public void testIterWithDelete() throws PersistenceException, SQLException { stream.println("Running testIterWithDelete..."); // Tests iterating over a lazy-loaded Collection that has // had data deleted Complex fullname = new Complex("First", "Person"); // First add a record, then commit _db.begin(); TestLazyEmployee loadPerson = (TestLazyEmployee) _db.load(TestLazyEmployee.class, fullname); Collection addresses = loadPerson.getAddress(); TestLazyAddress la = new TestLazyAddress(); la.setId(999); la.setStreet("Rogue Street"); la.setCity("Rogue City"); la.setState("RS"); la.setZip("10666"); la.setPerson(loadPerson); addresses.add(la); _db.commit(); // New transaction _db.begin(); ArrayList masterData = new ArrayList(); // test java.util.Collection.clear() for lazy loading (bug 801) loadPerson = (TestLazyEmployee) _db.load(TestLazyEmployee.class, fullname); addresses = loadPerson.getAddress(); // Store the list in the database at the start of the transaction, // for comparison purposes. Select a victim for deletion. Iterator it = addresses.iterator(); // victim is last element to test bug 1022 int victim = addresses.size() - 1; int recNo = 0; TestLazyAddress victimAddr = null; while (it.hasNext()) { TestLazyAddress addr = (TestLazyAddress); if (recNo++ == victim) { victimAddr = addr; } else { masterData.add(addr); } } // The expected number of items to iterate over int collSize = addresses.size(); _db.rollback(); // Now start over, and add something to the collection. Then try // iterating and clearing the collection _db.begin(); loadPerson = (TestLazyEmployee) _db.load(TestLazyEmployee.class, fullname); addresses = loadPerson.getAddress(); addresses.remove(victimAddr); Iterator it2 = addresses.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { TestLazyAddress addr = (TestLazyAddress); if (addr.equals(victimAddr)) { stream.println("Error: Deleted record should not show up in iteration"); fail("Error: Deleted record should not show up in iteration"); } else { if (!masterData.remove(addr)) { stream.println("Error: unrecognized element from list in testIterWithDelete"); fail("Error: unrecognized element from list in testIterWithDelete"); } } } _db.rollback(); if (!masterData.isEmpty()) { stream.println("Error: iteration/deletion failed in testIterWithDelete"); fail("Error: iteration/deletion failed in testIterWithDelete"); } }
public void testCollection() throws PersistenceException, SQLException { stream.println("Running testCollection..."); Complex fullname = new Complex("First", "Person"); // test java.util.Collection.clear() for lazy loading (bug 801) _db.begin(); TestLazyPerson loadPerson = (TestLazyEmployee) _db.load(TestLazyEmployee.class, fullname); Collection addresses = loadPerson.getAddress(); addresses.clear(); _db.commit(); _db.begin(); loadPerson = (TestLazyEmployee) _db.load(TestLazyEmployee.class, fullname); addresses = loadPerson.getAddress(); // check if clear() work if (!addresses.isEmpty()) { stream.println("Error: Collection.clear() is not working!"); fail("Error: Collection.clear() is not working!"); } // modify the collection to test java.util.Collection.addAll() // for lazy loading (bug 801) Collection c = new ArrayList(); TestLazyAddress address = new TestLazyAddress(); address.setId(101); address.setStreet("Mattrew Street"); address.setCity("Rome City"); address.setState("RM"); address.setZip("10000"); address.setPerson(loadPerson); c.add(address); address = new TestLazyAddress(); address.setId(102); address.setStreet("Luke Street"); address.setCity("Rome City"); address.setState("RM"); address.setZip("10000"); address.setPerson(loadPerson); c.add(address); address = new TestLazyAddress(); address.setId(103); address.setStreet("John Street"); address.setCity("Rome City"); address.setState("RM"); address.setZip("10000"); address.setPerson(loadPerson); c.add(address); addresses.addAll(c); _db.commit(); // check if add all work _db.begin(); loadPerson = (TestLazyEmployee) _db.load(TestLazyEmployee.class, fullname); addresses = loadPerson.getAddress(); Iterator itor = addresses.iterator(); boolean hasAddr1, hasAddr2, hasAddr3; hasAddr1 = hasAddr2 = hasAddr3 = false; while (itor.hasNext()) { address = (TestLazyAddress); if (address.getId() == 101) hasAddr1 = true; else if (address.getId() == 102) hasAddr2 = true; else if (address.getId() == 103) hasAddr3 = true; else { stream.println("Error: Address with unexpected id is found! " + address); fail("Erorr: Address with unexpected id is found! " + address); } } if (!hasAddr1 || !hasAddr2 || !hasAddr3) { stream.println("Error: Collection.addAll( Collection ) fail"); fail("Error: Collection.addAll( Collection ) fail"); } _db.commit(); }
public void testIterWithAdd() throws PersistenceException, SQLException { stream.println("Running testIterWithAdd..."); // Tests iterating over a lazy-loaded Collection that has // had data added ArrayList masterData = new ArrayList(); Complex fullname = new Complex("First", "Person"); // test java.util.Collection.clear() for lazy loading (bug 801) _db.begin(); TestLazyPerson loadPerson = (TestLazyEmployee) _db.load(TestLazyEmployee.class, fullname); Collection addresses = loadPerson.getAddress(); // Store the list in the database at the start of the transaction, // for comparison purposes Iterator it = addresses.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { masterData.add(; } _db.rollback(); // Now start over, and add something to the collection. Then try // iterating and clearing the collection _db.begin(); loadPerson = (TestLazyEmployee) _db.load(TestLazyEmployee.class, fullname); addresses = loadPerson.getAddress(); int collSize = addresses.size(); TestLazyAddress la = new TestLazyAddress(); la.setId(999); la.setStreet("Rogue Street"); la.setCity("Rogue City"); la.setState("RS"); la.setZip("10666"); la.setPerson(loadPerson); addresses.add(la); // bruce stream.println("masterData size: " + masterData.size()); stream.println(" addresses size: " + addresses.size()); if (addresses.size() != masterData.size() + 1) fail("Lazy collection size is different from what is expected"); boolean matchNewElement = false; int matchCount = 0; it = addresses.iterator(); /* * The problem with the following block is that the second loop is * entered but never exited. * */ bigloop: while (it.hasNext()) { TestLazyAddress addr = (TestLazyAddress); Iterator it2 = masterData.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { TestLazyAddress addr2 = (TestLazyAddress); stream.println(" addr: " + addr); stream.println("addr2: " + addr2); if (addr2.equals(addr)) { stream.println("matched"); matchCount++; continue bigloop; } else if (addr == la) { stream.println("matched lazy"); matchNewElement = true; matchCount++; continue bigloop; } else { stream.println("no match"); } } stream.println("newly added:" + la + "@" + System.identityHashCode(la)); stream.println("matchNewElement " + matchNewElement); stream.println("matchCount " + matchCount); fail( "found unexpected address in the new lazy collection:" + addr + "@" + System.identityHashCode(la)); } if (!matchNewElement) fail("Newly added element is missing"); if (matchCount != (masterData.size() + 1)) fail( "Lazy collection contains unexpected number of elements. expected: " + (masterData.size() + 1) + " found: " + matchCount); addresses.clear(); if (!addresses.isEmpty()) { stream.println("Error: clear failed in testIterWithAdd"); fail("Error: clear failed in testIterWithAdd"); } _db.rollback(); }
public void createDataObjects() throws PersistenceException, SQLException { _db.begin(); // create person 1 TestLazyEmployee person = new TestLazyEmployee(); person.setFirstName("First"); person.setLastName("Person"); person.setBirthday(new Date(1922, 2, 2)); person.setStartDate(new Date(2000, 2, 2)); TestLazyAddress address1 = new TestLazyAddress(); address1.setId(1); address1.setStreet("#1 Address Street"); address1.setCity("First City"); address1.setState("AB"); address1.setZip("10000"); address1.setPerson(person); TestLazyAddress address2 = new TestLazyAddress(); address2.setId(2); address2.setStreet("2nd Ave"); address2.setCity("Second City"); address2.setState("BC"); address2.setZip("22222"); address2.setPerson(person); TestLazyAddress address3 = new TestLazyAddress(); address3.setId(3); address3.setStreet("3rd Court"); address3.setCity("Third Ave"); address3.setState("AB"); address3.setZip("30003"); address3.setPerson(person); ArrayList addresslist = new ArrayList(); addresslist.add(address1); addresslist.add(address2); addresslist.add(address3); person.setAddress(addresslist); TestLazyPayRoll pr1 = new TestLazyPayRoll(); pr1.setId(1); pr1.setHoliday(15); pr1.setHourlyRate(25); pr1.setEmployee(person); person.setPayRoll(pr1); TestLazyContractCategory cc = new TestLazyContractCategory(); cc.setId(101); cc.setName("Full-time slave"); _db.create(cc); TestLazyContractCategory cc2 = new TestLazyContractCategory(); cc2.setId(102); cc2.setName("Full-time employee"); _db.create(cc2); ArrayList category = new ArrayList(); category.add(cc); category.add(cc2); TestLazyContract con = new TestLazyContract(); con.setPolicyNo(1001); con.setComment( "80 hours a week, no pay hoilday, no sick leave, arrive office at 7:30am everyday"); con.setContractNo(78); con.setEmployee(person); con.setCategory(category); person.setContract(con); _db.create(person); _db.commit(); }