public SyntaxTree MulOper() throws { SyntaxTree syntaxTree = null; if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.MULTOP) { ErrorMessage.print( "* or / expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree(token.lexeme()); getToken(); return syntaxTree; }
public SyntaxTree Literal() throws { SyntaxTree syntaxTree = null; if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.INTEGER) { if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.NIL) { ErrorMessage.print("Integer expected"); } else { syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree("NIL"); getToken(); } } else { syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree(token.lexeme()); getToken(); } return syntaxTree; }
public SyntaxTree PrefixExpr() throws { // TODO this is wrong, check further SyntaxTree syntaxTree = null; if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.ADDOP) { String addop = token.lexeme(); getToken(); syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree(addop, SimpleExpr()); } else { syntaxTree = SimpleExpr(); } while (token.symbol() == TokenClass.PERIOD) { syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree(".", syntaxTree, ListMethodCall()); } return syntaxTree; }
public SyntaxTree RelExpr() throws { SyntaxTree syntaxTree = null; // [!] ListExpr [RelOper ListExpr] if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.NOT) { getToken(); syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree("NOT", ListExpr()); } else { syntaxTree = ListExpr(); } if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.RELOP) { String tmpRel = token.lexeme(); getToken(); SyntaxTree tmpList = ListExpr(); syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree(tmpRel, syntaxTree, tmpList); } return syntaxTree; }
public String VarDef(VariableEnvironment env) throws { String varId; Type varType; if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.VAR) { ErrorMessage.print( "Var expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.ID) { ErrorMessage.print( "ID expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } varId = token.lexeme(); getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.COLON) { ErrorMessage.print( ": expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); varType = Type(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.ASSIGN) { ErrorMessage.print( "= expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); Literal(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.SEMICOLON) { ErrorMessage.print( "; expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); // TODO this needs to have the value of the var in the null spot, taken from the literal. env.update(varId, new ExpressibleValue(varType, null)); return varId; }
public SyntaxTree ListMethodCall() throws { SyntaxTree syntaxTree = null; if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.PERIOD) { ErrorMessage.print(". expected, current token is " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.LISTOP) { ErrorMessage.print( "List Operand expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree(token.lexeme()); getToken(); return syntaxTree; }
public SyntaxTree AndExpr() throws { SyntaxTree syntaxTree = null; // RelExpr {&& RelExpr} syntaxTree = RelExpr(); while (token.symbol() == TokenClass.AND) { getToken(); syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree("AND", syntaxTree, RelExpr()); } return syntaxTree; }
public SyntaxTree Expr() throws { SyntaxTree syntaxTree = null; // AndExpr {|| AndExpr} syntaxTree = AndExpr(); while (token.symbol() == TokenClass.OR) { getToken(); syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree("||", syntaxTree, AndExpr()); } return syntaxTree; }
public SyntaxTree AddExpr() throws { SyntaxTree syntaxTree = null; // MulExpr {AddOper MulExpr} syntaxTree = MulExpr(); while (token.symbol() == TokenClass.ADDOP) { String tmpAdd = token.lexeme(); getToken(); syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree(tmpAdd, syntaxTree, MulExpr()); } return syntaxTree; }
public SyntaxTree ListExpr() throws { SyntaxTree syntaxTree = null; // AddExpr | AddExpr :: ListExpr syntaxTree = AddExpr(); if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.CONS) { getToken(); SyntaxTree tmpList = ListExpr(); syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree("::", syntaxTree, tmpList); } return syntaxTree; }
public SyntaxTree MulExpr() throws { // TODO I believe this is correct SyntaxTree syntaxTree = null; // PrefixExpr {MulOper PrefixExpr} syntaxTree = PrefixExpr(); while (token.symbol() == TokenClass.MULTOP) { String tmpOp = token.lexeme(); getToken(); syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree(tmpOp, syntaxTree, PrefixExpr()); } return syntaxTree; }
// compilationUnit parses MicroScala programs. public CompEnvironment CompilationUnit() throws { CompEnvironment env; VariableEnvironment varEnv = null; String componentId; // object id { {Def} MainDef } // object if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.OBJECT) { ErrorMessage.print("object expected"); } getToken(); // id if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.ID) { ErrorMessage.print("id expected"); } componentId = token.lexeme(); env = new CompEnvironment(componentId); varEnv = new VariableEnvironment(componentId); getToken(); // { if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.LEFTBRACE) { ErrorMessage.print("Left Brace expected"); } getToken(); // one or more defs while (token.symbol() == TokenClass.DEF || token.symbol() == TokenClass.VAR) { if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.DEF) { Def(env); } else { VarDef(varEnv); } } // } if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.RIGHTBRACE) { ErrorMessage.print("Right BRACE Expected"); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.EOF) { ErrorMessage.print("EOF expected"); } varEnv.print(); return env; }
public Type Type() throws { if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.INT) { getToken(); return Type.INT; } else if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.LIST) { getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.LEFTBRACKET) { ErrorMessage.print("[ expected"); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.INT) { ErrorMessage.print("int expected"); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.RIGHTBRACKET) { ErrorMessage.print("] expected"); } getToken(); return Type.LIST; } else { ErrorMessage.print("Type expected"); return null; } }
// Def public void Def(CompEnvironment env) throws { SyntaxTree syntaxTree = null; String defID = ""; Type defType = null; DefDenot defDenot; ArrayList<String> parameterList = null; VariableEnvironment varEnv = null; if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.DEF) { ErrorMessage.print( "Def expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.MAIN) { defID = "MAIN"; varEnv = new VariableEnvironment(defID); defType = Type.NULL; // this is a maindef getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.LEFTPAREN) { ErrorMessage.print( "( expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); // time to get the args parameterList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.ARGS) { ErrorMessage.print( "args expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.COLON) { ErrorMessage.print( ": expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.ARRAY) { ErrorMessage.print( "Array expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.LEFTBRACKET) { ErrorMessage.print( "[ expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.STRING) { ErrorMessage.print( "String expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.RIGHTBRACKET) { ErrorMessage.print( "] expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.RIGHTPAREN) { ErrorMessage.print( ") expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.LEFTBRACE) { ErrorMessage.print( "{ expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); while (token.symbol() == TokenClass.VAR) { VarDef(varEnv); } int stmtNum = 0; do { if (stmtNum == 0) { syntaxTree = Statement(varEnv); stmtNum++; } else { syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree(";", syntaxTree, Statement(varEnv)); } } while (token.symbol() == TokenClass.IF || token.symbol() == TokenClass.WHILE || token.symbol() == TokenClass.ID || token.symbol() == TokenClass.PRINTLN || token.symbol() == TokenClass.LEFTBRACE); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.RIGHTBRACE) { ErrorMessage.print( "} expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); } else if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.ID) { defID = token.lexeme(); varEnv = new VariableEnvironment(defID); // normal def getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.LEFTPAREN) { ErrorMessage.print( "( expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); parameterList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.ID) { String varID = token.lexeme(); getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.COLON) { ErrorMessage.print( ": expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); Type varType = Type(); varEnv.update(varID, new ExpressibleValue(varType, null)); while (token.symbol() == TokenClass.COMMA) { getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.ID) { ErrorMessage.print( "ID expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } varID = token.lexeme(); getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.COLON) { ErrorMessage.print( ": expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); varType = Type(); varEnv.update(varID, new ExpressibleValue(varType, null)); } if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.RIGHTPAREN) { ErrorMessage.print( ") expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.COLON) { ErrorMessage.print( ": expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); // TODO this is where the return value of the def is set defType = Type(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.ASSIGN) { ErrorMessage.print( "= expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.LEFTBRACE) { ErrorMessage.print( "{ expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); while (token.symbol() == TokenClass.VAR) { VarDef(varEnv); } int stmtNum = 0; while (token.symbol() == TokenClass.IF || token.symbol() == TokenClass.WHILE || token.symbol() == TokenClass.ID || token.symbol() == TokenClass.PRINTLN || token.symbol() == TokenClass.LEFTBRACE) { if (stmtNum == 0) { syntaxTree = Statement(varEnv); stmtNum++; } else { syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree(";", syntaxTree, Statement(varEnv)); stmtNum++; } } if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.RETURN) { ErrorMessage.print( "Return expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); // TODO fix this. syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree(";", syntaxTree, new SyntaxTree("RETURN", ListExpr())); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.SEMICOLON) { ErrorMessage.print("; expected, current token is " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.RIGHTBRACE) { ErrorMessage.print( "} expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); } } else { varEnv = new VariableEnvironment(defID); VarDef(varEnv); } defDenot = new DefDenot(parameterList, defType, varEnv, syntaxTree); env.update(defID, defDenot); // syntaxTree.print(defID); System.out.println(); System.out.println(); }
public SyntaxTree SimpleExpr() throws { SyntaxTree syntaxTree = null; if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.NIL || token.symbol() == TokenClass.INTEGER) { syntaxTree = Literal(); } else if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.LEFTPAREN) { // (Expr getToken(); syntaxTree = Expr(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.RIGHTPAREN) { ErrorMessage.print( ") expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); } else { if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.ID) { ErrorMessage.print( "ID expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } String tmpID = token.lexeme(); syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree(token.lexeme()); getToken(); if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.LEFTPAREN) { getToken(); // should be an optional ListExpr SyntaxTree tmp = ListExpr(); // followed by 0 or more list expr preceded by a comma while (token.symbol() == TokenClass.COMMA) { getToken(); // TODO check this tmp = new SyntaxTree(",", tmp, ListExpr()); } if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.RIGHTPAREN) { ErrorMessage.print( ") expected, current token is " + token.symbol() + " with the lexeme " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree("APPLY", syntaxTree, tmp); return syntaxTree; } } return syntaxTree; }
public SyntaxTree Statement(VariableEnvironment env) throws { SyntaxTree syntaxTree = null; if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.IF) { getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.LEFTPAREN) { ErrorMessage.print("( expected, current token is " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); SyntaxTree tmpExpr = Expr(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.RIGHTPAREN) { ErrorMessage.print(") expected, current token is " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); SyntaxTree result1 = Statement(env); if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.ELSE) { getToken(); SyntaxTree result2 = Statement(env); syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree("IF", tmpExpr, result1, result2); } else { syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree("IF", tmpExpr, result1); } } else if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.WHILE) { getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.LEFTPAREN) { ErrorMessage.print("( expected, current token is " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); SyntaxTree tmpExpr = Expr(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.RIGHTPAREN) { ErrorMessage.print(") expected, current token is " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree("WHILE", tmpExpr, Statement(env)); } else if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.ID) { // TODO handle this assignment statement here. SyntaxTree tmpID = new SyntaxTree(token.lexeme()); String varID = token.lexeme(); getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.ASSIGN) { ErrorMessage.print("= expected, current token is " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree("=", tmpID, ListExpr()); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.SEMICOLON) { ErrorMessage.print("; expected, current token is " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); // TODO fix this // env.update(varID, new ExpressibleValue (Type.INT, null)); } else if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.PRINTLN) { getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.LEFTPAREN) { ErrorMessage.print("( expected, current token is " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); SyntaxTree listExp = ListExpr(); syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree("PRINTLN", listExp); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.RIGHTPAREN) { ErrorMessage.print(") expected, current token is " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.SEMICOLON) { ErrorMessage.print("; expected, current token is " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); } else if (token.symbol() == TokenClass.LEFTBRACE) { getToken(); int stmtNum = 0; do { if (stmtNum == 0) { syntaxTree = Statement(env); stmtNum = 1; } else { syntaxTree = new SyntaxTree(";", syntaxTree, Statement(env)); } } while (token.symbol() == TokenClass.IF || token.symbol() == TokenClass.WHILE || token.symbol() == TokenClass.ID || token.symbol() == TokenClass.PRINTLN || token.symbol() == TokenClass.LEFTBRACE); if (token.symbol() != TokenClass.RIGHTBRACE) { ErrorMessage.print("} expected, current token is " + token.lexeme()); } getToken(); } else { ErrorMessage.print("Statement expected, current token is " + token.lexeme()); } return syntaxTree; }