Exemple #1
  // returns a list consisting of two-element-lists consisting of
  // (actual cbr-param, formal cbr-param) (Variable objects)
  public List<List<Variable>> getCbrParams() {
    if (this.cbrParamList != null) {
      return this.cbrParamList;

    List<TacActualParameter> actualParams = this.paramList;
    List<TacFormalParameter> formalParams = this.getCallee().getParams();

    this.cbrParamList = new LinkedList<>();

    Iterator<TacActualParameter> actualIter = actualParams.iterator();
    Iterator<TacFormalParameter> formalIter = formalParams.iterator();

    while (actualIter.hasNext()) {
      TacActualParameter actualParam = actualIter.next();
      TacFormalParameter formalParam = formalIter.next();

      // if this is a cbr-param...
      if (actualParam.isReference() || formalParam.isReference()) {
        // the actual part of a cbr-param must always be a variable
        if (!(actualParam.getPlace() instanceof Variable)) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Error in the PHP file!");

        Variable actualVar = (Variable) actualParam.getPlace();
        Variable formalVar = formalParam.getVariable();

        // check for unsupported features;
        // none of the variables must be an array or etc.;
        // in such a case, ignore it and continue with the next cbr-param
        boolean supported =
            AliasAnalysis.isSupported(formalVar, actualVar, true, this.getOriginalLineNumber());

        if (!supported) {

        List<Variable> pairList = new LinkedList<>();

    return cbrParamList;