Exemple #1
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      // get some btf data and put it into a KNN
      BTFData btf = new BTFData();
      btf.loadDir(new File(args[0]));
      FastKNN knn = loadKNN(btf);
      // set up the environment
      int numAnts = 10;
      int numFlies = 10;
      Environment env = new Environment(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 1.0 / 30.0);
      env.addStaticPOI("nest", WIDTH / 2, 0.02);
      env.addObstacle(new RectObstacle(0.01, 0.2), 0.19, 0.0); // east wall
      env.addObstacle(new RectObstacle(0.01, 0.2), 0.0, 0.0); // west
      env.addObstacle(new RectObstacle(0.2, 0.01), 0.0, 0.0); // north
      env.addObstacle(new RectObstacle(0.2, 0.01), 0.0, 0.19); // south
      // add agents
      AphaenogasterCockerelli[] bodies = new AphaenogasterCockerelli[numAnts];
      for (int i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) {
        bodies[i] = new AphaenogasterCockerelli();
      DrosophilaMelanogaster[] flyBodies = new DrosophilaMelanogaster[numFlies];
      for (int i = 0; i < flyBodies.length; i++) {
        flyBodies[i] = new DrosophilaMelanogaster();

      Agent[] agents = new Agent[numAnts];
      for (int i = 0; i < agents.length; i++) {
        agents[i] = new AntKNN(bodies[i], knn);

      Agent[] flyAgents = new Agent[numFlies];
      for (int i = 0; i < flyAgents.length; i++) {
        flyAgents[i] = new biosim.app.twostateants.LazyFly();

      // env.runSimulation(args);
      Simulation sim = env.newSimulation();
      GUISimulation gui = new GUISimulation(sim);
          DrosophilaMelanogaster.class, biosim.app.twostateants.FoodPortrayal.class);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
Exemple #2
 public static FastKNN loadKNN(BTFData btf) throws IOException {
   System.out.println("[AntKNN] Loading BTF data...");
   FastKNN knn = new FastKNN(FEATURE_DIM, 3);
   String[] desiredVel = btf.loadColumn("dvel");
   String[] desiredVelBool = btf.loadColumn("dbool");
   String[] wallVec = btf.loadColumn("wallvec");
   String[] wallBool = btf.loadColumn("wallbool");
   String[] antVec = btf.loadColumn("antvec");
   String[] antBool = btf.loadColumn("antbool");
   String[] homeVec = btf.loadColumn("homevec");
   String[] foodVec = btf.loadColumn("foodvec");
   String[] prevVec = btf.loadColumn("pvel");
   String[] prevBoolVec = btf.loadColumn("pbool");
   int numRows = desiredVel.length;
   double[] sample = new double[FEATURE_DIM];
   double[] velclass = new double[3];
   for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
     if (i % (numRows / 10) == 0) System.out.println("[AntKNN] " + i + "/" + numRows);
     if (Boolean.parseBoolean(desiredVelBool[i])) {
       String[] tmp = desiredVel[i].split(" ");
       velclass[0] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[0]);
       velclass[1] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[1]);
       velclass[2] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[2]);
       tmp = antVec[i].split(" ");
       sample[0] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[0]);
       sample[1] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[1]);
       tmp = wallVec[i].split(" ");
       sample[2] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[0]);
       sample[3] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[1]);
       tmp = homeVec[i].split(" ");
       sample[4] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[0]);
       sample[5] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[1]);
       // tmp = foodVec[i].split(" ");
       // sample[6] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[0]);
       // sample[7] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[1]);
       // tmp = prevVec[i].split(" ");
       // sample[4] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[0]);
       // sample[5] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[1]);
       // sample[6] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[2]);
       // tmp = homeVec[i].split(" ");
       // sample[7] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[0]);
       // sample[8] = Double.parseDouble(tmp[1]);
       knn.add(sample, velclass);
   // sigmaNormalize currently broken, don't use it! (Dec 4th, 2012)
   // knn.sigmaNormalize();
   System.out.println("[AntKNN] Done!");
   return knn;