private boolean initialize(String user) throws IOException { if (initDone == false) { tm.registerMessageHandler(this, 0, 255); PacketServiceRequest sr = new PacketServiceRequest("ssh-userauth"); tm.sendMessage(sr.getPayload()); byte[] msg = getNextMessage(); new PacketServiceAccept(msg, 0, msg.length); PacketUserauthRequestNone urn = new PacketUserauthRequestNone("ssh-connection", user); tm.sendMessage(urn.getPayload()); msg = getNextMessage(); initDone = true; if (msg[0] == Packets.SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS) { authenticated = true; tm.removeMessageHandler(this, 0, 255); return true; } if (msg[0] == Packets.SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE) { PacketUserauthFailure puf = new PacketUserauthFailure(msg, 0, msg.length); remainingMethods = puf.getAuthThatCanContinue(); isPartialSuccess = puf.isPartialSuccess(); return false; } throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH message (type " + msg[0] + ")"); } return authenticated; }
public void requestSubSystem(Channel c, String subSystemName) throws IOException { PacketSessionSubsystemRequest ssr; synchronized (c) { if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) throw new IOException( "Cannot request subsystem on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); ssr = new PacketSessionSubsystemRequest(c.remoteID, true, subSystemName); c.successCounter = c.failedCounter = 0; } synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { if (c.closeMessageSent) throw new IOException( "Cannot request subsystem on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); tm.sendMessage(ssr.getPayload()); } try { waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(c); } catch (IOException e) { throw (IOException) new IOException("The subsystem request failed.").initCause(e); } }
public void requestCancelGlobalForward(int bindPort) throws IOException { RemoteForwardingData rfd = null; synchronized (remoteForwardings) { rfd = remoteForwardings.get(new Integer(bindPort)); if (rfd == null) throw new IOException( "Sorry, there is no known remote forwarding for remote port " + bindPort); } synchronized (channels) { globalSuccessCounter = globalFailedCounter = 0; } PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest pgcf = new PacketGlobalCancelForwardRequest(true, rfd.bindAddress, rfd.bindPort); tm.sendMessage(pgcf.getPayload()); log.debug( "Requesting cancelation of remote forward ('" + rfd.bindAddress + "', " + rfd.bindPort + ")"); waitForGlobalSuccessOrFailure(); /* Only now we are sure that no more forwarded connections will arrive */ synchronized (remoteForwardings) { remoteForwardings.remove(rfd); } }
public Channel openDirectTCPIPChannel( String host_to_connect, int port_to_connect, String originator_IP_address, int originator_port) throws IOException { Channel c = new Channel(this); synchronized (c) { c.localID = addChannel(c); // end of synchronized block forces writing out to main memory } PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel dtc = new PacketOpenDirectTCPIPChannel( c.localID, c.localWindow, c.localMaxPacketSize, host_to_connect, port_to_connect, originator_IP_address, originator_port); tm.sendMessage(dtc.getPayload()); waitUntilChannelOpen(c); return c; }
public void closeChannel(Channel c, String reason, boolean force) throws IOException { byte msg[] = new byte[5]; synchronized (c) { if (force) { c.state = Channel.STATE_CLOSED; c.EOF = true; } c.setReasonClosed(reason); msg[0] = Packets.SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE; msg[1] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 24); msg[2] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 16); msg[3] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 8); msg[4] = (byte) (c.remoteID); c.notifyAll(); } synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { if (c.closeMessageSent == true) return; tm.sendMessage(msg); c.closeMessageSent = true; } log.debug("Sent SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE (channel " + c.localID + ")"); }
/** * @param charsetName The charset used to convert between Java Unicode Strings and byte encodings */ public void requestExecCommand(Channel c, String cmd, String charsetName) throws IOException { PacketSessionExecCommand sm; synchronized (c) { if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) throw new IOException( "Cannot execute command on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); sm = new PacketSessionExecCommand(c.remoteID, true, cmd); c.successCounter = c.failedCounter = 0; } synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { if (c.closeMessageSent) throw new IOException( "Cannot execute command on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); tm.sendMessage(sm.getPayload(charsetName)); } log.debug("Executing command (channel " + c.localID + ", '" + cmd + "')"); try { waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(c); } catch (IOException e) { throw (IOException) new IOException("The execute request failed.").initCause(e); } }
public boolean authenticateNone(String user) throws IOException { try { initialize(user); return authenticated; } catch (IOException e) { tm.close(e, false); throw (IOException) new IOException("None authentication failed.").initCause(e); } }
public boolean authenticatePassword(String user, String pass) throws IOException { try { initialize(user); if (methodPossible("password") == false) throw new IOException( "Authentication method password not supported by the server at this stage."); PacketUserauthRequestPassword ua = new PacketUserauthRequestPassword("ssh-connection", user, pass); tm.sendMessage(ua.getPayload()); byte[] ar = getNextMessage(); if (ar[0] == Packets.SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS) { authenticated = true; tm.removeMessageHandler(this, 0, 255); return true; } if (ar[0] == Packets.SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE) { PacketUserauthFailure puf = new PacketUserauthFailure(ar, 0, ar.length); remainingMethods = puf.getAuthThatCanContinue(); isPartialSuccess = puf.isPartialSuccess(); return false; } throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH message (type " + ar[0] + ")"); } catch (IOException e) { tm.close(e, false); throw (IOException) new IOException("Password authentication failed.").initCause(e); } }
public Channel openSessionChannel() throws IOException { Channel c = new Channel(this); synchronized (c) { c.localID = addChannel(c); // end of synchronized block forces the writing out to main memory } log.debug("Sending SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN (Channel " + c.localID + ")"); PacketOpenSessionChannel smo = new PacketOpenSessionChannel(c.localID, c.localWindow, c.localMaxPacketSize); tm.sendMessage(smo.getPayload()); waitUntilChannelOpen(c); return c; }
public void sendOpenConfirmation(Channel c) throws IOException { PacketChannelOpenConfirmation pcoc = null; synchronized (c) { if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPENING) return; c.state = Channel.STATE_OPEN; pcoc = new PacketChannelOpenConfirmation( c.remoteID, c.localID, c.localWindow, c.localMaxPacketSize); } synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { if (c.closeMessageSent == true) return; tm.sendMessage(pcoc.getPayload()); } }
byte[] deQueue() throws IOException { synchronized (packets) { while (packets.size() == 0) { if (connectionClosed) throw (IOException) new IOException("The connection is closed.").initCause(tm.getReasonClosedCause()); try { packets.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ign) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } /* This sequence works with J2ME */ byte[] res = (byte[]) packets.firstElement(); packets.removeElementAt(0); return res; } }
public void sendEOF(Channel c) throws IOException { byte[] msg = new byte[5]; synchronized (c) { if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) return; msg[0] = Packets.SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF; msg[1] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 24); msg[2] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 16); msg[3] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 8); msg[4] = (byte) (c.remoteID); } synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { if (c.closeMessageSent == true) return; tm.sendMessage(msg); } log.debug("Sent EOF (Channel " + c.localID + "/" + c.remoteID + ")"); }
public void msgGlobalRequest(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException { /* Currently we do not support any kind of global request */ TypesReader tr = new TypesReader(msg, 0, msglen); tr.readByte(); // skip packet type String requestName = tr.readString(); boolean wantReply = tr.readBoolean(); if (wantReply) { byte[] reply_failure = new byte[1]; reply_failure[0] = Packets.SSH_MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE; tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(reply_failure); } /* We do not clean up the requestName String - that is OK for debug */ log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST (" + requestName + ")"); }
public void requestPTY( Channel c, String term, int term_width_characters, int term_height_characters, int term_width_pixels, int term_height_pixels, byte[] terminal_modes) throws IOException { PacketSessionPtyRequest spr; synchronized (c) { if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) throw new IOException("Cannot request PTY on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); spr = new PacketSessionPtyRequest( c.remoteID, true, term, term_width_characters, term_height_characters, term_width_pixels, term_height_pixels, terminal_modes); c.successCounter = c.failedCounter = 0; } synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { if (c.closeMessageSent) throw new IOException("Cannot request PTY on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); tm.sendMessage(spr.getPayload()); } try { waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(c); } catch (IOException e) { throw (IOException) new IOException("PTY request failed").initCause(e); } }
public int requestGlobalForward( String bindAddress, int bindPort, String targetAddress, int targetPort) throws IOException { RemoteForwardingData rfd = new RemoteForwardingData(); rfd.bindAddress = bindAddress; rfd.bindPort = bindPort; rfd.targetAddress = targetAddress; rfd.targetPort = targetPort; synchronized (remoteForwardings) { Integer key = new Integer(bindPort); if (remoteForwardings.get(key) != null) { throw new IOException("There is already a forwarding for remote port " + bindPort); } remoteForwardings.put(key, rfd); } synchronized (channels) { globalSuccessCounter = globalFailedCounter = 0; } PacketGlobalForwardRequest pgf = new PacketGlobalForwardRequest(true, bindAddress, bindPort); tm.sendMessage(pgf.getPayload()); log.debug("Requesting a remote forwarding ('" + bindAddress + "', " + bindPort + ")"); try { waitForGlobalSuccessOrFailure(); } catch (IOException e) { synchronized (remoteForwardings) { remoteForwardings.remove(rfd); } throw e; } return bindPort; }
public void requestX11( Channel c, boolean singleConnection, String x11AuthenticationProtocol, String x11AuthenticationCookie, int x11ScreenNumber) throws IOException { PacketSessionX11Request psr; synchronized (c) { if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) throw new IOException("Cannot request X11 on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); psr = new PacketSessionX11Request( c.remoteID, true, singleConnection, x11AuthenticationProtocol, x11AuthenticationCookie, x11ScreenNumber); c.successCounter = c.failedCounter = 0; } synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { if (c.closeMessageSent) throw new IOException("Cannot request X11 on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); tm.sendMessage(psr.getPayload()); } log.debug("Requesting X11 forwarding (Channel " + c.localID + "/" + c.remoteID + ")"); try { waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(c); } catch (IOException e) { throw (IOException) new IOException("The X11 request failed.").initCause(e); } }
public void requestShell(Channel c) throws IOException { PacketSessionStartShell sm; synchronized (c) { if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) throw new IOException("Cannot start shell on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); sm = new PacketSessionStartShell(c.remoteID, true); c.successCounter = c.failedCounter = 0; } synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { if (c.closeMessageSent) throw new IOException("Cannot start shell on this channel (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); tm.sendMessage(sm.getPayload()); } try { waitForChannelSuccessOrFailure(c); } catch (IOException e) { throw (IOException) new IOException("The shell request failed.").initCause(e); } }
public void msgChannelRequest(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException { TypesReader tr = new TypesReader(msg, 0, msglen); tr.readByte(); // skip packet type int id = tr.readUINT32(); Channel c = getChannel(id); if (c == null) throw new IOException( "Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message for non-existent channel " + id); String type = tr.readString("US-ASCII"); boolean wantReply = tr.readBoolean(); log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST (channel " + id + ", '" + type + "')"); if (type.equals("exit-status")) { if (wantReply != false) throw new IOException( "Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message, 'want reply' is true"); int exit_status = tr.readUINT32(); if (tr.remain() != 0) throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message"); synchronized (c) { c.exit_status = new Integer(exit_status); c.notifyAll(); } log.debug("Got EXIT STATUS (channel " + id + ", status " + exit_status + ")"); return; } if (type.equals("exit-signal")) { if (wantReply != false) throw new IOException( "Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message, 'want reply' is true"); String signame = tr.readString("US-ASCII"); tr.readBoolean(); tr.readString(); tr.readString(); if (tr.remain() != 0) throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message"); synchronized (c) { c.exit_signal = signame; c.notifyAll(); } log.debug("Got EXIT SIGNAL (channel " + id + ", signal " + signame + ")"); return; } /* We simply ignore unknown channel requests, however, if the server wants a reply, * then we signal that we have no idea what it is about. */ if (wantReply) { byte[] reply = new byte[5]; reply[0] = Packets.SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE; reply[1] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 24); reply[2] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 16); reply[3] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 8); reply[4] = (byte) (c.remoteID); tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(reply); } log.debug("Channel request '" + type + "' is not known, ignoring it"); }
public boolean authenticateInteractive(String user, String[] submethods, InteractiveCallback cb) throws IOException { try { initialize(user); if (methodPossible("keyboard-interactive") == false) throw new IOException( "Authentication method keyboard-interactive not supported by the server at this stage."); if (submethods == null) submethods = new String[0]; PacketUserauthRequestInteractive ua = new PacketUserauthRequestInteractive("ssh-connection", user, submethods); tm.sendMessage(ua.getPayload()); while (true) { byte[] ar = getNextMessage(); if (ar[0] == Packets.SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS) { authenticated = true; tm.removeMessageHandler(this, 0, 255); return true; } if (ar[0] == Packets.SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE) { PacketUserauthFailure puf = new PacketUserauthFailure(ar, 0, ar.length); remainingMethods = puf.getAuthThatCanContinue(); isPartialSuccess = puf.isPartialSuccess(); return false; } if (ar[0] == Packets.SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST) { PacketUserauthInfoRequest pui = new PacketUserauthInfoRequest(ar, 0, ar.length); String[] responses; try { responses = cb.replyToChallenge( pui.getName(), pui.getInstruction(), pui.getNumPrompts(), pui.getPrompt(), pui.getEcho()); } catch (Exception e) { throw (IOException) new IOException("Exception in callback.").initCause(e); } if (responses == null) throw new IOException("Your callback may not return NULL!"); PacketUserauthInfoResponse puir = new PacketUserauthInfoResponse(responses); tm.sendMessage(puir.getPayload()); continue; } throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH message (type " + ar[0] + ")"); } } catch (IOException e) { tm.close(e, false); throw (IOException) new IOException("Keyboard-interactive authentication failed.").initCause(e); } }
public void msgChannelRequest(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException { TypesReader tr = new TypesReader(msg, 0, msglen); tr.readByte(); // skip packet type int id = tr.readUINT32(); Channel c = getChannel(id); if (c == null) throw new IOException( "Unexpected SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message for non-existent channel " + id); ServerSessionImpl server_session = null; if (server_state != null) { synchronized (c) { server_session =; } } String type = tr.readString("US-ASCII"); boolean wantReply = tr.readBoolean(); log.debug("Got SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST (channel " + id + ", '" + type + "')"); if (type.equals("exit-status")) { if (wantReply != false) throw new IOException( "Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST exit-status message, 'want reply' is true"); int exit_status = tr.readUINT32(); if (tr.remain() != 0) throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message"); synchronized (c) { c.exit_status = new Integer(exit_status); c.notifyAll(); } log.debug("Got EXIT STATUS (channel " + id + ", status " + exit_status + ")"); return; } if ((server_state == null) && (type.equals("exit-signal"))) { if (wantReply != false) throw new IOException( "Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST exit-signal message, 'want reply' is true"); String signame = tr.readString("US-ASCII"); tr.readBoolean(); tr.readString(); tr.readString(); if (tr.remain() != 0) throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message"); synchronized (c) { c.exit_signal = signame; c.notifyAll(); } log.debug("Got EXIT SIGNAL (channel " + id + ", signal " + signame + ")"); return; } if ((server_session != null) && (type.equals("pty-req"))) { PtySettings pty = new PtySettings(); pty.term = tr.readString(); pty.term_width_characters = tr.readUINT32(); pty.term_height_characters = tr.readUINT32(); pty.term_width_pixels = tr.readUINT32(); pty.term_height_pixels = tr.readUINT32(); pty.terminal_modes = tr.readByteString(); if (tr.remain() != 0) throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message"); Runnable run_after_sending_success = null; ServerSessionCallback sscb = server_session.getServerSessionCallback(); if (sscb != null) run_after_sending_success = sscb.requestPtyReq(server_session, pty); if (wantReply) { if (run_after_sending_success != null) { tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(new PacketChannelSuccess(c.remoteID).getPayload()); } else { tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(new PacketChannelFailure(c.remoteID).getPayload()); } } if (run_after_sending_success != null) { runAsync(run_after_sending_success); } return; } if ((server_session != null) && (type.equals("shell"))) { if (tr.remain() != 0) throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message"); Runnable run_after_sending_success = null; ServerSessionCallback sscb = server_session.getServerSessionCallback(); if (sscb != null) run_after_sending_success = sscb.requestShell(server_session); if (wantReply) { if (run_after_sending_success != null) { tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(new PacketChannelSuccess(c.remoteID).getPayload()); } else { tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(new PacketChannelFailure(c.remoteID).getPayload()); } } if (run_after_sending_success != null) { runAsync(run_after_sending_success); } return; } if ((server_session != null) && (type.equals("exec"))) { String command = tr.readString(); if (tr.remain() != 0) throw new IOException("Badly formatted SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message"); Runnable run_after_sending_success = null; ServerSessionCallback sscb = server_session.getServerSessionCallback(); if (sscb != null) run_after_sending_success = sscb.requestExec(server_session, command); if (wantReply) { if (run_after_sending_success != null) { tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(new PacketChannelSuccess(c.remoteID).getPayload()); } else { tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(new PacketChannelFailure(c.remoteID).getPayload()); } } if (run_after_sending_success != null) { runAsync(run_after_sending_success); } return; } /* We simply ignore unknown channel requests, however, if the server wants a reply, * then we signal that we have no idea what it is about. */ if (wantReply) { tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(new PacketChannelFailure(c.remoteID).getPayload()); } log.debug("Channel request '" + type + "' is not known, ignoring it"); }
public void sendData(Channel c, byte[] buffer, int pos, int len) throws IOException { boolean wasInterrupted = false; try { while (len > 0) { int thislen = 0; byte[] msg; synchronized (c) { while (true) { if (c.state == Channel.STATE_CLOSED) throw new ChannelClosedException( "SSH channel is closed. (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) throw new ChannelClosedException("SSH channel in strange state. (" + c.state + ")"); if (c.remoteWindow != 0) break; try { c.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { wasInterrupted = true; } } /* len > 0, no sign extension can happen when comparing */ thislen = (c.remoteWindow >= len) ? len : (int) c.remoteWindow; int estimatedMaxDataLen = c.remoteMaxPacketSize - (tm.getPacketOverheadEstimate() + 9); /* The worst case scenario =) a true bottleneck */ if (estimatedMaxDataLen <= 0) { estimatedMaxDataLen = 1; } if (thislen > estimatedMaxDataLen) thislen = estimatedMaxDataLen; c.remoteWindow -= thislen; msg = new byte[1 + 8 + thislen]; msg[0] = Packets.SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA; msg[1] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 24); msg[2] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 16); msg[3] = (byte) (c.remoteID >> 8); msg[4] = (byte) (c.remoteID); msg[5] = (byte) (thislen >> 24); msg[6] = (byte) (thislen >> 16); msg[7] = (byte) (thislen >> 8); msg[8] = (byte) (thislen); System.arraycopy(buffer, pos, msg, 9, thislen); } synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { if (c.closeMessageSent == true) throw new ChannelClosedException( "SSH channel is closed. (" + c.getReasonClosed() + ")"); tm.sendMessage(msg); } pos += thislen; len -= thislen; } } finally { if (wasInterrupted) Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } }
public boolean authenticatePublicKey( String user, char[] PEMPrivateKey, String password, SecureRandom rnd) throws IOException { try { initialize(user); if (methodPossible("publickey") == false) throw new IOException( "Authentication method publickey not supported by the server at this stage."); Object key = PEMDecoder.decode(PEMPrivateKey, password); if (key instanceof DSAPrivateKey) { DSAPrivateKey pk = (DSAPrivateKey) key; byte[] pk_enc = DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSAPublicKey(pk.getPublicKey()); TypesWriter tw = new TypesWriter(); byte[] H = tm.getSessionIdentifier(); tw.writeString(H, 0, H.length); tw.writeByte(Packets.SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST); tw.writeString(user); tw.writeString("ssh-connection"); tw.writeString("publickey"); tw.writeBoolean(true); tw.writeString("ssh-dss"); tw.writeString(pk_enc, 0, pk_enc.length); byte[] msg = tw.getBytes(); DSASignature ds = DSASHA1Verify.generateSignature(msg, pk, rnd); byte[] ds_enc = DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSASignature(ds); PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey ua = new PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey("ssh-connection", user, "ssh-dss", pk_enc, ds_enc); tm.sendMessage(ua.getPayload()); } else if (key instanceof RSAPrivateKey) { RSAPrivateKey pk = (RSAPrivateKey) key; byte[] pk_enc = RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSAPublicKey(pk.getPublicKey()); TypesWriter tw = new TypesWriter(); { byte[] H = tm.getSessionIdentifier(); tw.writeString(H, 0, H.length); tw.writeByte(Packets.SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST); tw.writeString(user); tw.writeString("ssh-connection"); tw.writeString("publickey"); tw.writeBoolean(true); tw.writeString("ssh-rsa"); tw.writeString(pk_enc, 0, pk_enc.length); } byte[] msg = tw.getBytes(); RSASignature ds = RSASHA1Verify.generateSignature(msg, pk); byte[] rsa_sig_enc = RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSASignature(ds); PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey ua = new PacketUserauthRequestPublicKey( "ssh-connection", user, "ssh-rsa", pk_enc, rsa_sig_enc); tm.sendMessage(ua.getPayload()); } else { throw new IOException("Unknown private key type returned by the PEM decoder."); } byte[] ar = getNextMessage(); if (ar[0] == Packets.SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS) { authenticated = true; tm.removeMessageHandler(this, 0, 255); return true; } if (ar[0] == Packets.SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE) { PacketUserauthFailure puf = new PacketUserauthFailure(ar, 0, ar.length); remainingMethods = puf.getAuthThatCanContinue(); isPartialSuccess = puf.isPartialSuccess(); return false; } throw new IOException("Unexpected SSH message (type " + ar[0] + ")"); } catch (IOException e) { tm.close(e, false); throw (IOException) new IOException("Publickey authentication failed.").initCause(e); } }
public void msgChannelOpen(byte[] msg, int msglen) throws IOException { TypesReader tr = new TypesReader(msg, 0, msglen); tr.readByte(); // skip packet type String channelType = tr.readString(); int remoteID = tr.readUINT32(); /* sender channel */ int remoteWindow = tr.readUINT32(); /* initial window size */ int remoteMaxPacketSize = tr.readUINT32(); /* maximum packet size */ if ("x11".equals(channelType)) { synchronized (x11_magic_cookies) { /* If we did not request X11 forwarding, then simply ignore this bogus request. */ if (x11_magic_cookies.size() == 0) { PacketChannelOpenFailure pcof = new PacketChannelOpenFailure( remoteID, Packets.SSH_OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, "X11 forwarding not activated", ""); tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(pcof.getPayload()); log.warning("Unexpected X11 request, denying it!"); return; } } String remoteOriginatorAddress = tr.readString(); int remoteOriginatorPort = tr.readUINT32(); Channel c = new Channel(this); synchronized (c) { c.remoteID = remoteID; c.remoteWindow = remoteWindow & 0xFFFFffffL; /* properly convert UINT32 to long */ c.remoteMaxPacketSize = remoteMaxPacketSize; c.localID = addChannel(c); } /* * The open confirmation message will be sent from another thread */ RemoteX11AcceptThread rxat = new RemoteX11AcceptThread(c, remoteOriginatorAddress, remoteOriginatorPort); rxat.setDaemon(true); rxat.start(); return; } if ("forwarded-tcpip".equals(channelType)) { String remoteConnectedAddress = tr.readString(); /* address that was connected */ int remoteConnectedPort = tr.readUINT32(); /* port that was connected */ String remoteOriginatorAddress = tr.readString(); /* originator IP address */ int remoteOriginatorPort = tr.readUINT32(); /* originator port */ RemoteForwardingData rfd = null; synchronized (remoteForwardings) { rfd = remoteForwardings.get(new Integer(remoteConnectedPort)); } if (rfd == null) { PacketChannelOpenFailure pcof = new PacketChannelOpenFailure( remoteID, Packets.SSH_OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, "No thanks, unknown port in forwarded-tcpip request", ""); /* Always try to be polite. */ tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(pcof.getPayload()); log.debug("Unexpected forwarded-tcpip request, denying it!"); return; } Channel c = new Channel(this); synchronized (c) { c.remoteID = remoteID; c.remoteWindow = remoteWindow & 0xFFFFffffL; /* convert UINT32 to long */ c.remoteMaxPacketSize = remoteMaxPacketSize; c.localID = addChannel(c); } /* * The open confirmation message will be sent from another thread. */ RemoteAcceptThread rat = new RemoteAcceptThread( c, remoteConnectedAddress, remoteConnectedPort, remoteOriginatorAddress, remoteOriginatorPort, rfd.targetAddress, rfd.targetPort); rat.setDaemon(true); rat.start(); return; } if ((server_state != null) && ("session".equals(channelType))) { ServerConnectionCallback cb = null; synchronized (server_state) { cb = server_state.cb_conn; } if (cb == null) { tm.sendAsynchronousMessage( new PacketChannelOpenFailure( remoteID, Packets.SSH_OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, "Sessions are currently not enabled", "en") .getPayload()); return; } final Channel c = new Channel(this); synchronized (c) { c.remoteID = remoteID; c.remoteWindow = remoteWindow & 0xFFFFffffL; /* convert UINT32 to long */ c.remoteMaxPacketSize = remoteMaxPacketSize; c.localID = addChannel(c); c.state = Channel.STATE_OPEN; = new ServerSessionImpl(c); } PacketChannelOpenConfirmation pcoc = new PacketChannelOpenConfirmation( c.remoteID, c.localID, c.localWindow, c.localMaxPacketSize); tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(pcoc.getPayload()); = cb.acceptSession(; return; } /* Tell the server that we have no idea what it is talking about */ PacketChannelOpenFailure pcof = new PacketChannelOpenFailure( remoteID, Packets.SSH_OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE, "Unknown channel type", ""); tm.sendAsynchronousMessage(pcof.getPayload()); log.warning("The peer tried to open an unsupported channel type (" + channelType + ")"); }
public int getChannelData(Channel c, boolean extended, byte[] target, int off, int len) throws IOException { boolean wasInterrupted = false; try { int copylen = 0; int increment = 0; int remoteID = 0; int localID = 0; synchronized (c) { int stdoutAvail = 0; int stderrAvail = 0; while (true) { /* * Data available? We have to return remaining data even if the * channel is already closed. */ stdoutAvail = c.stdoutWritepos - c.stdoutReadpos; stderrAvail = c.stderrWritepos - c.stderrReadpos; if ((!extended) && (stdoutAvail != 0)) break; if ((extended) && (stderrAvail != 0)) break; /* Do not wait if more data will never arrive (EOF or CLOSED) */ if ((c.EOF) || (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN)) return -1; try { c.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { wasInterrupted = true; } } /* OK, there is some data. Return it. */ if (!extended) { copylen = (stdoutAvail > len) ? len : stdoutAvail; System.arraycopy(c.stdoutBuffer, c.stdoutReadpos, target, off, copylen); c.stdoutReadpos += copylen; if (c.stdoutReadpos != c.stdoutWritepos) System.arraycopy( c.stdoutBuffer, c.stdoutReadpos, c.stdoutBuffer, 0, c.stdoutWritepos - c.stdoutReadpos); c.stdoutWritepos -= c.stdoutReadpos; c.stdoutReadpos = 0; } else { copylen = (stderrAvail > len) ? len : stderrAvail; System.arraycopy(c.stderrBuffer, c.stderrReadpos, target, off, copylen); c.stderrReadpos += copylen; if (c.stderrReadpos != c.stderrWritepos) System.arraycopy( c.stderrBuffer, c.stderrReadpos, c.stderrBuffer, 0, c.stderrWritepos - c.stderrReadpos); c.stderrWritepos -= c.stderrReadpos; c.stderrReadpos = 0; } if (c.state != Channel.STATE_OPEN) return copylen; if (c.localWindow < ((Channel.CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE + 1) / 2)) { int minFreeSpace = Math.min( Channel.CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE - c.stdoutWritepos, Channel.CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE - c.stderrWritepos); increment = minFreeSpace - c.localWindow; c.localWindow = minFreeSpace; } remoteID = c.remoteID; /* read while holding the lock */ localID = c.localID; /* read while holding the lock */ } /* * If a consumer reads stdout and stdin in parallel, we may end up with * sending two msgWindowAdjust messages. Luckily, it * does not matter in which order they arrive at the server. */ if (increment > 0) { log.debug( "Sending SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST (channel " + localID + ", " + increment + ")"); synchronized (c.channelSendLock) { byte[] msg = c.msgWindowAdjust; msg[0] = Packets.SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST; msg[1] = (byte) (remoteID >> 24); msg[2] = (byte) (remoteID >> 16); msg[3] = (byte) (remoteID >> 8); msg[4] = (byte) (remoteID); msg[5] = (byte) (increment >> 24); msg[6] = (byte) (increment >> 16); msg[7] = (byte) (increment >> 8); msg[8] = (byte) (increment); if (c.closeMessageSent == false) tm.sendMessage(msg); } } return copylen; } finally { if (wasInterrupted) Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } }
/** * Constructor for server-mode. * * @param state */ public ChannelManager(ServerConnectionState state) { this.server_state = state; =; tm.registerMessageHandler(this, 80, 100); }
/** * Constructor for client-mode. * * @param tm */ public ChannelManager(TransportManager tm) { this.server_state = null; = tm; tm.registerMessageHandler(this, 80, 100); }