private void publishHeartbeats() { try { Map<MessageDestination, OutputQueue> neighbors = m_BrokerCore.getOverlayManager().getORT().getBrokerQueues(); synchronized (neighbors) { for (MessageDestination md : neighbors.keySet()) { String brokerID = md.getDestinationID(); // create and set a timer event for the heartbeat request TimerEvent event = new TimerEvent(this, m_HeartbeatTimeout, HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_TIMER); event.setAttachment(brokerID); int handle = m_TimerThread.setTimer(event); // publish the heartbeat request String pubStr = "[class," + HeartbeatSubscriber.MESSAGE_CLASS + "]," + "[brokerID,'" + brokerID + "']," + "[fromID,'" + m_BrokerCore.getBrokerID() + "']," + "[type,'HEARTBEAT_REQ']," + "[handle,'" + handle + "']"; Publication pub = MessageFactory.createPublicationFromString(pubStr); PublicationMessage pubMsg = new PublicationMessage( pub, m_BrokerCore.getNewMessageID(), MessageDestination.HEARTBEAT_MANAGER); "Broker " + m_BrokerCore.getBrokerID() + " is sending heartbeat REQ to broker " + brokerID + " with handle " + handle); m_BrokerCore.routeMessage(pubMsg, MessageDestination.INPUTQUEUE); // add by shuang for testing currentHandle = handle; } } } catch (ParseException e) { heartbeatLogger.error(e.getMessage()); exceptionLogger.error(e.getMessage()); } }
public void run() { synchronized (started_lock) { m_TimerThread = m_BrokerCore.getTimerThread(); // advertise that we will be publishing heartbeat related messages advertiseHeartbeat(); advertiseFailureDetected(); // set the initial heartbeat timer m_TimerThread.setTimer(new TimerEvent(this, m_HeartbeatInterval, HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_TIMER)); // wake up threads waiting for HeartbeatPublisher to start started = true; started_lock.notifyAll(); } while (started) { try { sleep(DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } if (!started) break; synchronized (this) { // check if neighbor list changed if (m_NeighborListChanged) { // TODO: process changed neighbor list m_NeighborListChanged = false; } // check for expired events while (m_ReturnedEventsQ != null) { TimerEvent event = m_ReturnedEventsQ; // process the event if (event.getStatus() == TimerEvent.TIMER_STATUS_EXPIRED) { if (event.getType() == HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_TIMER) { // send the next batch of heartbeats if (m_PublishHeartbeats) publishHeartbeats(); // reset the interval timer m_TimerThread.setTimer( new TimerEvent(this, m_HeartbeatInterval, HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_TIMER)); } else if (event.getType() == HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_TIMER) { "Broker " + event.getAttachment() + " did not reply to a heartbeat"); // get the name of the offending broker String broker = (String) event.getAttachment(); // a broker heartbeat timed out, increment the fail count Map<MessageDestination, OutputQueue> neighbors1 = m_BrokerCore.getOverlayManager().getORT().getBrokerQueues(); synchronized (neighbors1) { for (MessageDestination md : neighbors1.keySet()) { if (md.getDestinationID().equals(broker)) { int failCount = md.incrementFailCount(); if (failCount >= m_FailureThreshold) { publishFailureDetected(broker); break; } } } } } } m_ReturnedEventsQ = event.getNext(); } } } }