   * Updates the lucene index for a single page.
   * @param page The WikiPage to check
   * @param text The page text to index.
  protected synchronized void updateLuceneIndex(WikiPage page, String text) {
    IndexWriter writer = null;

    log.debug("Updating Lucene index for page '" + page.getName() + "'...");

    Directory luceneDir = null;
    try {

      // Now add back the new version.
      luceneDir = new SimpleFSDirectory(new File(m_luceneDirectory), null);
      writer = getIndexWriter(luceneDir);

      luceneIndexPage(page, text, writer);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("Unable to update page '" + page.getName() + "' from Lucene index", e);
      // reindexPage( page );
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("Unexpected Lucene exception - please check configuration!", e);
      // reindexPage( page );
    } finally {

    log.debug("Done updating Lucene index for page '" + page.getName() + "'.");
Exemple #2
   * Compare two pages (WikiPage version). Compares them by name first. If the same name, compares
   * their versions.
   * @param page1 the first page
   * @param page2 the second page
   * @return see java.util.Comparator
   * @see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
  public int compare(WikiPage page1, WikiPage page2) {
    if (page1 == page2) return 0; // the same object

    int res = m_comparator.compare(page1.getName(), page2.getName());
    if (res == 0) res = page1.getVersion() - page2.getVersion();
    return res;
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public void pageRemoved(WikiPage page) {
   IndexWriter writer = null;
   try {
     Directory luceneDir = new SimpleFSDirectory(new File(m_luceneDirectory), null);
     writer = getIndexWriter(luceneDir);
     Query query = new TermQuery(new Term(LUCENE_ID, page.getName()));
   } catch (Exception e) {
     log.error("Unable to remove page '" + page.getName() + "' from Lucene index", e);
   } finally {
Exemple #4
  private String doRunAndGetErrorLog(String content) throws Exception {
    WikiPage testPage = crawler.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("TestPage"), content);

    Response response = responder.makeResponse(context, request);
    MockResponseSender sender = new MockResponseSender();
    String results = sender.sentData();

    assertHasRegexp("ErrorLog", results);

    WikiPage errorLog = errorLogsParentPage.getChildPage(testPage.getName());
    return errorLog.getData().getContent();
 private WikiPage getPropertiesContentFromPage(WikiPage page) throws Exception {
   request = new MockRequest();
   responder = new PropertiesResponder();
   SimpleResponse response =
       (SimpleResponse) responder.makeResponse(new FitNesseContext(root), request);
   content = response.getContent();
   return page;
 public void DirectoryOfHtmlFilesIsExternalSuitePageChild() throws Exception {
   fileSystem.makeFile("./somepath/ExternalSuite/subsuite/myfile.html", "stuff");
   ExternalSuitePage page =
       (ExternalSuitePage) pageRepository.makeChildPage("ExternalSuite", rootPage);
   WikiPage child = pageRepository.findChildren(page).get(0);
   assertEquals(ExternalSuitePage.class, child.getClass());
   assertEquals("SubsuitE", child.getName());
Exemple #7
  public void testSimpleRun() throws Exception {

    assertSubString(testPage.getName(), results);
    assertSubString("Test Results", results);
    assertSubString("class", results);
    assertNotSubString("ClassNotFoundException", results);
Exemple #8
  private Element createXmlFromPage(Document document, WikiPage page) {
    Element pageElement = document.createElement("page");
    XmlUtil.addTextNode(document, pageElement, "name", page.getName());
    addLastModifiedTag(page, document, pageElement);

    addXmlFromChildren(page, document, pageElement);

    return pageElement;
 public List getNormalChildren() throws Exception {
   List children = realPage.getChildren();
   List symChildren = new LinkedList();
   for (Iterator iterator = children.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
     WikiPage child = (WikiPage) iterator.next();
     if (!(child instanceof SymbolicPage))
       symChildren.add(new SymbolicPage(child.getName(), child, this));
   return symChildren;
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Attachment getAttachmentInfo(WikiPage page, String name, int version)
      throws ProviderException {
    Attachment att = new Attachment(page.getName(), name);
    File dir = findAttachmentDir(att);

    if (!dir.exists()) {
      // log.debug("Attachment dir not found - thus no attachment can exist.");
      return null;

    if (version == WikiProvider.LATEST_VERSION) {
      version = findLatestVersion(att);


    // Should attachment be cachable by the client (browser)?
    if (m_disableCache != null) {
      Matcher matcher = m_disableCache.matcher(name);
      if (matcher.matches()) {

    // System.out.println("Fetching info on version "+version);
    try {
      Properties props = getPageProperties(att);

      att.setAuthor(props.getProperty(version + ".author"));

      String changeNote = props.getProperty(version + ".changenote");
      if (changeNote != null) {

      File f = findFile(dir, att);

      att.setLastModified(new Date(f.lastModified()));
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      log.error("Can't get attachment properties for " + att, e);
      return null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("Can't read page properties", e);
      throw new ProviderException("Cannot read page properties: " + e.getMessage());
    // FIXME: Check for existence of this particular version.

    return att;
 public void testGetChidren() throws Exception {
   crawler.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("AaAa"), "A content");
   crawler.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("BbBb"), "B content");
   crawler.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("CcCc"), "C content");
   new File(defaultPath + "/root/someOtherDir").mkdir();
   List<WikiPage> children = root.getChildren();
   assertEquals(3, children.size());
   for (WikiPage child : children) {
     String name = child.getName();
     boolean isOk = "AaAa".equals(name) || "BbBb".equals(name) || "CcCc".equals(name);
     assertTrue("WikiPAge is not a valid one: " + name, isOk);
Exemple #12
  public void testHasExitValueHeader() throws Exception {
    WikiPage testPage =
            root, PathParser.parse("TestPage"), classpathWidgets() + passFixtureTable());

    Response response = responder.makeResponse(context, request);
    MockResponseSender sender = new MockResponseSender();
    String results = sender.sentData();

    assertSubString("Exit-Code: 0", results);
Exemple #13
  public void testFixtureThatCrashes() throws Exception {
    WikiPage testPage =
            root, PathParser.parse("TestPage"), classpathWidgets() + crashFixtureTable());

    Response response = responder.makeResponse(context, request);
    MockResponseSender sender = new MockResponseSender();

    String results = sender.sentData();
    assertSubString("ErrorLog", results);
Exemple #14
  public void testEmptyTestPage() throws Exception {
    PageData data = root.getData();
    testPage = crawler.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("EmptyTestPage"));

    response = responder.makeResponse(context, request);
    sender = new MockResponseSender();

    WikiPagePath errorLogPath = PathParser.parse("ErrorLogs.EmptyTestPage");
    WikiPage errorLogPage = crawler.getPage(root, errorLogPath);
    String errorLogContent = errorLogPage.getData().getContent();
    assertNotSubString("Exception", errorLogContent);
Exemple #15
  private void doSimpleRunWithTags(String fixtureTable, String tags) throws Exception {
    String simpleRunPageName = "TestPage";
    testPage =
            root, PathParser.parse(simpleRunPageName), classpathWidgets() + fixtureTable);
    if (tags != null) {
      PageData pageData = testPage.getData();
      pageData.setAttribute(PageData.PropertySUITES, tags);

    response = responder.makeResponse(context, request);
    sender = new MockResponseSender();

    results = sender.sentData();
   * Adds a page-text pair to the lucene update queue. Safe to call always
   * @param page WikiPage to add to the update queue.
  public void reindexPage(WikiPage page) {
    if (page != null) {
      String text;

      // TODO: Think if this was better done in the thread itself?

      if (page instanceof Attachment) {
        text = getAttachmentContent((Attachment) page);
      } else {
        text = m_engine.getPureText(page);

      if (text != null) {
        // Add work item to m_updates queue.
        Object[] pair = new Object[2];
        pair[0] = page;
        pair[1] = text;
        log.debug("Scheduling page " + page.getName() + " for index update");
Exemple #17
 public void processPage(WikiPage page) throws Exception {
   * Figures out the full attachment name from the context and attachment name.
   * @param context The current WikiContext
   * @param attachmentname The file name of the attachment.
   * @param version A particular version.
   * @return Attachment, or null, if no such attachment or version exists.
   * @throws ProviderException If something goes wrong.
  public Attachment getAttachmentInfo(WikiContext context, String attachmentname, int version)
      throws ProviderException {
    if (m_provider == null) {
      return null;

    WikiPage currentPage = null;

    if (context != null) {
      currentPage = context.getPage();

    //  Figure out the parent page of this attachment.  If we can't find it,
    //  we'll assume this refers directly to the attachment.
    int cutpt = attachmentname.lastIndexOf('/');

    if (cutpt != -1) {
      String parentPage = attachmentname.substring(0, cutpt);
      parentPage = MarkupParser.cleanLink(parentPage);
      attachmentname = attachmentname.substring(cutpt + 1);

      // If we for some reason have an empty parent page name;
      // this can't be an attachment
      if (parentPage.length() == 0) return null;

      currentPage = m_engine.getPage(parentPage);

      // Go check for legacy name
      // FIXME: This should be resolved using CommandResolver,
      //        not this adhoc way.  This also assumes that the
      //        legacy charset is a subset of the full allowed set.
      if (currentPage == null) {
        currentPage = m_engine.getPage(MarkupParser.wikifyLink(parentPage));

    //  If the page cannot be determined, we cannot possibly find the
    //  attachments.
    if (currentPage == null || currentPage.getName().length() == 0) {
      return null;

    // System.out.println("Seeking info on "+currentPage+"::"+attachmentname);

    //  Finally, figure out whether this is a real attachment or a generated
    //  attachment.
    Attachment att;

    att = getDynamicAttachment(currentPage.getName() + "/" + attachmentname);

    if (att == null) {
      att = m_provider.getAttachmentInfo(currentPage, attachmentname, version);

    return att;
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Collection listAttachments(WikiPage page) throws ProviderException {
    Collection<Attachment> result = new ArrayList<Attachment>();

    File dir = findPageDir(page.getName());

    if (dir != null) {
      String[] attachments = dir.list();

      if (attachments != null) {
        // We now have a list of all potential attachments in
        // the directory.
        for (int i = 0; i < attachments.length; i++) {
          File f = new File(dir, attachments[i]);

          if (f.isDirectory()) {
            String attachmentName = unmangleName(attachments[i]);

            // Is it a new-stylea attachment directory? If yes,
            // we'll just deduce the name. If not, however,
            // we'll check if there's a suitable property file
            // in the directory.
            if (attachmentName.endsWith(ATTDIR_EXTENSION)) {
              attachmentName =
                  attachmentName.substring(0, attachmentName.length() - ATTDIR_EXTENSION.length());
            } else {
              File propFile = new File(f, PROPERTY_FILE);

              if (!propFile.exists()) {
                // This is not obviously a JSPWiki attachment,
                // so let's just skip it.

            Attachment att = getAttachmentInfo(page, attachmentName, WikiProvider.LATEST_VERSION);

            // Sanity check - shouldn't really be happening, unless
            // you mess with the repository directly.
            if (att == null) {
              throw new ProviderException(
                  "Attachment disappeared while reading information:"
                      + " if you did not touch the repository, there is a serious bug somewhere. "
                      + "Attachment = "
                      + attachments[i]
                      + ", decoded = "
                      + attachmentName);


    return result;
   * Performs a full Lucene reindex, if necessary.
   * @throws IOException If there's a problem during indexing
  protected void doFullLuceneReindex() throws IOException {
    File dir = new File(m_luceneDirectory);

    String[] filelist = dir.list();

    if (filelist == null) {
      throw new IOException(
          "Invalid Lucene directory: cannot produce listing: " + dir.getAbsolutePath());

    try {
      if (filelist.length == 0) {
        //  No files? Reindex!
        Date start = new Date();
        IndexWriter writer = null;

        log.info("Starting Lucene reindexing, this can take a couple minutes...");

        Directory luceneDir = new SimpleFSDirectory(dir, null);

        try {
          writer = getIndexWriter(luceneDir);
          Collection allPages = m_engine.getPageManager().getAllPages();

          for (Iterator iterator = allPages.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            WikiPage page = (WikiPage) iterator.next();

            try {
              String text =
                      .getPageText(page.getName(), WikiProvider.LATEST_VERSION);
              luceneIndexPage(page, text, writer);
            } catch (IOException e) {
              log.warn("Unable to index page " + page.getName() + ", continuing to next ", e);

          Collection allAttachments = m_engine.getAttachmentManager().getAllAttachments();
          for (Iterator iterator = allAttachments.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            Attachment att = (Attachment) iterator.next();

            try {
              String text = getAttachmentContent(att.getName(), WikiProvider.LATEST_VERSION);
              luceneIndexPage(att, text, writer);
            } catch (IOException e) {
              log.warn("Unable to index attachment " + att.getName() + ", continuing to next", e);

        } finally {

        Date end = new Date();
            "Full Lucene index finished in "
                + (end.getTime() - start.getTime())
                + " milliseconds.");
      } else {
        log.info("Files found in Lucene directory, not reindexing.");
    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
      log.info("Lucene libraries do not exist - not using Lucene.");
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("Problem while creating Lucene index - not using Lucene.", e);
    } catch (ProviderException e) {
      log.error("Problem reading pages while creating Lucene index (JSPWiki won't start.)", e);
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to create Lucene index");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("Unable to start lucene", e);
Exemple #21
 public void testAddChildPageWithMissingParent() throws Exception {
   WikiPage page = crawler.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("WikiMail.BadSubject0123"), "");
   assertEquals("BadSubject0123", page.getName());
   assertEquals(PathParser.parse("WikiMail.BadSubject0123"), crawler.getFullPath(page));
   * Indexes page using the given IndexWriter.
   * @param page WikiPage
   * @param text Page text to index
   * @param writer The Lucene IndexWriter to use for indexing
   * @return the created index Document
   * @throws IOException If there's an indexing problem
  protected Document luceneIndexPage(WikiPage page, String text, IndexWriter writer)
      throws IOException {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Indexing " + page.getName() + "...");

    // make a new, empty document
    Document doc = new Document();

    if (text == null) return doc;

    // Raw name is the keyword we'll use to refer to this document for updates.
    Field field = new Field(LUCENE_ID, page.getName(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED);

    // Body text.  It is stored in the doc for search contexts.
    field =
        new Field(
            LUCENE_PAGE_CONTENTS, text, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED, Field.TermVector.NO);

    // Allow searching by page name. Both beautified and raw
    String unTokenizedTitle =
            page.getName(), MarkupParser.PUNCTUATION_CHARS_ALLOWED, c_punctuationSpaces);

    field =
        new Field(
            TextUtil.beautifyString(page.getName()) + " " + unTokenizedTitle,

    // Allow searching by authorname

    if (page.getAuthor() != null) {
      field =
          new Field(

    // Now add the names of the attachments of this page
    try {
      Collection attachments = m_engine.getAttachmentManager().listAttachments(page);
      String attachmentNames = "";

      for (Iterator it = attachments.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        Attachment att = (Attachment) it.next();
        attachmentNames += att.getName() + ";";
      field =
          new Field(

    } catch (ProviderException e) {
      // Unable to read attachments
      log.error("Failed to get attachments for page", e);

    return doc;