

        // System.out.println(firstLast);

        int zipCode = 0;
        Boolean isZipCodeNull = element.isNull("ZIP Code");
        if (!isZipCodeNull) zipCode = element.getInt("ZIP Code");
        String dob = element.getString("Date of Birth");
        String caseNumber = element.getString("Case Number");

        String firstLastDOB = firstLast + dob;

        // pick a ssn from list
        String ssn = ssnList.get(ssnCounter);
        ssnHashMap.put(firstLast, ssn);

        // compute salt
        final Random ran = new SecureRandom();
        byte[] salt = new byte[32];
        String saltString = Base64.encodeBase64String(salt);

        // System.out.println("saltstring: " + saltString);
        saltHashMap.put(firstLast, saltString);

        // compute ripemd160 hash of ssn + salt
        String saltPlusSsn = saltString + ssn;
        // System.out.println("salt plus ssn: " + saltPlusSsn);

        String resultingHash = "";
        try {
          byte[] r = saltPlusSsn.getBytes("US-ASCII");
          RIPEMD160Digest d = new RIPEMD160Digest();
          d.update(r, 0, r.length);
          byte[] o = new byte[d.getDigestSize()];
          d.doFinal(o, 0);
          ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(40);
          Hex.encode(o, baos);
          resultingHash = new String(baos.toByteArray(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

          hashedssnHashMap.put(firstLast, resultingHash);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        } catch (IOException i) {

        // compareNames();

        Map<String, AttributeValue> item =
                firstLast, firstLastDOB, resultingHash, defendant, zipCode, dob, caseNumber);
        PutItemRequest putItemRequest = new PutItemRequest("warrants-table", item);
        PutItemResult putItemResult = dynamoDB.putItem(putItemRequest);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
      // JSON Parsing error
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    try {
      String violationsTable = "violations-table";
      String citationsTable = "citations-table";
      String warrantsTable = "warrants-table";
      String contactsTable = "contacts-table";
      String notificationsTable = "notifications-table";


      // Create violationsTable if it does not exist yet
      if (Tables.doesTableExist(dynamoDB, violationsTable)) {
        System.out.println("Table " + violationsTable + " is already ACTIVE");
      } else {
        // Create a table with a primary hash key named 'name', which holds a string
        CreateTableRequest createTableRequest =
            new CreateTableRequest()
                    new KeySchemaElement()
                    new AttributeDefinition()
                    new ProvisionedThroughput()
        TableDescription createdTableDescription =
        System.out.println("Created Table: " + createdTableDescription);

        // Wait for it to become active
        System.out.println("Waiting for " + violationsTable + " to become ACTIVE...");
        Tables.awaitTableToBecomeActive(dynamoDB, violationsTable);

      // Describe our new table
      DescribeTableRequest describeTableRequest =
          new DescribeTableRequest().withTableName(violationsTable);
      TableDescription tableDescription = dynamoDB.describeTable(describeTableRequest).getTable();
      System.out.println("Table Description: " + tableDescription);

      // Create citationsTable if it does not exist yet
      if (Tables.doesTableExist(dynamoDB, citationsTable)) {
        System.out.println("Table " + citationsTable + " is already ACTIVE");
      } else {
        // Create a table with a primary hash key named 'name', which holds a string
                        GlobalSecondaryIndex _firstLast = new GlobalSecondaryIndex()
                            .withProvisionedThroughput(new ProvisionedThroughput()
                                .withReadCapacityUnits((long) 10)
                                .withWriteCapacityUnits((long) 1))
                                .withProjection(new Projection().withProjectionType(ProjectionType.ALL));

                        GlobalSecondaryIndex _firstLastDOB = new GlobalSecondaryIndex()
                            .withProvisionedThroughput(new ProvisionedThroughput()
                                .withReadCapacityUnits((long) 10)
                                .withWriteCapacityUnits((long) 1))
                                .withProjection(new Projection().withProjectionType(ProjectionType.ALL));
        CreateTableRequest createTableRequest =
            new CreateTableRequest()
                    new KeySchemaElement()
                    new AttributeDefinition()
                    new ProvisionedThroughput()
        // .withGlobalSecondaryIndexes(_firstLast, _firstLastDOB);
        TableDescription createdTableDescription =
        System.out.println("Created Table: " + createdTableDescription);

        // Wait for it to become active
        System.out.println("Waiting for " + citationsTable + " to become ACTIVE...");
        Tables.awaitTableToBecomeActive(dynamoDB, citationsTable);

      // Describe our new table
      describeTableRequest = new DescribeTableRequest().withTableName(citationsTable);
      tableDescription = dynamoDB.describeTable(describeTableRequest).getTable();
      System.out.println("Table Description: " + tableDescription);

      // Create warrantsTable if it does not exist yet
      if (Tables.doesTableExist(dynamoDB, warrantsTable)) {
        System.out.println("Table " + warrantsTable + " is already ACTIVE");
      } else {
                        GlobalSecondaryIndex _firstLastDOB = new GlobalSecondaryIndex()
                            .withProvisionedThroughput(new ProvisionedThroughput()
                                .withReadCapacityUnits((long) 10)
                                .withWriteCapacityUnits((long) 1))
                                .withProjection(new Projection().withProjectionType(ProjectionType.ALL));
        // Create a table with a primary hash key named 'name', which holds a string
        CreateTableRequest createTableRequest =
            new CreateTableRequest()
                    new KeySchemaElement().withAttributeName("id").withKeyType(KeyType.HASH))
                    new AttributeDefinition()
                    new ProvisionedThroughput()
        // .withGlobalSecondaryIndexes(_firstLastDOB);
        TableDescription createdTableDescription =
        System.out.println("Created Table: " + createdTableDescription);

        // Wait for it to become active
        System.out.println("Waiting for " + warrantsTable + " to become ACTIVE...");
        Tables.awaitTableToBecomeActive(dynamoDB, warrantsTable);

      // Describe our new table
      describeTableRequest = new DescribeTableRequest().withTableName(warrantsTable);
      tableDescription = dynamoDB.describeTable(describeTableRequest).getTable();
      System.out.println("Table Description: " + tableDescription);


      // Create violationsTable if it does not exist yet
      if (Tables.doesTableExist(dynamoDB, contactsTable)) {
        System.out.println("Table " + contactsTable + " is already ACTIVE");
      } else {
        // Create a table with a primary hash key named 'name', which holds a string
        CreateTableRequest createTableRequest =
            new CreateTableRequest()
                    new KeySchemaElement()
                    new AttributeDefinition()
                    new ProvisionedThroughput()
        TableDescription createdTableDescription =
        System.out.println("Created Table: " + createdTableDescription);

        // Wait for it to become active
        System.out.println("Waiting for " + contactsTable + " to become ACTIVE...");
        Tables.awaitTableToBecomeActive(dynamoDB, contactsTable);

      // Describe our new table
      describeTableRequest = new DescribeTableRequest().withTableName(violationsTable);
      tableDescription = dynamoDB.describeTable(describeTableRequest).getTable();
      System.out.println("Table Description: " + tableDescription);

      ssnHashMap = new HashMap<>();
      saltHashMap = new HashMap<>();
      hashedssnHashMap = new HashMap<>();

      ssnList = new ArrayList<>();

      for (int i = 1010001; i < 1200001; i++) {
        SocialSecurityNumber ssn = new SocialSecurityNumber(i);
        String ssnString = ssn.toString();
      for (String str : ssnList) {
          System.out.println("SSN: " + str);

      // oneTimeAddViolations();
      // oneTimeAddCitations();
      // oneTimeAddContacts();

    } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
          "Caught an AmazonServiceException, which means your request made it "
              + "to AWS, but was rejected with an error response for some reason.");
      System.out.println("Error Message:    " + ase.getMessage());
      System.out.println("HTTP Status Code: " + ase.getStatusCode());
      System.out.println("AWS Error Code:   " + ase.getErrorCode());
      System.out.println("Error Type:       " + ase.getErrorType());
      System.out.println("Request ID:       " + ase.getRequestId());
    } catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
          "Caught an AmazonClientException, which means the client encountered "
              + "a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with AWS, "
              + "such as not being able to access the network.");
      System.out.println("Error Message: " + ace.getMessage());