  public void draw(@NonNull final Canvas canvas) {

    // Only recalculate the close bounds if they are dirty
    if (mCloseBoundChanged) {
      mCloseBoundChanged = false;

      mClosableLayoutRect.set(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
      // Create the bounds for our close regions.
      applyCloseRegionBounds(mClosePosition, mClosableLayoutRect, mCloseRegionBounds);

      // The inset rect applies padding around the visible closeButton.
      mInsetCloseRegionBounds.inset(mCloseButtonPadding, mCloseButtonPadding);
      // The close button sits inside the close region with padding and gravity
      // in the same way the close region sits inside the whole ClosableLayout
      applyCloseButtonBounds(mClosePosition, mInsetCloseRegionBounds, mCloseButtonBounds);

    // Draw last so that this gets drawn as the top layer. This is also why we override
    // draw instead of onDraw.
    if (mCloseDrawable.isVisible()) {