public int employeeCount(Connection con, Employee employee, String bbirthday, String ebirthday) throws Exception { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "select count(*) as total from t_employee s,t_department g where s.departmentId=g.departmentId"); if (employee != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(employee.getEmployeeNo())) { sb.append(" and s.employeeNo like '%" + employee.getEmployeeNo() + "%'"); } if (employee != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(employee.getName())) { sb.append(" and like '%" + employee.getName() + "%'"); } if (employee != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(employee.getSex())) { sb.append(" and = '" + employee.getSex() + "'"); } if (employee != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(employee.getNationality())) { sb.append(" and s.nationality like '%" + employee.getNationality() + "%'"); } if (employee != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(employee.getEducation())) { sb.append(" and like '%" + employee.getEducation() + "%'"); } if (employee != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(employee.getPosition())) { sb.append(" and s.position like '%" + employee.getPosition() + "%'"); } if (employee != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(employee.getEducation())) { sb.append(" and like '%" + employee.getEducation() + "%'"); } if (employee.getDepartmentId() != -1) { sb.append(" and s.departmentId ='" + employee.getDepartmentId() + "'"); } if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(bbirthday)) { sb.append(" and TO_DAYS(s.birthday)>=TO_DAYS('" + bbirthday + "')"); } if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(ebirthday)) { sb.append(" and TO_DAYS(s.birthday)<=TO_DAYS('" + ebirthday + "')"); } PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sb.toString()); ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { return rs.getInt("total"); } else { return 0; } }
public ResultSet employeeList( Connection con, PageBean pageBean, Employee employee, String bbirthday, String ebirthday) throws Exception { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "select * from t_employee s,t_department g where s.departmentId=g.departmentId"); if (employee != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(employee.getEmployeeNo())) { sb.append(" and s.employeeNo like '%" + employee.getEmployeeNo() + "%'"); } if (employee != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(employee.getName())) { sb.append(" and like '%" + employee.getName() + "%'"); } if (employee != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(employee.getSex())) { sb.append(" and = '" + employee.getSex() + "'"); } if (employee != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(employee.getNationality())) { sb.append(" and s.nationality like '%" + employee.getNationality() + "%'"); } if (employee != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(employee.getEducation())) { sb.append(" and like '%" + employee.getEducation() + "%'"); } if (employee != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(employee.getPosition())) { sb.append(" and s.position like '%" + employee.getPosition() + "%'"); } if (employee != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(employee.getEducation())) { sb.append(" and like '%" + employee.getEducation() + "%'"); } if (employee.getDepartmentId() != -1) { sb.append(" and s.departmentId ='" + employee.getDepartmentId() + "'"); } if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(bbirthday)) { sb.append(" and TO_DAYS(s.birthday)>=TO_DAYS('" + bbirthday + "')"); } if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(ebirthday)) { sb.append(" and TO_DAYS(s.birthday)<=TO_DAYS('" + ebirthday + "')"); } if (pageBean != null) { sb.append(" limit " + pageBean.getStart() + "," + pageBean.getRows()); } PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sb.toString()); return pstmt.executeQuery(); }