public void reset(int index) { if (systems == null) { systems = new ParticleSystem[maxStep]; steps = new int[maxStep]; addVelocities = new Vector3[maxStep][particleSize]; } if (systems[index] == null) { // initialize Geometry geometry = THREE.Geometry(); for (int i = 0; i < particleSize; i++) { geometry.vertices().push(THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0)); } ParticleSystem system = THREE.ParticleSystem(geometry,; // system.setSortParticles(true); systems[index] = system; parent.add(system); } else { // ParticleSystem system = systems[index]; ((ParticleBasicMaterial) system.getMaterial()).setSize(baseSize); for (int i = 0; i < particleSize; i++) { Vector3 vertex = system.getGeometry().vertices().get(i); vertex.set(0, 0, 0); } system.getGeometry().setVerticesNeedUpdate(true); } // addVelocities=new Vector3[maxStep][particleSize]; // simple and boring for (int i = 0; i < particleSize; i++) { addVelocities[index][i] = THREE.Vector3( plusMinus(velocityRange.getX()), plusMinus(velocityRange.getY()), plusMinus(velocityRange.getZ())); } Vector3 addwind = THREE.Vector3( plusMinus(velocityRange.getX()) * 2, plusMinus(velocityRange.getY()) * 2, plusMinus(velocityRange.getZ()) * 2); // wind.addSelf(addwind); if (index % 5 == 0) { wind.set( wind.getX() / 4 * 3 + addwind.getX() / 4, wind.getY() / 4 * 3 + addwind.getY() / 4, wind.getZ() / 4 * 3 + addwind.getZ() / 4); } for (int i = 0; i < particleSize; i++) { winds[i] = THREE.Vector3( plusMinus(velocityRange.getX()) * 5, plusMinus(velocityRange.getY()) * 5, plusMinus(velocityRange.getZ()) * 5); } }
public void update() { if (systems == null || systems[index] == null) { reset(index); } for (int j = 0; j < maxStep; j++) { ParticleSystem system = systems[j]; if (system == null) { break; } Vector3 addAccel = THREE.Vector3(0, accel.getY() * steps[j], 0); for (int i = 0; i < particleSize; i++) { Vector3 vertex = system.getGeometry().vertices().get(i); vertex.addSelf(velocity); vertex.addSelf(addVelocities[j][i]); vertex.addSelf(wind); vertex.addSelf(addAccel); // do slow // vertex.getPosition().addSelf(winds[i]); } system.getGeometry().setVerticesNeedUpdate(true); ((ParticleBasicMaterial) system.getMaterial()).setSize(baseSize + changeSize * steps[j]); ((ParticleBasicMaterial) system.getMaterial()) .setOpacity(Math.max(0, 1 - changeOpacity * steps[j])); steps[j]++; if (steps[j] == maxStep) { reset(j); steps[j] = 0; } } index++; if (index == maxStep) { index = 0; } }
/** * TODO time base * * @author aki */ public class EmitterSystem { private Object3D parent; public Object3D getParent() { return parent; } public void setParent(Object3D parent) { this.parent = parent; } private int maxStep = 120; private Vector3 velocityRange; public Vector3 getVelocityRange() { return velocityRange; } public void setVelocityRange(Vector3 velocityRange) { this.velocityRange = velocityRange; } public Vector3 getVelocity() { return velocity; } public void setVelocity(Vector3 velocity) { this.velocity = velocity; } private Vector3 velocity; private int particleSize = 1; private double baseSize = 50; /* private ParticleBasicMaterialBuilder baseMaterial=THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial().transparent(true).sizeAttenuation(false). depthTest(false).size(baseSize).blending(THREE.AdditiveBlending).map(ImageUtils.loadTexture("img/particles2.png"));// */ private ParticleBasicMaterialBuilder baseMaterial = THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial() .transparent(true) .depthTest(false) .blending(THREE.Blending.NormalBlending()) .color(0x666666) .size(baseSize) .map(ImageUtils.loadTexture("img/particle4.png")); // Vector3[][] addVelocities; Vector3 wind = THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0); Vector3 accel = THREE.Vector3(0, -0.5 / 120, 0); // Vector3 accel=THREE.Vector3(0,-2.8/120,0); //spring private double changeOpacity = 1.0 / 120; private double changeSize = 150.0 / 120; ParticleSystem[] systems; int steps[]; int index; Vector3 winds[] = new Vector3[particleSize]; public void reset(int index) { if (systems == null) { systems = new ParticleSystem[maxStep]; steps = new int[maxStep]; addVelocities = new Vector3[maxStep][particleSize]; } if (systems[index] == null) { // initialize Geometry geometry = THREE.Geometry(); for (int i = 0; i < particleSize; i++) { geometry.vertices().push(THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0)); } ParticleSystem system = THREE.ParticleSystem(geometry,; // system.setSortParticles(true); systems[index] = system; parent.add(system); } else { // ParticleSystem system = systems[index]; ((ParticleBasicMaterial) system.getMaterial()).setSize(baseSize); for (int i = 0; i < particleSize; i++) { Vector3 vertex = system.getGeometry().vertices().get(i); vertex.set(0, 0, 0); } system.getGeometry().setVerticesNeedUpdate(true); } // addVelocities=new Vector3[maxStep][particleSize]; // simple and boring for (int i = 0; i < particleSize; i++) { addVelocities[index][i] = THREE.Vector3( plusMinus(velocityRange.getX()), plusMinus(velocityRange.getY()), plusMinus(velocityRange.getZ())); } Vector3 addwind = THREE.Vector3( plusMinus(velocityRange.getX()) * 2, plusMinus(velocityRange.getY()) * 2, plusMinus(velocityRange.getZ()) * 2); // wind.addSelf(addwind); if (index % 5 == 0) { wind.set( wind.getX() / 4 * 3 + addwind.getX() / 4, wind.getY() / 4 * 3 + addwind.getY() / 4, wind.getZ() / 4 * 3 + addwind.getZ() / 4); } for (int i = 0; i < particleSize; i++) { winds[i] = THREE.Vector3( plusMinus(velocityRange.getX()) * 5, plusMinus(velocityRange.getY()) * 5, plusMinus(velocityRange.getZ()) * 5); } } private double plusMinus(double value) { return value * 2 * Math.random() - value; } public void update() { if (systems == null || systems[index] == null) { reset(index); } for (int j = 0; j < maxStep; j++) { ParticleSystem system = systems[j]; if (system == null) { break; } Vector3 addAccel = THREE.Vector3(0, accel.getY() * steps[j], 0); for (int i = 0; i < particleSize; i++) { Vector3 vertex = system.getGeometry().vertices().get(i); vertex.addSelf(velocity); vertex.addSelf(addVelocities[j][i]); vertex.addSelf(wind); vertex.addSelf(addAccel); // do slow // vertex.getPosition().addSelf(winds[i]); } system.getGeometry().setVerticesNeedUpdate(true); ((ParticleBasicMaterial) system.getMaterial()).setSize(baseSize + changeSize * steps[j]); ((ParticleBasicMaterial) system.getMaterial()) .setOpacity(Math.max(0, 1 - changeOpacity * steps[j])); steps[j]++; if (steps[j] == maxStep) { reset(j); steps[j] = 0; } } index++; if (index == maxStep) { index = 0; } } }
/* *** sometime it error happend,check * double mouseMoved=(Math.abs(diffX)+Math.abs(diffY)); *double length=newPos.clone().subSelf(getCurrentIkData().getTargetPos()).length(); * if(length<mouseMoved*5){ */ public Vector3 moveSelectionPosition( int mouseX, int mouseY, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, Camera camera) { if (isSelected()) { try { Ray ray = projector.gwtCreateRay(mouseX, mouseY, screenWidth, screenHeight, camera); JsArray<Intersect> intersects = ray.intersectObject(mouseCatchPlane); Vector3 newPos = intersects.get(0).getPoint().subSelf(draggableOffset); log = "newPos-raw:" + ThreeLog.get(newPos); Vector3 parentPos = THREE.Vector3(); if (selectedDraggablekObject.getParent() != null) { // selectedDraggablekObject.getParent().updateMatrixWorld(true); //if call it bone moving // will be broken.i have no idea. parentPos = GWTThreeUtils.toPositionVec(selectedDraggablekObject.getParent().getMatrixWorld()); // LogUtils.log("parent:"+ThreeLog.get(parentPos)); log += "parentPos:" + ThreeLog.get(parentPos); } newPos.subSelf(parentPos); Matrix4 rotM = THREE.Matrix4(); Vector3 rotation = GWTThreeUtils.rotationToVector3( (selectedDraggablekObject.getParent().getMatrixWorld())); // rotM.getInverse(selectedDraggablekObject.getMatrixRotationWorld()); log += "parentRot:" + ThreeLog.get(GWTThreeUtils.radiantToDegree(rotation)); rotM.getInverse(GWTThreeUtils.rotationToMatrix4(rotation)); rotM.multiplyVector3(newPos); // Vector3 parentRotation=THREE.Vector3(); /* Object3D obj=selectedDraggablekObject; while(obj.getParent()!=null){ parentPos.addSelf(obj.getParent().getPosition()); parentRotation.addSelf(obj.getParent().getRotation()); obj=obj.getParent(); } LogUtils.log("parent-rot:"+ThreeLog.get(GWTThreeUtils.radiantToDegree(parentRotation))); */ // Matrix4 mx=GWTThreeUtils.rotationToMatrix4(parentRotation); // mx.multiplyVector3(parentPos); /* log("m:"+ThreeLog.get(selectedDraggablekObject.getPosition())); log("m:"+ThreeLog.get(GWTThreeUtils.toPositionVec(selectedDraggablekObject.getMatrix()))); log("mw:"+ThreeLog.get(GWTThreeUtils.toPositionVec(selectedDraggablekObject.getMatrixWorld()))); */ // must be same as selectedDraggablekObject return newPos; } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.log("moveSelectionPosition:" + e.getMessage()); return null; } } else { return null; } }
public class GWTDragObjectControler { private Projector projector; private Mesh mouseCatchPlane; public Mesh getMouseCatchPlane() { return mouseCatchPlane; } public GWTDragObjectControler(Scene scene, Projector projector) { this.projector = projector; // maybe should black&transparent like js-sample mouseCatchPlane = THREE.Mesh( THREE.PlaneGeometry(2000, 2000, 10, 10), THREE.MeshBasicMaterial().color(0x00ffff).wireFrame().build()); mouseCatchPlane.setVisible(false); scene.add(mouseCatchPlane); } private Object3D selectedDraggablekObject; private Object3D intersectedDraggablekObject; public void copyIntersectedPosition() { // intersectedDraggablekObject.updateMatrixWorld(true); mouseCatchPlane .getPosition() .copy(GWTThreeUtils.toPositionVec(intersectedDraggablekObject.getMatrixWorld())); } public Object3D getIntersectedDraggablekObject() { return intersectedDraggablekObject; } public void setIntersectedDraggablekObject(Object3D intersectedDraggablekObject) { this.intersectedDraggablekObject = intersectedDraggablekObject; copyIntersectedPosition(); } public Object3D getSelectedDraggablekObject() { return selectedDraggablekObject; } private Vector3 draggableOffset = THREE.Vector3(); public Vector3 getDraggableOffset() { return draggableOffset; } // target must be rayed /* *** sometime it error happend,check * double mouseMoved=(Math.abs(diffX)+Math.abs(diffY)); *double length=newPos.clone().subSelf(getCurrentIkData().getTargetPos()).length(); * if(length<mouseMoved*5){ */ public Vector3 moveSelectionPosition( int mouseX, int mouseY, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, Camera camera) { if (isSelected()) { try { Ray ray = projector.gwtCreateRay(mouseX, mouseY, screenWidth, screenHeight, camera); JsArray<Intersect> intersects = ray.intersectObject(mouseCatchPlane); Vector3 newPos = intersects.get(0).getPoint().subSelf(draggableOffset); log = "newPos-raw:" + ThreeLog.get(newPos); Vector3 parentPos = THREE.Vector3(); if (selectedDraggablekObject.getParent() != null) { // selectedDraggablekObject.getParent().updateMatrixWorld(true); //if call it bone moving // will be broken.i have no idea. parentPos = GWTThreeUtils.toPositionVec(selectedDraggablekObject.getParent().getMatrixWorld()); // LogUtils.log("parent:"+ThreeLog.get(parentPos)); log += "parentPos:" + ThreeLog.get(parentPos); } newPos.subSelf(parentPos); Matrix4 rotM = THREE.Matrix4(); Vector3 rotation = GWTThreeUtils.rotationToVector3( (selectedDraggablekObject.getParent().getMatrixWorld())); // rotM.getInverse(selectedDraggablekObject.getMatrixRotationWorld()); log += "parentRot:" + ThreeLog.get(GWTThreeUtils.radiantToDegree(rotation)); rotM.getInverse(GWTThreeUtils.rotationToMatrix4(rotation)); rotM.multiplyVector3(newPos); // Vector3 parentRotation=THREE.Vector3(); /* Object3D obj=selectedDraggablekObject; while(obj.getParent()!=null){ parentPos.addSelf(obj.getParent().getPosition()); parentRotation.addSelf(obj.getParent().getRotation()); obj=obj.getParent(); } LogUtils.log("parent-rot:"+ThreeLog.get(GWTThreeUtils.radiantToDegree(parentRotation))); */ // Matrix4 mx=GWTThreeUtils.rotationToMatrix4(parentRotation); // mx.multiplyVector3(parentPos); /* log("m:"+ThreeLog.get(selectedDraggablekObject.getPosition())); log("m:"+ThreeLog.get(GWTThreeUtils.toPositionVec(selectedDraggablekObject.getMatrix()))); log("mw:"+ThreeLog.get(GWTThreeUtils.toPositionVec(selectedDraggablekObject.getMatrixWorld()))); */ // must be same as selectedDraggablekObject return newPos; } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.log("moveSelectionPosition:" + e.getMessage()); return null; } } else { return null; } } private String log; public String getLog() { return log; } public void selectObject( Object3D target, int mouseX, int mouseY, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, Camera camera) { try { selectedDraggablekObject = target; Ray ray = projector.gwtCreateRay(mouseX, mouseY, screenWidth, screenHeight, camera); // ig dry every thing dont work // Vector3 // rotation=GWTThreeUtils.rotationToVector3((selectedDraggablekObject.getMatrixWorld())); // mouseClickCatcher.getRotation().copy(rotation); selectedDraggablekObject.updateMatrixWorld(true); mouseCatchPlane .getPosition() .copy(GWTThreeUtils.toPositionVec(selectedDraggablekObject.getMatrixWorld())); mouseCatchPlane.updateMatrixWorld(true); // very important JsArray<Intersect> pintersects = ray.intersectObject(mouseCatchPlane); draggableOffset.copy(pintersects.get(0).getPoint()).subSelf(mouseCatchPlane.getPosition()); /* * make a problem? if(draggableOffset.getX()<0.0001){ draggableOffset.setX(0); } if(draggableOffset.getY()<0.0001){ draggableOffset.setY(0); } if(draggableOffset.getZ()<0.0001){ draggableOffset.setZ(0); } */ } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.log("selectObject:" + e.getMessage()); selectedDraggablekObject = null; } // LogUtils.log("offset:"+ThreeLog.get(draggableOffset)); } public void unselectObject() { if (selectedDraggablekObject != null) { selectedDraggablekObject = null; } } public boolean isSelected() { return selectedDraggablekObject != null; } }