  * Returns a list of childs having the requested label and an non-empty value, and no error.
  * <p>Can get directly grandchilds if label contains <tt>/</tt> e.g.
  * titleFields.getChild("FieldTitle/TexText") returns all grandchilds "TexText" in all
  * "FieldTitle" childs.
 public List getValuedChilds(String label) {
   List ret = getChilds(label);
   Iterator it = ret.iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     AbcNode node = (AbcNode) it.next();
     if (node.hasError() || (node.getValue() == null) || (node.getValue().length() == 0))
   return ret;
  * Look for child, grandchild, grand-grand-child having the requested label. When such one is
  * found, doesn't continue search into his own childs.
  * @param label
 public List getChildsInAllGenerations(String label) {
   if (label == null || label.equals("")) return new ArrayList(0);
   List ret = new ArrayList();
   Iterator it = childs.iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     AbcNode abcn = (AbcNode) it.next();
     if (abcn.getLabel().equals(label)) {
     } else {
   return ret;
  * Return the deepest childs of this node. This is useful to browse easily smallest segments of
  * parsed text, and get closer to errors.
  * <p>e.g. node A has childs B and C.<br>
  * B has 3 childs D, E and F.<br>
  * A.getDeepestChilds() returns D, E, F, C in this order.
  * <p>If it goes too deep, you can check if node is child of B or C using {@link
  * #isChildOf(String)} or {@link #isChildOf_or_is(String)}.
  * @return a List of node
 public List getDeepestChilds() {
   if (childs.size() == 0) {
     return new ArrayList(0);
   List ret = new ArrayList(childs.size() * 3);
   Iterator it = getChilds().iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     AbcNode child = (AbcNode) it.next();
     if (!child.hasChilds()) ret.add(child);
     else {
   return ret;
  * Returns the first child having the request label, <code>null</code> if doesn't exist.
  * <p>Can get directly a grandchild if label contains <tt>/</tt> e.g.
  * abcHeader.getChild("FieldNumber/DIGITS") returns the grandchild "DIGITS" if exist in
  * FieldNumber child.
  * @param label One of {@link AbcTokens} constants
 public AbcNode getChild(String label) {
   if (label == null || label.equals("")) return null;
   String[] generation = label.split("/");
   String child = generation[0];
   String grandchild = "";
   if (generation.length > 1) {
     for (int i = 1; i < generation.length; i++) {
       grandchild += (grandchild.equals("") ? "" : "/");
       grandchild += generation[i];
   Iterator it = childs.iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     AbcNode abcn = (AbcNode) it.next();
     if (child.equals(abcn.getLabel())) {
       if (grandchild.equals("")) return abcn;
       else return abcn.getChild(grandchild);
   return null;
  * Returns a list of childs having the requested label
  * <p>Can get directly grandchilds if label contains <tt>/</tt> e.g.
  * titleFields.getChild("FieldTitle/TexText") returns all grandchilds "TexText" in all
  * "FieldTitle" childs.
 public List getChilds(String label) {
   if (label == null || label.equals("")) return new ArrayList(0);
   String[] generation = label.split("/");
   String child = generation[0];
   String grandchild = "";
   if (generation.length > 1) {
     for (int i = 1; i < generation.length; i++) {
       grandchild += (grandchild.equals("") ? "" : "/");
       grandchild += generation[i];
   List ret = new ArrayList(childs.size());
   Iterator it = childs.iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     AbcNode abcn = (AbcNode) it.next();
     if (abcn.getLabel().equals(child)) {
       if (grandchild.equals("")) ret.add(abcn);
       else ret.addAll(abcn.getChilds(grandchild));
   return ret;
 // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 protected AbcNode(
     Node node,
     InputBuffer parseInputBuffer,
     List<ParseError> parseErrors,
     AbcInputBuffer abcInputBuffer) {
   if (node != null) {
     this.label = node.getLabel();
     this.value = parseInputBuffer.extract(node.getStartIndex(), node.getEndIndex());
     Position pos = parseInputBuffer.getPosition(node.getStartIndex());
     int sourceStartIndex = abcInputBuffer.getIndex(pos);
     int sourceEndIndex = sourceStartIndex + value.length();
         new CharStreamPosition(pos.line, pos.column, sourceStartIndex, sourceEndIndex));
     this.childs = new ArrayList(node.getChildren().size());
     Iterator it = node.getChildren().iterator();
     while (it.hasNext()) {
       AbcNode abcn = new AbcNode((Node) it.next(), parseInputBuffer, parseErrors, abcInputBuffer);
       abcn.parent = this;
     if (!hasError() /*(childs.size() == 0)*/ && node.hasError()) {
       this.errors = new ArrayList();
       it = parseErrors.iterator();
       while (it.hasNext()) {
         ParseError pe = (ParseError) it.next();
         String peValue = pe.getInputBuffer().extract(pe.getStartIndex(), pe.getEndIndex());
         String peMsg = pe.getErrorMessage();
         Position pePos = pe.getInputBuffer().getPosition(pe.getStartIndex());
         int peIndex = abcInputBuffer.getIndex(pePos);
         CharStreamPosition csp =
             new CharStreamPosition(
                 peIndex + (peValue.length() > 0 ? peValue.length() : 1));
         // if ((pe.getStartIndex() >= node.getStartIndex())
         //		&& (pe.getStartIndex() </*=*/ node.getEndIndex())) {
         if ((peIndex >= sourceStartIndex)
             && ((peIndex < sourceEndIndex) || (sourceStartIndex == sourceEndIndex))) {
           errors.add(new AbcParseError(peMsg, peValue, csp));
   } else {
     this.label = "AbcFile-Error";
     this.value = "";
     int nbL = parseInputBuffer.getLineCount();
     for (int i = 1; i <= nbL; i++) this.value += parseInputBuffer.extractLine(i) + "\n";
     this.childs = new ArrayList(0);
     setCharStreamPosition(new CharStreamPosition(1, 1, 0, 1));
     if (parseErrors != null) {
       this.errors = new ArrayList();
       Iterator it = parseErrors.iterator();
       while (it.hasNext()) {
         ParseError pe = (ParseError) it.next();
         errors.add(new AbcParseError(pe.getErrorMessage(), value, getCharStreamPosition()));