   * Parses serialized Intents from the query string of the given URI, assuming the parameter key of
   * DepedencyManagerContract.QUERY_PARAM_INTENT. Returns null if no intents are found in the Uri.
  public static List<Intent> parseIntents(Uri uri) {
    List<String> values = uri.getQueryParameters(DependencyManagerContract.QUERY_PARAM_INTENT);
    if (null == values) {
      return null;

    LinkedList<Intent> results = new LinkedList<Intent>();
    for (String v : values) {
      try {
        results.add(Intent.parseUri(v, Intent.URI_INTENT_SCHEME));
      } catch (java.net.URISyntaxException ex) {
        // pass

    if (0 >= results.size()) {
      return null;

    return results;
 static Set<BarcodeFormat> parseDecodeFormats(Uri inputUri) {
   List<String> formats = inputUri.getQueryParameters(QRcodeIntents.Scan.FORMATS);
   if (formats != null && formats.size() == 1 && formats.get(0) != null) {
     formats = Arrays.asList(COMMA_PATTERN.split(formats.get(0)));
   return parseDecodeFormats(formats, inputUri.getQueryParameter(QRcodeIntents.Scan.MODE));
 public static dvn a(Uri paramUri) {
   Object localObject = paramUri.getPathSegments();
   String str = (String) ((List) localObject).get(0);
   List localList = paramUri.getQueryParameters("contentType");
   long l1 = Long.parseLong((String) ((List) localObject).get(2));
   long l2 = Long.parseLong((String) ((List) localObject).get(3));
   if (((List) localObject).size() >= 5) {
     localObject = (String) ((List) localObject).get(4);
     if (!((String) localObject).equals("empty")) {
       break label139;
         "Parsed message attachment uri with partId = \"empty\"",
         new Object[] {paramUri});
   for (; ; ) {
     return new dvn(
         (String) localObject,
     localObject = null;
    protected void performAction(
        @NonNull final Context context,
        @NonNull final Uri uri,
        @NonNull final UrlHandler urlHandler)
        throws IntentNotResolvableException {

      // 1. Parse the URL as a valid deeplink+
      if (!"navigate".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getHost())) {
        throw new IntentNotResolvableException(
            "Deeplink+ URL did not have 'navigate' as" + " the host.");

      final String primaryUrl;
      final List<String> primaryTrackingUrls;
      final String fallbackUrl;
      final List<String> fallbackTrackingUrls;
      try {
        primaryUrl = uri.getQueryParameter("primaryUrl");
        primaryTrackingUrls = uri.getQueryParameters("primaryTrackingUrl");
        fallbackUrl = uri.getQueryParameter("fallbackUrl");
        fallbackTrackingUrls = uri.getQueryParameters("fallbackTrackingUrl");
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
        // If the URL is not hierarchical, getQueryParameter[s] will throw
        // UnsupportedOperationException (see
        // http://developer.android.com/reference/android/net/Uri.html#getQueryParameter(java.lang.String)
        throw new IntentNotResolvableException("Deeplink+ URL was not a hierarchical" + " URI.");

      if (primaryUrl == null) {
        throw new IntentNotResolvableException(
            "Deeplink+ did not have 'primaryUrl' query" + " param.");

      final Uri primaryUri = Uri.parse(primaryUrl);
      if (shouldTryHandlingUrl(primaryUri)) {
        // Nested Deeplink+ URLs are not allowed
        throw new IntentNotResolvableException(
            "Deeplink+ had another Deeplink+ as the " + "'primaryUrl'.");

      // 2. Attempt to handle the primary URL
      try {
        Intents.launchApplicationUrl(context, primaryUri);
        makeTrackingHttpRequest(primaryTrackingUrls, context, BaseEvent.Name.CLICK_REQUEST);
      } catch (IntentNotResolvableException e) {
        // Primary URL failed; proceed to attempt fallback URL

      // 3. Attempt to handle the fallback URL
      if (fallbackUrl == null) {
        throw new IntentNotResolvableException(
            "Unable to handle 'primaryUrl' for " + "Deeplink+ and 'fallbackUrl' was missing.");

      if (shouldTryHandlingUrl(Uri.parse(fallbackUrl))) {
        // Nested Deeplink+ URLs are not allowed
        throw new IntentNotResolvableException(
            "Deeplink+ URL had another Deeplink+ " + "URL as the 'fallbackUrl'.");

      // UrlAction.handleUrl already verified this comes from a user interaction
      final boolean fromUserInteraction = true;
      urlHandler.handleUrl(context, fallbackUrl, true, fallbackTrackingUrls);