Exemple #1
  private static void registerTableSpace(
      String spaceName, URI uri, JSONObject spaceDesc, boolean visible, boolean override) {
    Tablespace tableSpace = initializeTableSpace(spaceName, uri, spaceDesc);

    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

    putTablespace(tableSpace, override);

    // If the arbitrary path is allowed, root uri is also added as a tablespace
    if (tableSpace.getProperty().isArbitraryPathAllowed()) {
      URI rootUri = tableSpace.getRootUri();
      // if there already exists or the rootUri is 'file:/', it won't overwrite the tablespace.
      if (!TABLE_SPACES.containsKey(rootUri)
          && !rootUri.toString().startsWith(LOCAL_FS_URI.toString())) {
        String tmpName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        registerTableSpace(tmpName, rootUri, spaceDesc, false, override);