      issue =
          "When adding a location, there cannot be two equal location names such that super locations are equal too. Please update specific CRUD service. Also His As, My As.")
  public Return<PublicPhoto> cPublicPhoto(
      final String humanId,
      final long locationId,
      final String fileName,
      final String publicPhotoName,
      final String publicPhotoDescription,
      final String publicPhotoURLPath,
      final int retries) {
    Return<PublicPhoto> r;
    final PublicPhoto publicPhoto = new PublicPhoto();

    r =
        new ReturnImpl<PublicPhoto>(
            cPublicPhotoLocal_.doNTxCPublicPhotoLocal(humanId, locationId, publicPhoto),
            "Create photo by human with location Successful!");
    return r;
     warning = "transactional",
     warnings = {
       "These two Merge and Persist Each other. Do not update their fields after this block"
 private boolean doHumanCPublicPhoto(
     final String humanId, final long locationId, PublicPhoto publicPhoto)
     throws javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException {
   cPublicPhotoLocal_.doNTxCPublicPhotoLocal(humanId, locationId, publicPhoto);
   return true;