public static void main(String... aArguments) { TextTransfer textTransfer = new TextTransfer(); // display what is currently on the clipboard System.out.println("Clipboard contains:" + textTransfer.getClipboardContents()); // change the contents and then re-display textTransfer.setClipboardContents("blah, blah, blah"); System.out.println("Clipboard contains:" + textTransfer.getClipboardContents()); }
/** * Process the menu events. * * @param evt the event. * @param fff the frame in which the menu is present. */ public void processMenuActions(ActionEvent evt, FidoFrame fff) { ExportTools et = fff.getExportTools(); PrintTools pt = fff.getPrintTools(); CircuitPanel cc =; String arg = evt.getActionCommand(); EditorActions edt = cc.getEditorActions(); CopyPasteActions cpa = cc.getCopyPasteActions(); ElementsEdtActions eea = cc.getContinuosMoveActions(); SelectionActions sa = cc.getSelectionActions(); ParserActions pa = cc.getParserActions(); // Edit the FidoCadJ code of the drawing if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Define"))) { EnterCircuitFrame circuitDialog = new EnterCircuitFrame(fff, cc.getParserActions().getText(!cc.extStrict).toString()); circuitDialog.setVisible(true); pa.parseString(new StringBuffer(circuitDialog.getStringCircuit())); cc.getUndoActions().saveUndoState(); fff.repaint(); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("LibraryUpdate"))) { // Update libraries fff.loadLibraries();; } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Circ_opt"))) { // Options for the current drawing fff.showPrefs(); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Layer_opt"))) { // Options for the layers DialogLayer layerDialog = new DialogLayer(fff, cc.dmp.getLayers()); layerDialog.setVisible(true); // It is important that we force a complete recalculation of // all details in the drawing, otherwise the buffered setup // will not be responsive to the changes in the layer editing. cc.dmp.setChanged(true); fff.repaint(); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Print"))) { // Print the current drawing pt.associateToCircuitPanel(cc); pt.printDrawing(fff); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("SaveName"))) { // Save with name fff.getFileTools().saveWithName(false); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Save_split"))) { // Save with name, split non standard macros fff.getFileTools().saveWithName(true); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Save"))) { // Save with the current name (if available) fff.getFileTools().save(false); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("New"))) { // New drawing fff.createNewInstance(); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Undo"))) { // Undo the last action cc.getUndoActions().undo(); fff.repaint(); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Redo"))) { // Redo the last action cc.getUndoActions().redo(); fff.repaint(); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("About_menu"))) { // Show the about menu DialogAbout d = new DialogAbout(fff); d.setVisible(true); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Open"))) { // Open a file OpenFile openf = new OpenFile(); openf.setParam(fff); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(openf); /* The following code would require a thread safe implementation of some of the inner classes (such as CircuitModel), which was indeed not the case... Now, yes! */ /*Thread thread = new Thread(openf); thread.setDaemon(true); // Start the thread thread.start();*/ } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Export"))) { // Export the current drawing et.launchExport(fff, cc, fff.getFileTools().openFileDirectory); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("SelectAll"))) { // Select all elements in the current drawing sa.setSelectionAll(true); // Even if the drawing is not changed, a repaint operation is // needed since all selected elements are rendered in green. fff.repaint(); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Copy"))) { // Copy all selected elements in the clipboard cpa.copySelected(!cc.extStrict, false); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Copy_split"))) { // Copy elements, splitting non standard macros cpa.copySelected(!cc.extStrict, true); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Cut"))) { // Cut all the selected elements cpa.copySelected(!cc.extStrict, false); edt.deleteAllSelected(true); fff.repaint(); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Mirror_E"))) { // Mirror all the selected elements if (eea.isEnteringMacro()) eea.mirrorMacro(); else edt.mirrorAllSelected(); fff.repaint(); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Rotate"))) { // 90 degrees rotation of all selected elements if (eea.isEnteringMacro()) eea.rotateMacro(); else edt.rotateAllSelected(); fff.repaint(); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Duplicate"))) { // Duplicate cpa.copySelected(!cc.extStrict, false); cpa.paste(cc.getMapCoordinates().getXGridStep(), cc.getMapCoordinates().getYGridStep()); fff.repaint(); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("DefineClipboard"))) { // Paste as a new circuit TextTransfer textTransfer = new TextTransfer(); FidoFrame popFrame; if (cc.getUndoActions().getModified()) { popFrame = fff.createNewInstance(); } else { popFrame = fff; } pa.parseString(new StringBuffer(textTransfer.getClipboardContents())); fff.repaint(); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Paste"))) { // Paste some graphical elements cpa.paste(cc.getMapCoordinates().getXGridStep(), cc.getMapCoordinates().getYGridStep()); fff.repaint(); } else if (arg.equals(Globals.messages.getString("Close"))) { // Close the current window if (!fff.getFileTools().checkIfToBeSaved()) { return; } fff.setVisible(false); cc.getUndoActions().doTheDishes(); fff.dispose(); Globals.openWindows.remove(fff); --Globals.openWindowsNumber; if (Globals.openWindowsNumber < 1) System.exit(0); } }