@POST @Produces("application/json") public EventResponse addEvent(String body) { EventQuery query = null; try { query = gson.fromJson(body, EventQuery.class); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new EventResponse(2, "Invalid EventQuery Object", null); } if (query == null) { return new EventResponse(2, "Invalid EventQuery Object", null); } // CHECK THE TOKEN AUGHHH boolean eve; try { eve = eventService.addNewEvent(query.getEvent()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new EventResponse(3, "FAILURE", null); } // Re-work event response - maybe make it an interface // SUCKSS UGH LIFE if (eve) { return new EventResponse(0, "OK", null); } else { return new EventResponse(4, "Failed to create object...somehow...", null); } }
@GET @Produces("application/json") public EventResponse getEvents() { Map<Integer, List<EventSummary>> toRet; try { toRet = eventService.getEvents(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new EventResponse(1, "FAILURE", null); } return new EventResponse(0, "OK", toRet); }