Exemple #1
  public List<Match> find(
      @QueryParam("q") String query,
      @QueryParam("corpora") String rawCorpusNames,
      @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("offset") String offsetRaw,
      @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam("limit") String limitRaw)
      throws IOException {
    requiredParameter(query, "q", "AnnisQL query");
    requiredParameter(rawCorpusNames, "corpora", "comma separated list of corpus names");

    Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
    List<String> corpusNames = splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames);
    for (String c : corpusNames) {
      user.checkPermission("query:find:" + c);

    int offset = Integer.parseInt(offsetRaw);
    int limit = Integer.parseInt(limitRaw);

    QueryData data = queryDataFromParameters(query, rawCorpusNames);
    data.addExtension(new LimitOffsetQueryData(offset, limit));

    long start = new Date().getTime();
    List<Match> matches = annisDao.find(data);
    long end = new Date().getTime();
    logQuery("FIND", query, splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames), end - start);

    return matches;
Exemple #2
  * Get the {@link QueryData} from a query and the corpus names
  * @param query The AQL query.
  * @param rawCorpusNames The name of the toplevel corpus names seperated by ",".
  * @return calculated {@link QueryData} for the given parametes.
  * @throws WebApplicationException Thrown if some corpora are unknown to the system.
 private QueryData queryDataFromParameters(String query, String rawCorpusNames)
     throws WebApplicationException {
   List<String> corpusNames = splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames);
   List<Long> corpusIDs = annisDao.mapCorpusNamesToIds(corpusNames);
   if (corpusIDs.size() != corpusNames.size()) {
     throw new WebApplicationException(
             .entity("one ore more corpora are unknown to the system")
   return annisDao.parseAQL(query, corpusIDs);
Exemple #3
   * Get a graph as {@link SaltProject} of a set of Salt IDs.
   * @param saltIDs saltIDs must have at least one saltId, more than one id are separated by + or
   *     space
   * @param leftRaw left context parameter
   * @param rightRaw right context parameter
   * @return the graph of this hit.
  @Produces({"application/xml", "application/xmi+xml", "application/xmi+binary"})
  public SaltProject subgraph(final SubgraphQuery query) {
    // some robustness stuff
    if (query == null) {
      throw new WebApplicationException(
              .entity("missing required request body")

    QueryData data = new QueryData();

        new AnnotateQueryData(query.getLeft(), query.getRight(), query.getSegmentationLayer()));

    Set<String> corpusNames = new TreeSet<String>();

    for (SaltURIGroup singleMatch : query.getMatches().getGroups().values()) {
      // collect list of used corpora and created pseudo QueryNodes for each URI
      List<QueryNode> pseudoNodes = new ArrayList<QueryNode>(singleMatch.getUris().size());
      for (java.net.URI u : singleMatch.getUris()) {
        pseudoNodes.add(new QueryNode());


    Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
    for (String c : corpusNames) {
      user.checkPermission("query:subgraph:" + c);

    List<String> corpusNamesList = new LinkedList<String>(corpusNames);
    List<Long> corpusIDs = annisDao.mapCorpusNamesToIds(corpusNamesList);

    long start = new Date().getTime();
    SaltProject p = annisDao.graph(data);
    long end = new Date().getTime();
    logQuery("SUBGRAPH", "", corpusNamesList, end - start);

    return p;
Exemple #4
   * Log the successful initialization of this bean.
   * <p>XXX: This should be a private method annotated with <tt>@PostConstruct</tt>, but that
   * doesn't seem to work. As a work-around, the method is called by Spring as an init-method.
  public void init() {
    // check version of PostgreSQL

    // log a message after successful startup
    log.info("ANNIS QueryService loaded.");
Exemple #5
   * Get an Annis Binary object identified by its id.
   * @param id
   * @param rawOffset the part we want to start from, we start from 0
   * @param rawLength how many bytes we take
   * @return AnnisBinary
  public AnnisBinary binary(
      @PathParam("top") String toplevelCorpusName,
      @PathParam("document") String corpusName,
      @PathParam("offset") String rawOffset,
      @PathParam("length") String rawLength,
      @QueryParam("mime") String mimeType) {
    Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
    user.checkPermission("query:binary:" + toplevelCorpusName);

    int offset = Integer.parseInt(rawOffset);
    int length = Integer.parseInt(rawLength);

    AnnisBinary bin;
        "fetching  "
            + (length / 1024)
            + "kb ("
            + offset
            + "-"
            + (offset + length)
            + ") from binary "
            + toplevelCorpusName
            + "/"
            + corpusName);

    bin = annisDao.getBinary(toplevelCorpusName, corpusName, mimeType, offset + 1, length);

    log.debug("fetch successfully");
    return bin;
Exemple #6
  /** Get result as matrix in WEKA (ARFF) format. */
  public String matrix(
      @QueryParam("q") String query,
      @QueryParam("corpora") String rawCorpusNames,
      @QueryParam("metakeys") String rawMetaKeys) {
    requiredParameter(query, "q", "AnnisQL query");
    requiredParameter(rawCorpusNames, "corpora", "comma separated list of corpus names");

    Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
    List<String> corpusNames = splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames);
    for (String c : corpusNames) {
      user.checkPermission("query:matrix:" + c);

    QueryData data = queryDataFromParameters(query, rawCorpusNames);

    MatrixQueryData ext = new MatrixQueryData();
    if (rawMetaKeys != null) {

    long start = new Date().getTime();
    List<AnnotatedMatch> matches = annisDao.matrix(data);
    long end = new Date().getTime();
    logQuery("MATRIX", query, splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames), end - start);

    if (matches.isEmpty()) {
      return "(empty)";
    } else {
      return WekaHelper.exportAsArff(matches);
Exemple #7
  public List<Annotation> getMetadata(@PathParam("top") String toplevelCorpusName) {
    Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
    user.checkPermission("query:meta:" + toplevelCorpusName);

    return annisDao.listCorpusAnnotations(toplevelCorpusName);
Exemple #8
   * Get the Metadata of an Annis Binary object identified by its id. This function calls
   * getBinary(long id, 1, 1), so this function does not work, if the specs of getBinary(long id,
   * int offset,int length) changed.
   * @param id
   * @return AnnisBinaryMetaData
  public List<AnnisBinaryMetaData> binaryMeta(
      @PathParam("top") String toplevelCorpusName, @PathParam("document") String documentName) {
    Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
    user.checkPermission("query:binary:" + toplevelCorpusName);

    return annisDao.getBinaryMeta(toplevelCorpusName, documentName);
Exemple #9
  public List<AnnisAttribute> annotations(
      @PathParam("top") String toplevelCorpus,
      @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("fetchvalues") String fetchValues,
      @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("onlymostfrequentvalues") String onlyMostFrequentValues) {
    Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
    user.checkPermission("query:annotations:" + toplevelCorpus);

    List<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();
    List<Long> corpusList = annisDao.mapCorpusNamesToIds(list);

    return annisDao.listAnnotations(
Exemple #10
 public List<ResolverEntry> resolver(
     @PathParam("corpusName") String corpusName,
     @PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
     @PathParam("type") String type) {
   ResolverEntry.ElementType enumType = ResolverEntry.ElementType.valueOf(type);
   SingleResolverRequest r = new SingleResolverRequest(corpusName, namespace, enumType);
   return annisDao.getResolverEntries(r);
Exemple #11
  public CorpusConfig corpusconfig(@PathParam("top") String toplevelName) {
    Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
    user.checkPermission("query:config:" + toplevelName);

    Map<String, String> tmp = annisDao.getCorpusConfiguration(toplevelName);
    CorpusConfig result = new CorpusConfig();
    return result;
Exemple #12
 public List<AnnisCorpus> corpora() {
   List<AnnisCorpus> allCorpora = annisDao.listCorpora();
   List<AnnisCorpus> allowedCorpora = new LinkedList<AnnisCorpus>();
   // filter by which corpora the user is allowed to access
   Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
   for (AnnisCorpus c : allCorpora) {
     if (user.isPermitted("query:*:" + c.getName())) {
   return allowedCorpora;
Exemple #13
  @Produces({"application/xml", "application/xmi+xml", "application/xmi+binary"})
  public SaltProject graph(
      @PathParam("top") String toplevelCorpusName, @PathParam("doc") String documentName) {

    Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
    user.checkPermission("query:subgraph:" + toplevelCorpusName);

    try {
      long start = new Date().getTime();
      SaltProject p = annisDao.retrieveAnnotationGraph(toplevelCorpusName, documentName);
      long end = new Date().getTime();
      logQuery("GRAPH", toplevelCorpusName, documentName, end - start);
      return p;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      log.error("error when accessing graph " + toplevelCorpusName + "/" + documentName, ex);
      throw new WebApplicationException(ex);
Exemple #14
  public Response count(
      @QueryParam("q") String query, @QueryParam("corpora") String rawCorpusNames) {

    requiredParameter(query, "q", "AnnisQL query");
    requiredParameter(rawCorpusNames, "corpora", "comma separated list of corpus names");

    Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
    List<String> corpusNames = splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames);
    for (String c : corpusNames) {
      user.checkPermission("query:count:" + c);

    QueryData data = queryDataFromParameters(query, rawCorpusNames);
    long start = new Date().getTime();
    MatchAndDocumentCount count = annisDao.countMatchesAndDocuments(data);
    long end = new Date().getTime();
    logQuery("COUNT", query, splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames), end - start);
    return Response.ok(count).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE).build();
Exemple #15
  public SaltProject annotate(
      @QueryParam("q") String query,
      @QueryParam("corpora") String rawCorpusNames,
      @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("offset") String offsetRaw,
      @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam("limit") String limitRaw,
      @DefaultValue("5") @QueryParam("left") String leftRaw,
      @DefaultValue("5") @QueryParam("right") String rightRaw,
      @QueryParam("seglayer") String segmentationLayer)
      throws IOException {
    requiredParameter(query, "q", "AnnisQL query");
    requiredParameter(rawCorpusNames, "corpora", "comma separated list of corpus names");

    Subject user = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
    List<String> corpusNames = splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames);
    for (String c : corpusNames) {
      user.checkPermission("query:annotate:" + c);

    int offset = Integer.parseInt(offsetRaw);
    int limit = Integer.parseInt(limitRaw);
    int left = Math.min(maxContext, Integer.parseInt(leftRaw));
    int right = Math.min(maxContext, Integer.parseInt(rightRaw));

    QueryData data = queryDataFromParameters(query, rawCorpusNames);
    String logParameters = createAnnotateLogParameters(left, right, offset, limit);

    data.addExtension(new LimitOffsetQueryData(offset, limit));
    data.addExtension(new AnnotateQueryData(left, right, segmentationLayer));
    long start = new Date().getTime();
    SaltProject p = annisDao.annotate(data);
    long end = new Date().getTime();
        "ANNOTATE", query, splitCorpusNamesFromRaw(rawCorpusNames), end - start, logParameters);
    return p;
Exemple #16
  * Return true if this is a valid query or throw exception when invalid
  * @param query Query to check for validity
  * @return
 public String check(@QueryParam("q") String query) {
   annisDao.parseAQL(query, new LinkedList<Long>());
   return "ok";