Exemple #1
   * Creates a Dialog which has title, content and button area.
   * @param context The Context in which the Dialog should run. In particular, ituses the window
   *     manager and theme from this context to present its UI.
   * @param theme A style resource describing the theme to use for the window.If 0, the default
   *     dialog theme will be used.
   *     <p>return The Object of the TCLAlertDialog.
  public static TCLAlertDialogEspecial makeFullDialog(Context context, int theme) {
    dialog = new TCLAlertDialogEspecial(context, theme);
    if (dialog != null) {
      // setBackgroundWindow();
      setView(context, com.android.internal.R.layout.tcl_alert_full_especial);

      mButtonLayout = getLayout(com.android.internal.R.id.tcl_especial_idalert_gray_full_button);
      mContentLayout = getLayout(com.android.internal.R.id.tcl_especial_idalert_gray_full_content);
      return dialog;
    } else {
      return null;