   * Caches a block of code, returning a handle that can be passed to runCachedBlock().
   * @param id An identifier. If null, a unique identifier is generated
   * @param code The code
   * @param namespace If true, the namespace will be set
   * @return Description of the Return Value
   * @exception Exception instances are thrown when various BeanShell errors occur
   * @since jEdit 4.1pre1
  public BshMethod cacheBlock(String id, String code, boolean namespace) throws Exception {
    String name = "__internal_" + id;

    // evaluate a method declaration
    if (namespace) {
      _eval(global, name + "(ns) {\nthis.callstack.set(0,ns);\n" + code + "\n}");
      return global.getMethod(name, new Class[] {NameSpace.class});
    } else {
      _eval(global, name + "() {\n" + code + "\n}");
      return global.getMethod(name, new Class[0]);
  } // }}}
Exemple #2
   * A command is a scripted method or compiled command class implementing a specified method
   * signature. Commands are loaded from the classpath and may be imported using the
   * importCommands() method.
   * <p>This method searches the imported commands packages for a script or command object
   * corresponding to the name of the method. If it is a script the script is sourced into this
   * namespace and the BshMethod for the requested signature is returned. If it is a compiled class
   * the class is returned. (Compiled command classes implement static invoke() methods).
   * <p>The imported packages are searched in reverse order, so that later imports take priority.
   * Currently only the first object (script or class) with the appropriate name is checked. If
   * another, overloaded form, is located in another package it will not currently be found. This
   * could be fixed.
   * <p>
   * @return a BshMethod, Class, or null if no such command is found.
   * @param name is the name of the desired command method
   * @param argTypes is the signature of the desired command method.
   * @throws UtilEvalError if loadScriptedCommand throws UtilEvalError i.e. on errors loading a
   *     script that was found
  public Object getCommand(String name, Class[] argTypes, Interpreter interpreter)
      throws UtilEvalError {
    if (Interpreter.DEBUG) Interpreter.debug("getCommand: " + name);
    BshClassManager bcm = interpreter.getClassManager();

    if (importedCommands != null) {
      // loop backwards for precedence
      for (int i = importedCommands.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        String path = importedCommands.get(i);

        String scriptPath;
        if (path.equals("/")) scriptPath = path + name + ".bsh";
        else scriptPath = path + "/" + name + ".bsh";

        Interpreter.debug("searching for script: " + scriptPath);

        InputStream in = bcm.getResourceAsStream(scriptPath);

        if (in != null) return loadScriptedCommand(in, name, argTypes, scriptPath, interpreter);

        // Chop leading "/" and change "/" to "."
        String className;
        if (path.equals("/")) className = name;
        else className = path.substring(1).replace('/', '.') + "." + name;

        Interpreter.debug("searching for class: " + className);
        Class clas = bcm.classForName(className);
        if (clas != null) return clas;

    if (parent != null) return parent.getCommand(name, argTypes, interpreter);
    else return null;
Exemple #3
   * Get the bsh method matching the specified signature declared in this name space or a parent.
   * <p>Note: this method is primarily intended for use internally. If you use this method outside
   * of the bsh package you will have to be familiar with BeanShell's use of the Primitive wrapper
   * class.
   * @see bsh.Primitive
   * @return the BshMethod or null if not found
   * @param declaredOnly if true then only methods declared directly in this namespace will be found
   *     and no inherited or imported methods will be visible.
  public BshMethod getMethod(String name, Class[] sig, boolean declaredOnly) throws UtilEvalError {
    BshMethod method = null;

    // Change import precedence if we are a class body/instance
    // Get import first.
    if (method == null && isClass && !declaredOnly) method = getImportedMethod(name, sig);

    if (method == null && methods != null) {
      List<BshMethod> list = methods.get(name);

      if (list != null) {
        // Apply most specific signature matching
        Class[][] candidates = new Class[list.size()][];
        for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) candidates[i] = list.get(i).getParameterTypes();

        int match = Reflect.findMostSpecificSignature(sig, candidates);
        if (match != -1) method = list.get(match);

    if (method == null && !isClass && !declaredOnly) method = getImportedMethod(name, sig);

    // try parent
    if (!declaredOnly && (method == null) && (parent != null)) return parent.getMethod(name, sig);

    return method;
Exemple #4
  String getPackage() {
    if (packageName != null) return packageName;

    if (parent != null) return parent.getPackage();

    return null;
Exemple #5
  * Load a class through this namespace taking into account imports. The class search will proceed
  * through the parent namespaces if necessary.
  * @return null if not found.
 public Class getClass(String name) throws UtilEvalError {
   Class c = getClassImpl(name);
   if (c != null) return c;
   // implement the recursion for getClassImpl()
   if (parent != null) return parent.getClass(name);
   else return null;
Exemple #6
 NameSpace copy() {
   try {
     final NameSpace clone = (NameSpace) clone();
     clone.thisReference = null;
     clone.variables = clone(variables);
     clone.methods = clone(methods);
     clone.importedClasses = clone(importedClasses);
     clone.importedPackages = clone(importedPackages);
     clone.importedCommands = clone(importedCommands);
     clone.importedObjects = clone(importedObjects);
     clone.importedStatic = clone(importedStatic);
     clone.names = clone(names);
     return clone;
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
     throw new IllegalStateException(e);
  * Description of the Method
  * @param namespace Description of the Parameter
  * @exception UtilEvalError Description of the Exception
 private void resetDefaultVariables(NameSpace namespace)
       // throws UtilEvalError {
   try {
     namespace.setVariable("reg", factory, false);
   } catch (UtilEvalError ex) {
     log.error(ex, ex);
 } // }}}
Exemple #8
  public BshClassManager getClassManager() {
    if (classManager != null) return classManager;
    if (parent != null && parent != JAVACODE) return parent.getClassManager();

    System.out.println("experiment: creating class manager");
    classManager = BshClassManager.createClassManager(null /*interp*/);

    // Interpreter.debug("No class manager namespace:" +this);
    return classManager;
  /** Description of the Method */
  public void init() {

    global = new NameSpace(new BshClassManager(), "Embedded BeanShell interpreter");
    // global.importPackage("org.gjt.sp.util");
    interpForMethods = createInterpreter(global);
  } // }}}
Exemple #10
   * Locate a variable and return the Variable object with optional recursion through parent name
   * spaces.
   * <p>If this namespace is static, return only static variables.
   * @return the Variable value or null if it is not defined
  protected Variable getVariableImpl(String name, boolean recurse) throws UtilEvalError {
    Variable var = null;

    // Change import precedence if we are a class body/instance
    // Get imported first.
    if (var == null && isClass) var = getImportedVar(name);

    if (var == null && variables != null) var = (Variable) variables.get(name);

    // Change import precedence if we are a class body/instance
    if (var == null && !isClass) var = getImportedVar(name);

    // try parent
    if (recurse && (var == null) && (parent != null)) var = parent.getVariableImpl(name, recurse);

    return var;
Exemple #11
 /** Helper for implementing NameSource */
 protected void getAllNamesAux(List<String> list) {
   if (parent != null) parent.getAllNamesAux(list);
Exemple #12
 static {
   JAVACODE.isMethod = true;
Exemple #13
  * Get the top level namespace or this namespace if we are the top. Note: this method should
  * probably return type bsh.This to be consistent with getThis();
 public This getGlobal(Interpreter declaringInterpreter) {
   if (parent != null) return parent.getGlobal(declaringInterpreter);
   else return getThis(declaringInterpreter);
Exemple #14
 SimpleNode getNode() {
   if (callerInfoNode != null) return callerInfoNode;
   if (parent != null) return parent.getNode();
   else return null;