Exemple #1
   * Converts an iterable type to a JSON array.
   * @param iter Iterable type containing field values
   * @param type Name of the item type
   * @param custom Name of the custom type
   * @return a JSON-encoded array of items
  public static JSONArray toArray(Iterable iter, String type, String custom) throws JiraException {
    JSONArray results = new JSONArray();

    if (type == null) throw new JiraException("Array field metadata is missing item type");

    for (Object val : iter) {
      Operation oper = null;
      Object realValue = null;
      Object realResult = null;

      if (val instanceof Operation) {
        oper = (Operation) val;
        realValue = oper.value;
      } else realValue = val;

      if (type.equals("component")
          || type.equals("group")
          || type.equals("user")
          || type.equals("version")) {

        JSONObject itemMap = new JSONObject();

        if (realValue instanceof ValueTuple) {
          ValueTuple tuple = (ValueTuple) realValue;
          itemMap.put(tuple.type, tuple.value.toString());
        } else itemMap.put(ValueType.NAME.toString(), realValue.toString());

        realResult = itemMap;
      } else if (type.equals("option")
          || (type.equals("string")
              && custom != null
              && (custom.equals("com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multicheckboxes")
                  || custom.equals(
                      "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselect")))) {

        realResult = new JSONObject();
        ((JSONObject) realResult).put(ValueType.VALUE.toString(), realValue.toString());
      } else if (type.equals("string")) realResult = realValue.toString();

      if (oper != null) {
        JSONObject operMap = new JSONObject();
        operMap.put(oper.name, realResult);
      } else results.add(realResult);

    return results;
Exemple #2
   * Converts the given value to a JSON object.
   * @param name Field name
   * @param value New field value
   * @param editmeta Edit metadata JSON object
   * @return a JSON-encoded field value
   * @throws JiraException when a value is bad or field has invalid metadata
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException when a field type isn't supported
  public static Object toJson(String name, Object value, JSONObject editmeta)
      throws JiraException, UnsupportedOperationException {

    Meta m = getFieldMetadata(name, editmeta);
    if (m.type == null) throw new JiraException("Field '" + name + "' is missing metadata type");

    if (m.type.equals("array")) {
      if (value == null) value = new ArrayList();
      else if (!(value instanceof Iterable))
        throw new JiraException("Field '" + name + "' expects an Iterable value");

      return toArray((Iterable) value, m.items, m.custom);
    } else if (m.type.equals("date")) {
      if (value == null) return JSONNull.getInstance();

      Date d = toDate(value);
      if (d == null)
        throw new JiraException("Field '" + name + "' expects a date value or format is invalid");

      SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);
      return df.format(d);
    } else if (m.type.equals("datetime")) {
      if (value == null) return JSONNull.getInstance();
      else if (!(value instanceof Timestamp))
        throw new JiraException("Field '" + name + "' expects a Timestamp value");

      SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(DATETIME_FORMAT);
      return df.format(value);
    } else if (m.type.equals("issuetype")
        || m.type.equals("priority")
        || m.type.equals("user")
        || m.type.equals("resolution")) {
      JSONObject json = new JSONObject();

      if (value == null) return JSONNull.getInstance();
      else if (value instanceof ValueTuple) {
        ValueTuple tuple = (ValueTuple) value;
        json.put(tuple.type, tuple.value.toString());
      } else json.put(ValueType.NAME.toString(), value.toString());

      return json.toString();
    } else if (m.type.equals("project") || m.type.equals("issuelink")) {
      JSONObject json = new JSONObject();

      if (value == null) return JSONNull.getInstance();
      else if (value instanceof ValueTuple) {
        ValueTuple tuple = (ValueTuple) value;
        json.put(tuple.type, tuple.value.toString());
      } else json.put(ValueType.KEY.toString(), value.toString());

      return json.toString();
    } else if (m.type.equals("string") || (m.type.equals("securitylevel"))) {
      if (value == null) return "";
      else if (value instanceof List) return toJsonMap((List) value);
      else if (value instanceof ValueTuple) {
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
        ValueTuple tuple = (ValueTuple) value;
        json.put(tuple.type, tuple.value.toString());
        return json.toString();

      return value.toString();
    } else if (m.type.equals("timetracking")) {
      if (value == null) return JSONNull.getInstance();
      else if (value instanceof TimeTracking) return ((TimeTracking) value).toJsonObject();
    } else if (m.type.equals("number")) {
      if (!(value instanceof java.lang.Integer)
          && !(value instanceof java.lang.Double)
          && !(value instanceof java.lang.Float)
          && !(value instanceof java.lang.Long)) {
        throw new JiraException("Field '" + name + "' expects a Numeric value");
      return value;

    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(m.type + " is not a supported field type");