Exemple #1
   * The main method of the class. Carries out the playing of a game of takeaway or evaluates the
   * best play from a given position.
   * @param args Used to specify the number of pennies to start with and the style of play.
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // The current position
    TAPosition position = null;

    // An instance of the evaluator to run game-play
    GameEvaler robot = new GameEvaler();

    // The best choice given a specific position on the board
    TAMove bestChoice;

    // Make sure that the correct number of CLAs were supplied
    if (args.length != 1 && args.length != 2) {
      System.err.println("Usage: java TakeAway [play|auto] num_pennies");

    // Run the most basic function of the program
    // Determine the best move given a position from the CLI
    else if (args.length == 1) {
      position = setPosition(args[0]);
      bestChoice = (TAMove) robot.evaluatePosition(position, 0, false)[0];
      System.out.println("The best move would be to take " + bestChoice.getMove() + " pennies.");

    // Run the game in human play mode
    if (args[0].toUpperCase().equals("PLAY")) {
      position = setPosition(args[1]);

    // Run the game in auto play mode (robot on robot)
    else if (args[0].toUpperCase().equals("AUTO")) {
      position = setPosition(args[1]);

    // If auto or play was not selected then the usage is invalid
    // This displays the appropriate message and exits gracefully.
    else {
      System.err.println("Usage: java TakeAway [play|auto] num_pennies");
Exemple #2
   * Method for auto play. Will simulate a game between two computer players. @_position The initial
   * position of the game.
   * @return The score of the game.
  public static int playAuto(Position _position) {
    // Current position of the game
    TAPosition position = (TAPosition) _position;

    // Make a game evaluator to make game choices
    GameEvaler robot = new GameEvaler();

    // Holder for the best choice given a specific position
    Object[] robotChoice;

    TAMove bestMove;

    // Initialize the robot id to 0 as robot 0 goes first
    int robotID = 0;

    // Keep playing until one player wins
    while (!position.isFinal()) {

      robotChoice = robot.evaluatePosition(position, 0, false);
      bestMove = (TAMove) robotChoice[0];
      System.out.println("Robot " + robotID + " will take " + bestMove.getMove() + " pennies.");

      position = (TAPosition) robotChoice[1];

          "After their move there are " + position.getPosition() + " left in the stack.\n");

      // Switch players
      robotID ^= 0x0001;

    // Say who won
    System.out.println("Robot " + robotID + " is the winner.");

    return position.getScore();
Exemple #3
   * Method to simulate the playing of a game of take-away with one human and one automated player.
   * The human will go first.
   * @param _position The initial position.
   * @return The resulting score.
  public static int playWithHuman(Position _position) {
    // Set the initil position
    TAPosition position = (TAPosition) _position;

    // Make a robot to decide what play is best
    GameEvaler robot = new GameEvaler();

    // Holder for the best options given a position
    Object[] robotChoice;

    TAMove bestMove;

    // The input from the human player
    int humanChoice;

    // Continue to play until a final position is reached
    while (!position.isFinal()) {
      // The players input
      String line;

      // Flag to determine if the player has selected a valid move
      boolean validMove = false;

      // Scanner to receive player input
      Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(System.in);

      // Ask the player for a move until a valid move is entered
      while (!validMove) {
        // Prompt player for input
        System.out.println("Your move. Choose 1, 2 or 3.");
        line = myScanner.nextLine();

        // See if the players move is valid
        // and act accordingly
        try {
          humanChoice = Integer.parseInt(line);
          if (humanChoice > 0 && humanChoice < 4) {
            position = (TAPosition) position.getResultPosition(new TAMove(humanChoice));
            validMove = true;
          } else throw new Exception();
        } catch (Exception e) {
          System.out.println("I'm sorry, that's not a valid move");

      // Reset the flag
      validMove = false;

          "After your move there are " + position.getPosition() + " left in the stack.\n");

      // As long as the game isn't over get the computer
      // players next move
      if (!position.isFinal()) {
        robotChoice = robot.evaluatePosition(position, 0, false);
        bestMove = (TAMove) robotChoice[0];
        System.out.println("I believe my best move is " + bestMove.getMove());

        position = (TAPosition) robotChoice[1];

            "After my move there are " + position.getPosition() + " left in the stack.\n");
    return position.getScore();