List<List<MonthCellDescriptor>> getMonthCells(MonthDescriptor month, Calendar startCal) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(locale); cal.setTime(startCal.getTime()); List<List<MonthCellDescriptor>> cells = new ArrayList<List<MonthCellDescriptor>>(); cal.set(DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); int firstDayOfWeek = cal.get(DAY_OF_WEEK); int offset = cal.getFirstDayOfWeek() - firstDayOfWeek; if (offset > 0) { offset -= 7; } cal.add(Calendar.DATE, offset); Calendar minSelectedCal = minDate(selectedCals); Calendar maxSelectedCal = maxDate(selectedCals); while ((cal.get(MONTH) < month.getMonth() + 1 || cal.get(YEAR) < month.getYear()) // && cal.get(YEAR) <= month.getYear()) { Logr.d("Building week row starting at %s", cal.getTime()); List<MonthCellDescriptor> weekCells = new ArrayList<MonthCellDescriptor>(); cells.add(weekCells); for (int c = 0; c < 7; c++) { Date date = cal.getTime(); boolean isCurrentMonth = cal.get(MONTH) == month.getMonth(); boolean isSelected = isCurrentMonth && containsDate(selectedCals, cal); boolean isSelectable = isCurrentMonth && betweenDates(cal, minCal, maxCal) && isDateSelectable(date); boolean isToday = sameDate(cal, today); boolean isHighlighted = containsDate(highlightedCals, cal); int value = cal.get(DAY_OF_MONTH); MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState rangeState = MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState.NONE; if (selectedCals.size() > 1) { if (sameDate(minSelectedCal, cal)) { rangeState = MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState.FIRST; } else if (sameDate(maxDate(selectedCals), cal)) { rangeState = MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState.LAST; } else if (betweenDates(cal, minSelectedCal, maxSelectedCal)) { rangeState = MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState.MIDDLE; } } weekCells.add( new MonthCellDescriptor( date, isCurrentMonth, isSelectable, isSelected, isToday, isHighlighted, value, rangeState)); cal.add(DATE, 1); } } return cells; }
private static Calendar maxDate(List<Calendar> selectedCals) { if (selectedCals == null || selectedCals.size() == 0) { return null; } Collections.sort(selectedCals); return selectedCals.get(selectedCals.size() - 1); }
@Override public int getPositionForSection(int section) { if (displaySections) { section = Math.max(0, Math.min(section, sectionKeys.size() - 1)); if (section < sectionKeys.size()) { return getPosition(sectionKeys.get(section), null); } } return 0; }
private void updateLocalVersions() { if (NavigineApp.Navigation == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < mInfoList.size(); ++i) { LocationInfo info = mInfoList.get(i); String versionStr = LocationLoader.getLocalVersion(NavigineApp.AppContext, info.title); if (versionStr != null) { // Log.d(TAG, info.title + ": " + versionStr); info.localModified = versionStr.endsWith("+"); if (info.localModified) versionStr = versionStr.substring(0, versionStr.length() - 1); try { info.localVersion = Integer.parseInt(versionStr); } catch (Throwable e) { } } else { info.localVersion = -1; String mapFile = NavigineApp.Settings.getString("map_file", ""); if (mapFile.equals(info.archiveFile)) { NavigineApp.Navigation.loadArchive(null); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = NavigineApp.Settings.edit(); editor.putString("map_file", ""); editor.commit(); } } } mAdapter.updateList(); }
public void prioritizeViewRange(int firstVisibleItem, int lastVisibleItem, int prefetchBuffer) { if ((lastVisibleItem < firstVisibleItem) || (sectionKeys.size() == 0)) { return; } // We want to prioritize requests for items which are visible but do not have pictures // loaded yet. We also want to pre-fetch pictures for items which are not yet visible // but are within a buffer on either side of the visible items, on the assumption that // they will be visible soon. For these latter items, we'll store the images in memory // in the hopes we can immediately populate their image view when needed. // Prioritize the requests in reverse order since each call to prioritizeRequest will just // move it to the front of the queue. And we want the earliest ones in the range to be at // the front of the queue, so all else being equal, the list will appear to populate from // the top down. for (int i = lastVisibleItem; i >= 0; i--) { SectionAndItem<T> sectionAndItem = getSectionAndItem(i); if (sectionAndItem.graphObject != null) { String id = getIdOfGraphObject(sectionAndItem.graphObject); ImageRequest request = pendingRequests.get(id); if (request != null) { ImageDownloader.prioritizeRequest(request); } } } // For items which are not visible, but within the buffer on either side, we want to // fetch those items and store them in a small in-memory cache of bitmaps. int start = Math.max(0, firstVisibleItem - prefetchBuffer); int end = Math.min(lastVisibleItem + prefetchBuffer, getCount() - 1); ArrayList<T> graphObjectsToPrefetchPicturesFor = new ArrayList<T>(); // Add the IDs before and after the visible range. for (int i = start; i < firstVisibleItem; ++i) { SectionAndItem<T> sectionAndItem = getSectionAndItem(i); if (sectionAndItem.graphObject != null) { graphObjectsToPrefetchPicturesFor.add(sectionAndItem.graphObject); } } for (int i = lastVisibleItem + 1; i <= end; ++i) { SectionAndItem<T> sectionAndItem = getSectionAndItem(i); if (sectionAndItem.graphObject != null) { graphObjectsToPrefetchPicturesFor.add(sectionAndItem.graphObject); } } for (T graphObject : graphObjectsToPrefetchPicturesFor) { URI uri = getPictureUriOfGraphObject(graphObject); final String id = getIdOfGraphObject(graphObject); // This URL already have been requested for pre-fetching, but we want to act in an LRU manner, // so move // it to the end of the list regardless. boolean alreadyPrefetching = prefetchedProfilePictureIds.remove(id); prefetchedProfilePictureIds.add(id); // If we've already requested it for pre-fetching, no need to do so again. if (!alreadyPrefetching) { downloadProfilePicture(id, uri, null); } } }
SectionAndItem<T> getSectionAndItem(int position) { if (sectionKeys.size() == 0) { return null; } String sectionKey = null; T graphObject = null; if (!displaySections) { sectionKey = sectionKeys.get(0); List<T> section = graphObjectsBySection.get(sectionKey); if (position >= 0 && position < section.size()) { graphObject = graphObjectsBySection.get(sectionKey).get(position); } else { // We are off the end; we must be adding an activity circle to indicate more data is coming. assert dataNeededListener != null && cursor.areMoreObjectsAvailable(); // We return null for both to indicate this. return new SectionAndItem<T>(null, null); } } else { // Count through the sections; the "0" position in each section is the header. We decrement // position each time we skip forward a certain number of elements, including the header. for (String key : sectionKeys) { // Decrement if we skip over the header if (position-- == 0) { sectionKey = key; break; } List<T> section = graphObjectsBySection.get(key); if (position < section.size()) { // The position is somewhere in this section. Get the corresponding graph object. sectionKey = key; graphObject = section.get(position); break; } // Decrement by as many items as we skipped over position -= section.size(); } } if (sectionKey != null) { // Note: graphObject will be null if this represents a section header. return new SectionAndItem<T>(sectionKey, graphObject); } else { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("position"); } }
@Override public int getSectionForPosition(int position) { SectionAndItem<T> sectionAndItem = getSectionAndItem(position); if (sectionAndItem != null && sectionAndItem.getType() != SectionAndItem.Type.ACTIVITY_CIRCLE) { return Math.max( 0, Math.min(sectionKeys.indexOf(sectionAndItem.sectionKey), sectionKeys.size() - 1)); } return 0; }
@Override public int getCount() { if (sectionKeys.size() == 0) { return 0; } // If we are not displaying sections, we don't display a header; otherwise, we have one header // per item in // addition to the actual items. int count = (displaySections) ? sectionKeys.size() : 0; for (List<T> section : graphObjectsBySection.values()) { count += section.size(); } // If we should show a cell with an activity circle indicating more data is coming, add it to // the count. if (shouldShowActivityCircleCell()) { ++count; } return count; }
private void rebuildSections() { sectionKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); graphObjectsBySection = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<T>>(); graphObjectsById = new HashMap<String, T>(); displaySections = false; if (cursor == null || cursor.getCount() == 0) { return; } int objectsAdded = 0; cursor.moveToFirst(); do { T graphObject = cursor.getGraphObject(); if (!filterIncludesItem(graphObject)) { continue; } objectsAdded++; String sectionKeyOfItem = getSectionKeyOfGraphObject(graphObject); if (!graphObjectsBySection.containsKey(sectionKeyOfItem)) { sectionKeys.add(sectionKeyOfItem); graphObjectsBySection.put(sectionKeyOfItem, new ArrayList<T>()); } List<T> section = graphObjectsBySection.get(sectionKeyOfItem); section.add(graphObject); graphObjectsById.put(getIdOfGraphObject(graphObject), graphObject); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); if (sortFields != null) { final Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(); for (List<T> section : graphObjectsBySection.values()) { Collections.sort( section, new Comparator<GraphObject>() { @Override public int compare(GraphObject a, GraphObject b) { return compareGraphObjects(a, b, sortFields, collator); } }); } } Collections.sort(sectionKeys, Collator.getInstance()); displaySections = sectionKeys.size() > 1 && objectsAdded > DISPLAY_SECTIONS_THRESHOLD; }
public void getFilesFromFolder(List filesAndFolders, String savePath) { // create a File object for the parent directory File downloadsDirectory = new File(savePath); // create the folder if needed. downloadsDirectory.mkdir(); for (int i = 0; i < filesAndFolders.size(); i++) { Object links = filesAndFolders.get(i); List linksArray = (ArrayList) links; if (i == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < linksArray.size(); j += 2) { // We've got an array of file urls so download each one to a directory with the folder // name String fileURL = linksArray.get(j).toString(); String fileName = linksArray.get(j + 1).toString(); downloadFile(fileURL, savePath, fileName); progress++; Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(); msg.arg1 = progress; mHandler.sendMessage(msg); } } else if (i == 1) { // we've got an array of folders so recurse down the levels, extracting subfolders and files // until we've downloaded everything. for (int j = 0; j < linksArray.size(); j += 2) { String folderURL = linksArray.get(j).toString(); String folderName = linksArray.get(j + 1).toString(); String page = getData(folderURL); List newFilesAndFolders = parsePage(page); String dlDirPath = savePath + folderName + "/"; getFilesFromFolder(newFilesAndFolders, dlDirPath); } } } }
@Override protected void onStart() { super.onStart(); myAllItems.clear(); final Intent intent = getIntent(); myAllItems.add(new SectionItem("enabled")); final List<String> enabledIds = intent.getStringArrayListExtra(NetworkLibraryActivity.ENABLED_CATALOG_IDS_KEY); if (enabledIds.size() > 0) { final TreeSet<CatalogItem> cItems = new TreeSet<CatalogItem>(); for (String id : enabledIds) { final NetworkTree tree = NetworkLibrary.Instance().getCatalogTreeByUrlAll(id); if (tree != null && tree.getLink() != null) { cItems.add(new CatalogItem(id, true, tree)); } } myAllItems.addAll(cItems); mySelectedItems.addAll(cItems); } myAllItems.add(new SectionItem("disabled")); final List<String> disabledIds = intent.getStringArrayListExtra(NetworkLibraryActivity.DISABLED_CATALOG_IDS_KEY); if (disabledIds.size() > 0) { final TreeSet<CatalogItem> cItems = new TreeSet<CatalogItem>(); for (String id : disabledIds) { cItems.add( new CatalogItem(id, false, NetworkLibrary.Instance().getCatalogTreeByUrlAll(id))); } myAllItems.addAll(cItems); } setListAdapter(new CatalogsListAdapter()); }
private void UploadToDropBox() { Utilities.LogDebug("GpsMainActivity.UploadToDropBox"); final DropBoxHelper dropBoxHelper = new DropBoxHelper(getApplicationContext(), this); if (!dropBoxHelper.IsLinked()) { startActivity(new Intent("com.mendhak.gpslogger.DROPBOX_SETUP")); return; } final File gpxFolder = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "GPSLogger"); if (gpxFolder.exists()) { String[] enumeratedFiles = gpxFolder.list(); List<String> fileList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(enumeratedFiles)); Collections.reverse(fileList); final String[] files = fileList.toArray(new String[fileList.size()]); final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this); dialog.setTitle(R.string.dropbox_upload); dialog.setContentView(R.layout.filelist); ListView thelist = (ListView) dialog.findViewById(; thelist.setAdapter( new ArrayAdapter<String>( getApplicationContext(), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_single_choice, files)); thelist.setOnItemClickListener( new OnItemClickListener() { public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> av, View v, int index, long arg) { dialog.dismiss(); String chosenFileName = files[index]; Utilities.ShowProgress( GpsMainActivity.this, getString(R.string.dropbox_uploading), getString(R.string.please_wait)); dropBoxHelper.UploadFile(chosenFileName); } });; } else { Utilities.MsgBox(getString(R.string.sorry), getString(R.string.no_files_found), this); } }
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { c = this; preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(c); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.gpu_sgx540); gpuCurrent = readFile(Constants.GPU_SGX540); seekGpu = (SeekBar) findViewById(; gpu = Arrays.asList(153, 307, 384); seekBar(gpu.size() - 1, gpu.indexOf(gpuCurrent)); /*else{ seekGpu.setEnabled(false); seekIva.setEnabled(false); TextView ns = (TextView)findViewById(; ns.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); }*/ preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getBaseContext()); curGpuTxt = (TextView) findViewById(; maxGpuTxt = (TextView) findViewById(; minGpuTxt = (TextView) findViewById(; mhz = getResources().getString(R.string.mhz); current = getResources().getString(R.string.current); max = getResources().getString(R.string._max); min = getResources().getString(R.string._min); curGpuTxt.setText(current + ": " + (gpuCurrent) + mhz); maxGpuTxt.setText(max + ": " + gpu.get(2) + mhz); minGpuTxt.setText(min + ": " + gpu.get(0) + mhz); Button cancel = (Button) findViewById(; cancel.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View arg0) { finish(); } }); }
private void scrollToSelectedDates() { Integer selectedIndex = null; Integer todayIndex = null; Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(locale); for (int c = 0; c < months.size(); c++) { MonthDescriptor month = months.get(c); if (selectedIndex == null) { for (Calendar selectedCal : selectedCals) { if (sameMonth(selectedCal, month)) { selectedIndex = c; break; } } if (selectedIndex == null && todayIndex == null && sameMonth(today, month)) { todayIndex = c; } } } if (selectedIndex != null) { scrollToSelectedMonth(selectedIndex); } else if (todayIndex != null) { scrollToSelectedMonth(todayIndex); } }
/** Initializes "select account" spinner with existing accounts. */ private void initAccountSpinner() { Spinner accountsSpiner = (Spinner) findViewById(; Iterator<ProtocolProviderService> providers = AccountUtils.getRegisteredProviders().iterator(); List<AccountID> accounts = new ArrayList<AccountID>(); int selectedIdx = -1; int idx = 0; while (providers.hasNext()) { ProtocolProviderService provider =; OperationSet opSet = provider.getOperationSet(OperationSetPresence.class); if (opSet == null) continue; AccountID account = provider.getAccountID(); accounts.add(account); idx++; if (account.isPreferredProvider()) { selectedIdx = idx; } } AccountsListAdapter accountsAdapter = new AccountsListAdapter( this, R.layout.select_account_row, R.layout.select_account_dropdown, accounts, true); accountsSpiner.setAdapter(accountsAdapter); // if we have only select account option and only one account // select the available account if (accounts.size() == 1) accountsSpiner.setSelection(0); else accountsSpiner.setSelection(selectedIdx); }
public final int getCount() { return myCurrentBook ? myBookmarks.size() + 1 : myBookmarks.size(); }
@Override public boolean isEmpty() { // We'll never populate sectionKeys unless we have at least one object. return sectionKeys.size() == 0; }
/** Uploads a GPS Trace to */ private void UploadToOpenStreetMap() { Utilities.LogDebug("GpsMainactivity.UploadToOpenStreetMap"); if (!OSMHelper.IsOsmAuthorized(getApplicationContext())) { startActivity(OSMHelper.GetOsmSettingsIntent(getApplicationContext())); return; } final String goToOsmSettings = getString(R.string.menu_settings); final File gpxFolder = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "GPSLogger"); if (gpxFolder.exists()) { FilenameFilter select = new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String filename) { return filename.toLowerCase().contains(".gpx"); } }; String[] enumeratedFiles = gpxFolder.list(select); List<String> fileList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(enumeratedFiles)); Collections.reverse(fileList); fileList.add(0, goToOsmSettings); final String[] files = fileList.toArray(new String[fileList.size()]); final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this); dialog.setTitle(R.string.osm_pick_file); dialog.setContentView(R.layout.filelist); ListView thelist = (ListView) dialog.findViewById(; thelist.setAdapter( new ArrayAdapter<String>( getApplicationContext(), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_single_choice, files)); thelist.setOnItemClickListener( new OnItemClickListener() { public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> av, View v, int index, long arg) { dialog.dismiss(); String chosenFileName = files[index]; if (chosenFileName.equalsIgnoreCase(goToOsmSettings)) { startActivity(OSMHelper.GetOsmSettingsIntent(getApplicationContext())); } else { OSMHelper osm = new OSMHelper(GpsMainActivity.this, GpsMainActivity.this); Utilities.ShowProgress( GpsMainActivity.this, getString(R.string.osm_uploading), getString(R.string.please_wait)); osm.UploadGpsTrace(chosenFileName); } } });; } else { Utilities.MsgBox(getString(R.string.sorry), getString(R.string.no_files_found), this); } }
/** * Allows user to send a GPX/KML file along with location, or location only using a provider. * 'Provider' means any application that can accept such an intent (Facebook, SMS, Twitter, Email, * K-9, Bluetooth) */ private void Share() { Utilities.LogDebug("GpsMainActivity.Share"); try { final String locationOnly = getString(R.string.sharing_location_only); final File gpxFolder = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "GPSLogger"); if (gpxFolder.exists()) { String[] enumeratedFiles = gpxFolder.list(); List<String> fileList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(enumeratedFiles)); Collections.reverse(fileList); fileList.add(0, locationOnly); final String[] files = fileList.toArray(new String[fileList.size()]); final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this); dialog.setTitle(R.string.sharing_pick_file); dialog.setContentView(R.layout.filelist); ListView thelist = (ListView) dialog.findViewById(; thelist.setAdapter( new ArrayAdapter<String>( getApplicationContext(), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_single_choice, files)); thelist.setOnItemClickListener( new OnItemClickListener() { public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> av, View v, int index, long arg) { dialog.dismiss(); String chosenFileName = files[index]; final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); // intent.setType("text/plain"); intent.setType("*/*"); if (chosenFileName.equalsIgnoreCase(locationOnly)) { intent.setType("text/plain"); } intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, getString(R.string.sharing_mylocation)); if (Session.hasValidLocation()) { String bodyText = getString( R.string.sharing_latlong_text, String.valueOf(Session.getCurrentLatitude()), String.valueOf(Session.getCurrentLongitude())); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, bodyText); intent.putExtra("sms_body", bodyText); } if (chosenFileName.length() > 0 && !chosenFileName.equalsIgnoreCase(locationOnly)) { intent.putExtra( Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.fromFile(new File(gpxFolder, chosenFileName))); } startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, getString(R.string.sharing_via))); } });; } else { Utilities.MsgBox(getString(R.string.sorry), getString(R.string.no_files_found), this); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utilities.LogError("Share", ex); } }
public void nextLevel() { boolean loaded = false; final GameBoard boardView = (GameBoard) this.findViewById(; this.level++; AssetManager am = getResources().getAssets(); try { List<String> allTutoLevels = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(am.list("levels/tutorial"))); // if(addMsg){ // allTutoLevels.addAll(Arrays.asList(am.list("msg"))); // } Log.d(TAG, allTutoLevels.toString()); for (String name : allTutoLevels) { if (name.startsWith(this.level + ".")) { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader("levels/tutorial/" + name))); String line; String levelJSON = ""; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { levelJSON += line + "\n"; } br.close(); game.initGame( levelJSON, boardView.getMeasuredWidth() / 60, boardView.getMeasuredHeight() / 60); loaded = true; } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!loaded) { Random r = new Random(); List<String> allLevels = new ArrayList<>(); try { allLevels = Arrays.asList(am.list("levels")); } catch (IOException e) { } if (r.nextBoolean() && !allLevels.isEmpty() && allLevels.size() != allDoneLevels.size()) { try { int nLevel; do { nLevel = r.nextInt(allLevels.size()); } while (allDoneLevels.contains(allLevels.get(nLevel))); String name = allLevels.get(nLevel); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader("levels/" + name))); String line; String levelJSON = ""; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { levelJSON += line + "\n"; } br.close(); allDoneLevels.add(name); game.initGame( levelJSON, boardView.getMeasuredWidth() / 60, boardView.getMeasuredHeight() / 60); } catch (IOException e) { level, boardView.getMeasuredWidth() / 60, boardView.getMeasuredHeight() / 60); } } else { level, boardView.getMeasuredWidth() / 60, boardView.getMeasuredHeight() / 60); } } // am.close(); boardView.setGame(; boardView.invalidate(); boardView.getHowdyShadeView().invalidate(); Toast.makeText(this, this.level + "", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Log.i( TAG, "Max tiles : " + (boardView.getMeasuredWidth() / 60) * (boardView.getMeasuredHeight() / 60)); }
@Override public final int getCount() { return myShowAddBookmarkItem ? myBookmarks.size() + 1 : myBookmarks.size(); }
private boolean doSelectDate(Date date, MonthCellDescriptor cell) { Calendar newlySelectedCal = Calendar.getInstance(locale); newlySelectedCal.setTime(date); // Sanitize input: clear out the hours/minutes/seconds/millis. setMidnight(newlySelectedCal); // Clear any remaining range state. for (MonthCellDescriptor selectedCell : selectedCells) { selectedCell.setRangeState(RangeState.NONE); } switch (selectionMode) { case RANGE: if (selectedCals.size() > 1) { // We've already got a range selected: clear the old one. clearOldSelections(); } else if (selectedCals.size() == 1 && newlySelectedCal.before(selectedCals.get(0))) { // We're moving the start of the range back in time: clear the // old start date. clearOldSelections(); } break; case MULTIPLE: date = applyMultiSelect(date, newlySelectedCal); break; case SINGLE: clearOldSelections(); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown selectionMode " + selectionMode); } if (date != null) { // Select a new cell. if (selectedCells.size() == 0 || !selectedCells.get(0).equals(cell)) { selectedCells.add(cell); cell.setSelected(true); } selectedCals.add(newlySelectedCal); if (selectionMode == SelectionMode.RANGE && selectedCells.size() > 1) { // Select all days in between start and end. Date start = selectedCells.get(0).getDate(); Date end = selectedCells.get(1).getDate(); selectedCells.get(0).setRangeState(MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState.FIRST); selectedCells.get(1).setRangeState(MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState.LAST); for (List<List<MonthCellDescriptor>> month : cells) { for (List<MonthCellDescriptor> week : month) { for (MonthCellDescriptor singleCell : week) { if (singleCell.getDate().after(start) && singleCell.getDate().before(end) && singleCell.isSelectable()) { singleCell.setSelected(true); singleCell.setRangeState(MonthCellDescriptor.RangeState.MIDDLE); selectedCells.add(singleCell); } } } } } } // Update the adapter. validateAndUpdate(); return date != null; }
public Date getSelectedDate() { return (selectedCals.size() > 0 ? selectedCals.get(0).getTime() : null); }