public void refresh(TableCell cell) {
    DownloadManager dm = (DownloadManager) cell.getDataSource();
    long value = (dm == null) ? 0 : dm.getStats().getSecondsDownloading();

    if (!cell.setSortValue(value) && cell.isValid()) return;

  public void refresh(TableCell cell) {
    TRHostTorrent item = (TRHostTorrent) cell.getDataSource();
    long value = (item == null) ? 0 : item.getAnnounceCount();

    if (!cell.setSortValue(value) && cell.isValid()) {

    cell.setText("" + value);
  // @see
  // org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.tables.TableCellRefreshListener#refresh(org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.tables.TableCell)
  public void refresh(TableCell cell) {
    VuzeActivitiesEntry entry = (VuzeActivitiesEntry) cell.getDataSource();

    if (entry == null) return;

    if (!cell.setSortValue(entry.getTypeID()) && cell.isValid()) {

    DownloadManager dm = entry.getDownloadManger();
    boolean canPlay = PlayUtils.canPlayDS(entry, -1, false);
    boolean canDL =
        dm == null
            && entry.getDownloadManger() == null
            && (entry.getTorrent() != null || entry.getAssetHash() != null);
    boolean canRun = !canPlay && dm != null;
    if (canRun && dm != null && !dm.getAssumedComplete()) {
      canRun = false;

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    if (canDL) {
      if (sb.length() > 0) {
        sb.append(" | ");
      sb.append("<A HREF=\"download\">Download</A>");

    if (canPlay) {
      if (sb.length() > 0) {
        sb.append(" | ");
      sb.append("<A HREF=\"play\">Play</A>");

    if (canRun) {
      if (sb.length() > 0) {
        sb.append(", ");
      sb.append("<A HREF=\"launch\">Launch</A>");

    cell.getTableRow().setData("text", sb.toString());
Exemple #4
    public void refresh(TableCell cell, boolean sortOnly) {
      final DiskManagerFileInfo fileInfo = (DiskManagerFileInfo) cell.getDataSource();
      int percentDone = 0;
      if (fileInfo != null && fileInfo.getLength() != 0)
        percentDone = (int) ((1000 * fileInfo.getDownloaded()) / fileInfo.getLength());
      if (sortOnly) {

      // Compute bounds ...
      int newWidth = cell.getWidth();
      if (newWidth <= 0) return;
      final int newHeight = cell.getHeight();
      final int x1 = newWidth - borderWidth - 1;
      final int y1 = newHeight - borderWidth - 1;

      if (x1 < 10 || y1 < 3) return;

      final DiskManager manager = fileInfo.getDiskManager();
      // we want to run through the image part once one the transition from with a disk manager
      // (running)
      // to without a disk manager (stopped) in order to clear the pieces view
      boolean running = manager != null;
      boolean hasGraphic = false;
      Graphic graphic = cell.getGraphic();
      if (graphic instanceof UISWTGraphic) {
        Image img = ((UISWTGraphic) graphic).getImage();
        hasGraphic = img != null && !img.isDisposed();
      final boolean bImageBufferValid =
          (lastPercentDone == percentDone)
              && cell.isValid()
              && bNoRed
              && running == was_running
              && hasGraphic;

      if (bImageBufferValid) return;

      was_running = running;
      lastPercentDone = percentDone;
      Image piecesImage = null;

      if (graphic instanceof UISWTGraphic) piecesImage = ((UISWTGraphic) graphic).getImage();
      if (piecesImage != null && !piecesImage.isDisposed()) piecesImage.dispose();

      if (!running) {

      piecesImage = new Image(SWTThread.getInstance().getDisplay(), newWidth, newHeight);
      final GC gcImage = new GC(piecesImage);

      // dm may be null if this is a skeleton file view
      DownloadManager download_manager = fileInfo.getDownloadManager();
      PEPeerManager peer_manager =
          download_manager == null ? null : download_manager.getPeerManager();
      PEPiece[] pe_pieces = peer_manager == null ? null : peer_manager.getPieces();
      final long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();

      if (fileInfo != null && manager != null) {
        if (percentDone == 1000) {
          gcImage.fillRectangle(1, 1, newWidth - 2, newHeight - 2);
        } else {
          final int firstPiece = fileInfo.getFirstPieceNumber();
          final int nbPieces = fileInfo.getNbPieces();
          final DiskManagerPiece[] dm_pieces = manager.getPieces();
          bNoRed = true;
          for (int i = 0; i < newWidth; i++) {
            final int a0 = (i * nbPieces) / newWidth;
            int a1 = ((i + 1) * nbPieces) / newWidth;
            if (a1 == a0) a1++;
            if (a1 > nbPieces && nbPieces != 0) a1 = nbPieces;
            int nbAvailable = 0;
            boolean written = false;
            boolean partially_written = false;
            if (firstPiece >= 0)
              for (int j = a0; j < a1; j++) {
                final int this_index = j + firstPiece;
                final DiskManagerPiece dm_piece = dm_pieces[this_index];
                if (dm_piece.isDone()) nbAvailable++;
                if (written) continue;
                if (pe_pieces != null) {
                  PEPiece pe_piece = pe_pieces[this_index];
                  if (pe_piece != null)
                    written = written || (pe_piece.getLastDownloadTime(now) + 500) > last_draw_time;
                if ((!written) && (!partially_written)) {
                  final boolean[] blocks = dm_piece.getWritten();
                  if (blocks != null)
                    for (int k = 0; k < blocks.length; k++)
                      if (blocks[k]) {
                        partially_written = true;
              } // for j
            else nbAvailable = 1;
                    : partially_written
                        ? Colors.grey
                        : Colors.blues[(nbAvailable * Colors.BLUES_DARKEST) / (a1 - a0)]);
            gcImage.fillRectangle(i, 1, 1, newHeight - 2);
            if (written) bNoRed = false;
      } else gcImage.setForeground(Colors.grey);

      if (manager != null) gcImage.drawRectangle(0, 0, newWidth - 1, newHeight - 1);

      last_draw_time = now;

      if (cell instanceof TableCellSWT) ((TableCellSWT) cell).setGraphic(piecesImage);
      else cell.setGraphic(new UISWTGraphicImpl(piecesImage));