   * Reserved for internal use. Parses the operation response as an entity. Reads entity data from
   * the specified <code>JsonParser</code> using the specified class type and optionally projects
   * the entity result with the specified resolver into a {@link TableResult} object.
   * @param parser The <code>JsonParser</code> to read the data to parse from.
   * @param httpStatusCode The HTTP status code returned with the operation response.
   * @param clazzType The class type <code>T</code> implementing {@link TableEntity} for the entity
   *     returned. Set to <code>null</code> to ignore the returned entity and copy only response
   *     properties into the {@link TableResult} object.
   * @param resolver An {@link EntityResolver} instance to project the entity into an instance of
   *     type <code>R</code>. Set to <code>null</code> to return the entitys as instance of the
   *     class type <code>T</code>.
   * @param options A {@link TableRequestOptions} object that specifies execution options such as
   *     retry policy and timeout settings for the operation.
   * @param opContext An {@link OperationContext} object used to track the execution of the
   *     operation.
   * @return A {@link TableResult} object with the parsed operation response.
   * @throws InstantiationException if an error occurs while constructing the result.
   * @throws IllegalAccessException if an error occurs in reflection while parsing the result.
   * @throws StorageException if a storage service error occurs.
   * @throws IOException if an error occurs while accessing the stream.
   * @throws JsonParseException if an error occurs while parsing the stream.
  static <T extends TableEntity, R> TableResult parseSingleOpResponse(
      final InputStream inStream,
      final TableRequestOptions options,
      final int httpStatusCode,
      final Class<T> clazzType,
      final EntityResolver<R> resolver,
      final OperationContext opContext)
      throws JsonParseException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
          StorageException {
    JsonParser parser = createJsonParserFromStream(inStream);

    try {
      final TableResult res =
              null /*HashMap<String, PropertyPair> classProperties*/,
      return res;
    } finally {