public void onCreate(Bundle paramBundle) { try { super.onCreate(paramBundle); py.c("Preview activity"); paramBundle = getIntent().getData(); if (!pH.a(this).a(paramBundle)) { py.b("Cannot preview the app with the uri: " + paramBundle); return; } paramBundle = getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(getPackageName()); if (paramBundle != null) { py.c("Invoke the launch activity for package name: " + getPackageName()); startActivity(paramBundle); return; } } catch (Exception paramBundle) { py.a("Calling preview threw an exception: " + paramBundle.getMessage()); return; } py.c("No launch activity found for package name: " + getPackageName()); }
public void onCreate(Bundle paramBundle) { super.onCreate(paramBundle); super.setContentView(R.layout.submit_scenery_order); paramBundle = getIntent().getData().getQueryParameter("shopid"); try { this.shopID = Integer.valueOf(paramBundle).intValue(); this.ticket = ((DPObject) getIntent().getParcelableExtra("ticket")); initView(); return; } catch (Exception paramBundle) { while (true) Log.e("FormatException , ex = " + paramBundle.getMessage()); } }
protected void onCreate(Bundle bundle) { super.onCreate(bundle); bundle = new RelativeLayout(this); bundle.setBackgroundColor(-1); setContentView(bundle); try { bundle = new AccessToken( com.roidapp.cloudlib.common.a.q(this), com.roidapp.cloudlib.common.a.r(this)); (new h(this, (byte) 0)).execute(new AccessToken[] {bundle}); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Bundle bundle) { a(bundle.getMessage()); } }