@Override public void cleanup() { for (Entry<HiveEndPoint, HiveWriter> entry : allWriters.entrySet()) { try { HiveWriter w = entry.getValue(); LOG.info("Flushing writer to {}", w); w.flush(false); LOG.info("Closing writer to {}", w); w.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warn("Error while closing writer to " + entry.getKey() + ". Exception follows.", ex); if (ex instanceof InterruptedException) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } ExecutorService toShutdown[] = {callTimeoutPool}; for (ExecutorService execService : toShutdown) { execService.shutdown(); try { while (!execService.isTerminated()) { execService.awaitTermination(options.getCallTimeOut(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOG.warn("shutdown interrupted on " + execService, ex); } } callTimeoutPool = null; super.cleanup(); LOG.info("Hive Bolt stopped"); }
@Override public void cleanup() { writer.close(); super.cleanup(); }