private static void doTasks(Node task) { NodeList subTasks = task.getChildNodes(); List<Node> ontologyNodes = new LinkedList<Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < subTasks.getLength(); i++) { Node childNode = subTasks.item(i); if (childNode.getNodeName().equals("task")) { doTasks(childNode); } else if (childNode.getNodeName().equals("ontology")) { ontologyNodes.add(childNode); } } final Node taskNameNode = task.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name"); final String taskName = taskNameNode.getTextContent().trim(); if (ontologyNodes.size() == 2) { // process the ontology pair System.out.println("Starting task '" + taskName + "'"); RunTimer timer = new RunTimer().resetAndStart(); processPair(taskName, ontologyNodes.get(0), ontologyNodes.get(1)); timer.stop(); System.out.println("Task done: " + timer); gc(); } else { System.out.println("Do not know how to handle this task: '" + taskName + "'"); } }
private static OntModel loadOntology(String sourceOnt, String sourceURI) { System.out.println("\tLoading ontology: " + sourceOnt); RunTimer timer = new RunTimer().resetAndStart(); OntModel sourceModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM, null);, null, "RDF/XML"); long sourceModelSize = sourceModel.size(); timer.stop(); System.out.println("\tLoaded " + sourceModelSize + " triples in " + timer); return sourceModel; }