public WorldConfig(String worldname) { this.worldname = worldname; if (worldname == null) { return; } worldname = worldname.toLowerCase(); worldConfigs.put(worldname, this); World world = this.getWorld(); if (world != null) { // Read from the loaded world directly this.keepSpawnInMemory = world.getKeepSpawnInMemory(); this.worldmode = WorldMode.get(world); this.difficulty = world.getDifficulty(); this.spawnPoint = new Position(world.getSpawnLocation()); this.pvp = world.getPVP(); this.autosave = world.isAutoSave(); this.getChunkGeneratorName(); } else { this.worldmode = WorldMode.get(worldname); this.spawnPoint = new Position(worldname, 0, 128, 0); if (WorldManager.worldExists(this.worldname)) { // Open up the level.dat of the World and read the settings from it CommonTagCompound data = WorldManager.getData(this.worldname); if (data != null) { // Read the settings from it this.spawnPoint.setX(data.getValue("SpawnX", this.spawnPoint.getBlockX())); this.spawnPoint.setY(data.getValue("SpawnY", this.spawnPoint.getBlockY())); this.spawnPoint.setZ(data.getValue("SpawnZ", this.spawnPoint.getBlockZ())); } // Figure out the world mode by inspecting the region files in the world // On failure, it will resort to using the world name to figure it out File regions = Common.SERVER.getWorldRegionFolder(this.worldname); if (regions != null && regions.isDirectory()) { // Skip the 'region' folder found in the dimension folder regions = regions.getParentFile(); // Find out what name the current folder is // If this is DIM1 or DIM-1 then it is the_end/nether // Otherwise we will resort to using the world name String dimName = regions.getName(); if (dimName.equals("DIM1")) { this.worldmode = WorldMode.THE_END; } else if (dimName.equals("DIM-1")) { this.worldmode = WorldMode.NETHER; } } } } if (MyWorlds.useWorldOperators) { for (OfflinePlayer op : Bukkit.getServer().getOperators()) { this.OPlist.add(op.getName()); } } this.inventory = new WorldInventory(this.worldname).add(worldname); }
public void load(ConfigurationNode node) { this.keepSpawnInMemory = node.get("keepSpawnLoaded", this.keepSpawnInMemory); this.worldmode = WorldMode.get(node.get("environment", this.worldmode.getName())); this.chunkGeneratorName = node.get("chunkGenerator", String.class, this.chunkGeneratorName); if (LogicUtil.nullOrEmpty(this.chunkGeneratorName)) { this.chunkGeneratorName = null; } this.difficulty = node.get("difficulty", Difficulty.class, this.difficulty); this.gameMode = node.get("gamemode", GameMode.class, this.gameMode); this.clearInventory = node.get("clearInventory", this.clearInventory); String worldspawn = node.get("", String.class); if (worldspawn != null) { double x = node.get("spawn.x", 0.0); double y = node.get("spawn.y", 64.0); double z = node.get("spawn.z", 0.0); double yaw = node.get("spawn.yaw", 0.0); double pitch = node.get("spawn.pitch", 0.0); this.spawnPoint = new Position(worldspawn, x, y, z, (float) yaw, (float) pitch); } this.holdWeather = node.get("holdWeather", this.holdWeather); this.formIce = node.get("formIce", this.formIce); this.formSnow = node.get("formSnow", this.formSnow); this.showRain = node.get("showRain", this.showRain); this.showSnow = node.get("showSnow", this.showSnow); this.pvp = node.get("pvp", this.pvp); this.forcedRespawn = node.get("forcedRespawn", this.forcedRespawn); this.allowHunger = node.get("hunger", this.allowHunger); this.rememberLastPlayerPosition = node.get("rememberlastplayerpos", this.rememberLastPlayerPosition); this.reloadWhenEmpty = node.get("reloadWhenEmpty", this.reloadWhenEmpty); for (String type : node.getList("deniedCreatures", String.class)) { type = type.toUpperCase(); if (type.equals("ANIMALS")) { this.spawnControl.setAnimals(true); } else if (type.equals("MONSTERS")) { this.spawnControl.setMonsters(true); } else { EntityType t = ParseUtil.parseEnum(EntityType.class, type, null); if (t != null) { this.spawnControl.deniedCreatures.add(t); } } } long time = node.get("lockedtime", Integer.MIN_VALUE); if (time != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { this.timeControl.setTime(time); this.timeControl.setLocking(true); } this.defaultNetherPortal = node.get("defaultNetherPortal", String.class, this.defaultNetherPortal); this.defaultEnderPortal = node.get("defaultEndPortal", String.class, this.defaultEnderPortal); if (node.contains("defaultPortal")) { // Compatibility mode this.defaultNetherPortal = node.get("defaultPortal", String.class, this.defaultNetherPortal); node.set("defaultPortal", null); } this.OPlist = node.getList("operators", String.class, this.OPlist); }