   * Initialize this object's state with the state from that.
   * @param that The other obejct to get state from
   * @param ignoreWindow If true then don't set the window size and location
   * @throws RemoteException On badness
   * @throws VisADException On badness
  protected void initWithInner(ViewManager that, boolean ignoreWindow)
      throws VisADException, RemoteException {
    if (!(that instanceof NavigatedViewManager)) {

    super.initWithInner(that, ignoreWindow);

    NavigatedViewManager nvm = (NavigatedViewManager) that;

    if (this != that) {
      Unit verticalRangeUnit = nvm.getVerticalRangeUnit();

      if (verticalRangeUnit != null) {

      double[] verticalRange = nvm.getVerticalRange();

      if (verticalRange != null) {