Exemple #1
   * This method finds all the pages which have anything to do with the fromPage and change any
   * referrers it can figure out in that page.
   * @param context WikiContext in which we operate
   * @param fromPage The old page
   * @param toPage The new page
  private void updateReferrers(
      WikiContext context, WikiPage fromPage, WikiPage toPage, Set<String> referrers) {
    WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();

    if (referrers.isEmpty()) return; // No referrers

    for (String pageName : referrers) {
      //  In case the page was just changed from under us, let's do this
      //  small kludge.
      if (pageName.equals(fromPage.getName())) {
        pageName = toPage.getName();

      WikiPage p = engine.getPage(pageName);

      String sourceText = engine.getPureText(p);

      String newText =
          replaceReferrerString(context, sourceText, fromPage.getName(), toPage.getName());

      if (m_camelCase)
        newText = replaceCCReferrerString(context, newText, fromPage.getName(), toPage.getName());

      if (!sourceText.equals(newText)) {
        p.setAttribute(WikiPage.CHANGENOTE, fromPage.getName() + " ==> " + toPage.getName());

        try {
          engine.getPageManager().putPageText(p, newText);
        } catch (ProviderException e) {
          //  We fail with an error, but we will try to continue to rename
          //  other referrers as well.
          log.error("Unable to perform rename.", e);
   * Adds a page-text pair to the lucene update queue. Safe to call always
   * @param page WikiPage to add to the update queue.
  public void reindexPage(WikiPage page) {
    if (page != null) {
      String text;

      // TODO: Think if this was better done in the thread itself?

      if (page instanceof Attachment) {
        text = getAttachmentContent((Attachment) page);
      } else {
        text = m_engine.getPureText(page);

      if (text != null) {
        // Add work item to m_updates queue.
        Object[] pair = new Object[2];
        pair[0] = page;
        pair[1] = text;
        log.debug("Scheduling page " + page.getName() + " for index update");
  public String execute(WikiContext context, Map params) throws PluginException {
    WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();
    WikiPage page = context.getPage();

    if (context.getVariable(VAR_ALREADY_PROCESSING) != null) return "Table of Contents";

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

    sb.append("<div class=\"toc\">\n");
    sb.append("<div class=\"collapsebox\">\n");

    String title = (String) params.get(PARAM_TITLE);
    if (title != null) {
      sb.append("<h4>" + TextUtil.replaceEntities(title) + "</h4>\n");
    } else {
      sb.append("<h4>Table of Contents</h4>\n");

    // should we use an ordered list?
    m_usingNumberedList = false;
    if (params.containsKey(PARAM_NUMBERED)) {
      String numbered = (String) params.get(PARAM_NUMBERED);
      if (numbered.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
        m_usingNumberedList = true;
      } else if (numbered.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) {
        m_usingNumberedList = true;

    // if we are using a numbered list, get the rest of the parameters (if any) ...
    if (m_usingNumberedList) {
      int start = 0;
      String startStr = (String) params.get(PARAM_START);
      if ((startStr != null) && (startStr.matches("^\\d+$"))) {
        start = Integer.parseInt(startStr);
      if (start < 0) start = 0;

      m_starting = start;
      m_level1Index = start - 1;
      if (m_level1Index < 0) m_level1Index = 0;
      m_level2Index = 0;
      m_level3Index = 0;
      m_prefix = (String) params.get(PARAM_PREFIX);
      if (m_prefix == null) m_prefix = "";
      m_lastLevel = Heading.HEADING_LARGE;

    try {
      String wikiText = engine.getPureText(page);

      context.setVariable(VAR_ALREADY_PROCESSING, "x");
      JSPWikiMarkupParser parser = new JSPWikiMarkupParser(context, new StringReader(wikiText));


      sb.append("<ul>\n" + m_buf.toString() + "</ul>\n");
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("Could not construct table of contents", e);
      throw new PluginException("Unable to construct table of contents (see logs)");


    return sb.toString();
Exemple #4
   * Renames a page.
   * @param context The current context.
   * @param renameFrom The name from which to rename.
   * @param renameTo The new name.
   * @param changeReferrers If true, also changes all the referrers.
   * @return The final new name (in case it had to be modified)
   * @throws WikiException If the page cannot be renamed.
  public String renamePage(
      WikiContext context, String renameFrom, String renameTo, boolean changeReferrers)
      throws WikiException {
    //  Sanity checks first
    if (renameFrom == null || renameFrom.length() == 0) {
      throw new WikiException("From name may not be null or empty");
    if (renameTo == null || renameTo.length() == 0) {
      throw new WikiException("To name may not be null or empty");

    //  Clean up the "to" -name so that it does not contain anything illegal

    renameTo = MarkupParser.cleanLink(renameTo.trim());

    if (renameTo.equals(renameFrom)) {
      throw new WikiException("You cannot rename the page to itself");

    //  Preconditions: "from" page must exist, and "to" page must not yet exist.
    WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();
    WikiPage fromPage = engine.getPage(renameFrom);

    if (fromPage == null) {
      throw new WikiException("No such page " + renameFrom);

    WikiPage toPage = engine.getPage(renameTo);

    if (toPage != null) {
      throw new WikiException("Page already exists " + renameTo);

    //  Options

    m_camelCase =
            engine.getWikiProperties(), JSPWikiMarkupParser.PROP_CAMELCASELINKS, m_camelCase);

    Set<String> referrers = getReferencesToChange(fromPage, engine);

    //  Do the actual rename by changing from the frompage to the topage, including
    //  all of the attachments

    engine.getPageManager().getProvider().movePage(renameFrom, renameTo);

    if (engine.getAttachmentManager().attachmentsEnabled()) {
          .moveAttachmentsForPage(renameFrom, renameTo);

    //  Add a comment to the page notifying what changed.  This adds a new revision
    //  to the repo with no actual change.

    toPage = engine.getPage(renameTo);

    if (toPage == null)
      throw new InternalWikiException(
          "Rename seems to have failed for some strange reason - please check logs!");

    toPage.setAttribute(WikiPage.CHANGENOTE, fromPage.getName() + " ==> " + toPage.getName());

    engine.getPageManager().putPageText(toPage, engine.getPureText(toPage));

    //  Update the references


    //  Update referrers
    if (changeReferrers) {
      updateReferrers(context, fromPage, toPage, referrers);

    //  re-index the page

    Collection<Attachment> attachments = engine.getAttachmentManager().listAttachments(toPage);
    for (Attachment att : attachments) {

    //  Done, return the new name.
    return renameTo;