public void visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclarationContext function) {

    Function f = buildFunction(function);
    returnType = f.getReturnValueType();

    Type[] argTypes =
            .flatMap(variable -> Stream.of(variable.getValueType().toAsmType()))
    String descriptor = Type.getMethodDescriptor(f.getReturnValueType().toAsmType(), argTypes);
    if ("main".equals(f.getName())) {
      if (!f.getArguments().isEmpty()) {
        throw new GenerationException("Main function must have zero arguments");
      descriptor = Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, Type.getType(String[].class));
    method = writer.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_STATIC, f.getName(), descriptor, null, null);

    BlockContext block = function.functionBody().block();

    method.visitMaxs(0, 0);

  @Test(expected = TypeException.class)
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorWordCountMissingEmitIndex()
      throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "out: table sum[key: string][month: int][day: int] of int;\nstatic keywords: array of string = { \"hitchhiker\", \"benedict\", \"vytorin\", \"itanium\", \"aardvark\" };\nquerywords: array of string = words_from_query();\nmonth: int = month_of_query();\nday: int = day_of_query();\nwhen (i: each int; j: some int; querywords[i] == keywords[j])\n    emit out <- 1;\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    // fake functions for this unit test
        new SizzleFunction(new SizzleInt(), new SizzleType[] {}, "Nonexistant.day_of_query()"));
        new SizzleFunction(new SizzleInt(), new SizzleType[] {}, "Nonexistant.month_of_query()"));
        new SizzleFunction(
            new SizzleArray(new SizzleString()),
            new SizzleType[] {},

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);
 /*    */ public void translate(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen) /*    */ {
   /* 88 */ ConstantPoolGen cpg = classGen.getConstantPool();
   /* 89 */ InstructionList il = methodGen.getInstructionList();
   /* 90 */ SymbolTable symbolTable = getParser().getSymbolTable();
   /*    */
   /* 93 */ for (int i = 0; i < this._sets.size(); i++)
   /*    */ {
     /* 95 */ QName name = (QName) this._sets.elementAt(i);
     /*    */
     /* 97 */ AttributeSet attrs = symbolTable.lookupAttributeSet(name);
     /*    */
     /* 99 */ if (attrs != null) {
       /* 100 */ String methodName = attrs.getMethodName();
       /* 101 */ il.append(classGen.loadTranslet());
       /* 102 */ il.append(methodGen.loadDOM());
       /* 103 */ il.append(methodGen.loadIterator());
       /* 104 */ il.append(methodGen.loadHandler());
       /* 105 */ il.append(methodGen.loadCurrentNode());
       /* 106 */ int method =
       /*    */
       /* 108 */ il.append(new INVOKESPECIAL(method));
       /*    */ }
     /*    */ else
     /*    */ {
       /* 112 */ Parser parser = getParser();
       /* 113 */ String atrs = name.toString();
       /* 114 */ reportError(this, parser, "ATTRIBSET_UNDEF_ERR", atrs);
       /*    */ }
     /*    */ }
   /*    */ }
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorQueryLog() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "proto \"querylog.proto\"\n\nqueries_per_degree: table sum[lat: int][lon: int] of int;\n\nlog_record: QueryLogProto = input;\nloc: Location = locationinfo(log_record.ip);\nemit queries_per_degree[int(][int(loc.lon)] <- 1;\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable(new SizzleBytes());

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);

        "queries_per_degree is not an unweighted table of ints indexed by ints",
        new SizzleTable(
            new SizzleInt(),
            Arrays.asList(new SizzleScalar[] {new SizzleInt(), new SizzleInt()}),

    final List<SizzleType> lmembers =
        new ArrayList<SizzleType>(Arrays.asList(new SizzleFloat(), new SizzleFloat()));

    Assert.assertEquals("loc is not a Location", new SizzleTuple(lmembers), st.get("loc"));

    final List<SizzleType> qlpmembers =
        new ArrayList<SizzleType>(Arrays.asList(new SizzleString(), new SizzleInt()));

        "log_record is not a QueryLogProto", new SizzleTuple(qlpmembers), st.get("log_record"));
Exemple #5
   * Loads a theory into the given symbol table.
   * @param theoryName the theory to load
   * @param symTable the symbol table into which to put the theory
   * @return null if OK, otherwise an error as a IResponse
  public /* @Nullable */ IResponse loadTheory(String theoryName, SymbolTable symTable) {
    ITheory th = null;
    try {
      th = findTheory(theoryName, smtConfig.logicPath);
    } catch (SMTLIBException e) {
      return e.errorResponse;

    // The second element should be the name of the logic, if specified
    if (theoryName != null && !theoryName.equals(th.theoryName().value())) {
      return smtConfig.responseFactory.error(
          "Definition of logic "
              + theoryName
              + " is mal-formed (internal name does not match file name): "
              + th.theoryName().value(),

    if (smtConfig.verbose != 0) {
      smtConfig.log.logDiag("#Installing theory " + theoryName);

    /* @Nullable */ IResponse response = loadTheory(th, symTable);
    if (response == null) {
      if (theoryName.equals("ArraysEx")) symTable.arrayTheorySet = true;
      if (theoryName.equals("Fixed_Size_BitVectors")) symTable.bitVectorTheorySet = true;
      if (theoryName.equals("Reals_Ints")) symTable.realsIntsTheorySet = true;
    return response;
  public void testTypeCheckingRobustQueryLogFixed() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "proto \"querylog.proto\"\n	static MINUTE: float = 0.0; static RESOLUTION: int = 5;  # minutes; must be divisor of 60\n	log_record: QueryLogProto = input;\n	queries_per_degree: table sum[t: time][lat: int][lon: int] of int;\n	loc: Location = locationinfo(log_record.ip);\n	if (def(loc)) {\n	    t: time = log_record.time_usec;\n	    m: int = minuteof(t); # within the hour\n	    m = m - m % RESOLUTION;\n	    t = trunctohour(t) + time(m * int(MINUTE));\n	    emit queries_per_degree[t][int(][int(loc.lon)] <- 1;\n	}";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable(new SizzleBytes());

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);

        "queries_per_degree is not an unweighted table of ints indexed by various",
        new SizzleTable(
            new SizzleInt(),
            Arrays.asList(new SizzleTime(), new SizzleInt(), new SizzleInt()),

    // assertEquals("t is not an time", new SizzleTime(), st.get("t"));
    // assertEquals("m is not an int", new SizzleInt(), st.get("m"));
    Assert.assertEquals("RESOLUTION is not an int", new SizzleInt(), st.get("RESOLUTION"));

    final List<SizzleType> lmembers =
        new ArrayList<SizzleType>(Arrays.asList(new SizzleFloat(), new SizzleFloat()));

    Assert.assertEquals("loc is not a Location", new SizzleTuple(lmembers), st.get("loc"));

    final List<SizzleType> qlpmembers =
        new ArrayList<SizzleType>(Arrays.asList(new SizzleString(), new SizzleInt()));

        "log_record is not a QueryLogProto", new SizzleTuple(qlpmembers), st.get("log_record"));
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorTypeDeclaration() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "type my_bool = bool;\ntype Coordinates = { x: float, y: float };\ntype CityMap = map [city_name: string] of Coordinates;\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);

        "my_bool is not an alias for bool",
        new SizzleName(new SizzleBool()),
    final ArrayList<SizzleType> members =
        new ArrayList<SizzleType>(Arrays.asList(new SizzleFloat(), new SizzleFloat()));
        "Coordinates is not is not an alias for a tuple of x: float, y: float",
        new SizzleName(new SizzleTuple(members)),
        "CityMap is not an alias for a mapping from string to tuple of x: float, y: float",
        new SizzleName(new SizzleMap(new SizzleString(), new SizzleName(new SizzleTuple(members)))),
  public void handleStatement(ASTStatement node) {

    // System.out.println(node.getCode());

    // Drawing

    // FIXME we'll see how this works

    // Nested scope for by macro
    SimpleNode s = (SimpleNode) node.jjtGetChild(0);

    if (s instanceof ASTStatementList) {
      System.out.println("This'll never happen");
      SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable(Global.getCurrentSymbolTable());
      s.jjtAccept(this, null);
    } else {

      node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, null);
      if (((SimpleNode) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getId() == JJTCALL) {
        ((ASTCall) (node.jjtGetChild(0))).setLineNumber(node.getLineNumber());

      update(node.getLineNumber(), UPDATE_REASON_STATEMENT);
    // System.out.println("endStatement");
  public void handleFunction(ASTFunction node) {
    // Get the function's symbol table, set it's previous to the
    // calling function's, and then set it to current.
    if (node.getName().equals("main")) {

    } else {
    if (!node.getUsed()) {
    SymbolTable currentSymbolTable = node.getSymbolTable();
    for (String p : node.getParameters()) {
      ByNameVariable v = new ByNameVariable();
      currentSymbolTable.put(p, v);

    node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, null);
Exemple #10
 /** Performs semantic analysis on the function's signature and return type, but not the body. */
 public void analyzeSignature(Log log, SymbolTable table, Subroutine owner, boolean inLoop) {
   SymbolTable tableForParameters;
   tableForParameters = body.getTable();
   for (Variable parameter : parameters) {
     tableForParameters.insert(parameter, log);
     parameter.analyze(log, tableForParameters, owner, inLoop);
Exemple #11
 public void multipleTables() {
   SymbolTable t1 = new SymbolTable();
   SymbolTable t2 = new SymbolTable();
   Symbol s1 = t1.create("foo");
   Symbol s2 = t2.create("foo");
   assertEquals(s1.getName(), s2.getName());
   assertNotSame(s1, s2);
 /** Convenience routine taking Strings; lookup is done in SymbolTable. */
 public Method findMethod(String name, String sig) {
   SymbolTable syms = VM.getVM().getSymbolTable();
   Symbol nameSym = syms.probe(name);
   Symbol sigSym = syms.probe(sig);
   if (nameSym == null || sigSym == null) {
     return null;
   return findMethod(nameSym, sigSym);
  private void visitBlock(BlockContext block) {

    for (BlockStatementContext blockStatement : block.blockStatement()) {

 /** Resolve referenced names */
 void resolveTypes(SymbolTable symbolTable) {
   symbolTable.pushScope(this); // push the current scope
   elements.resolveTypes(symbolTable); // resolve elements in this scope
   if (unresolvedStuff != null) { // resolve refs to other syms
     unresolvedStuff = null;
   symbolTable.popScope(); // pop back out of the scope
   super.resolveTypes(symbolTable); // let superclass resolve if needed
Exemple #15
  private void commit(byte command, long txn, long txPin) throws JournalException {
    boolean force = command == Tx.TX_FORCE;
    Partition<T> partition = lastNonEmptyNonLag();
    Partition<T> lag = getIrregularPartition();

    tx.command = command;
    tx.txn = txn;
    tx.txPin = txPin;
    tx.prevTxAddress = txLog.getCurrentTxAddress();
    tx.journalMaxRowID =
        partition == null ? -1 : Rows.toRowID(partition.getPartitionIndex(), partition.size());
    tx.lastPartitionTimestamp =
        partition == null || partition.getInterval() == null ? 0 : partition.getInterval().getLo();
    tx.lagSize = lag == null ? 0 :;
    tx.lagName = lag == null ? null : lag.getName();
    tx.symbolTableSizes = new int[getSymbolTableCount()];
    tx.symbolTableIndexPointers = new long[tx.symbolTableSizes.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < tx.symbolTableSizes.length; i++) {
      SymbolTable tab = getSymbolTable(i);
      if (force) {
      tx.symbolTableSizes[i] = tab.size();
      tx.symbolTableIndexPointers[i] = tab.getIndexTxAddress();
    tx.indexPointers = new long[getMetadata().getColumnCount()];

    for (int i = Math.max(txPartitionIndex, 0), sz = nonLagPartitionCount(); i < sz; i++) {
      Partition<T> p = getPartition(i, true);
      if (force) {

    if (partition != null) {

    tx.lagIndexPointers = new long[tx.indexPointers.length];
    if (lag != null) {
      if (force) {

    txLog.write(tx, txn != -1);
    if (force) {
Exemple #16
 public void testSymbol() {
   SymbolTable t = new SymbolTable();
   Symbol s1 = t.create("foo");
   // Check that two objects are equal (using Object.equals())
   assertEquals(s1.getName(), "foo");
   Symbol s2 = t.create("foo");
   // Check that two objects are the same (same reference)
   assertSame(s1, s2);
   Symbol s3 = t.create("foobar");
   assertNotSame(s1, s3);
Exemple #17
  private boolean funDefined() {
    for (Symbol f : symbols.values()) {
      if (f.isFunction() && !f.defined) return false;

    boolean ret = true;
    for (SymbolTable baby : this.children) {
      ret = ret && baby.funDefined();

    return ret;
Exemple #18
 private String reportDeclareSymbolError(String name, int lineNum, int charPos) {
   String message =
       "DeclareSymbolError(" + lineNum + "," + charPos + ")[" + name + " already exists.]";
   errorBuffer.append(message + "\n");
   errorBuffer.append(symbolTable.toString() + "\n");
   return message;
Exemple #19
 private String reportResolveSymbolError(String name, int lineNum, int charPos) {
   String message =
       "ResolveSymbolError(" + lineNum + "," + charPos + ")[Could not find " + name + ".]";
   errorBuffer.append(message + "\n");
   errorBuffer.append(symbolTable.toString() + "\n");
   return message;
  public Integer eval(Evaluator evaluator, RuntimeEnvironment localEnv) throws EvaluatorException {
    Integer value;
    RuntimeEnvironment globalEnv = evaluator.getGlobalEnv();
    SymbolTable symbolTable = evaluator.getSymbolTable();

    if (localEnv.isBound(nameIndex)) {
      value = localEnv.fetch(nameIndex);
    } else if (globalEnv.isBound(nameIndex)) {
      value = globalEnv.fetch(nameIndex);
    } else {
      throw new EvaluatorException("Undefined variable: " + symbolTable.getName(nameIndex));

    return value;
Exemple #21
   *  Generate assignment IR nodes and add them to IR list
   *  @param scope : the current scope
   *  @param ctx: the current parse subtree context
   *  @return last node in the list
  public IRNode attach_Assignment(SymbolTable scope, MicroParser.Assign_exprContext ctx) {
    Id dest_token =;

    if (dest_token == null) {
      System.err.println("Symbol not found: " +;

    IRNode nodeA = null;

    IRDest v = attach_Expressions(scope, ctx.expr());
    Register i_dest = null;

    if (v == null) {
      System.err.print("Expression returned null\n"); // TODO: and exit?
      return null;
    i_dest = v._reg;

    Instruction op = ISA.STOREI;
    if (dest_token.type.equals("FLOAT")) {
      op = ISA.STOREF;
    IRNode nodeB = null;

    if (i_dest != null) {
      nodeB = new IRNode(op, i_dest, dest_token);
    } else {
      nodeB = new IRNode(op, v._id, dest_token);


    return null;
Exemple #22
  * Grammar : ( READ BROPEN id_list BRCLOSE SEMI );
 public void attach_Read(SymbolTable scope, MicroParser.Read_stmtContext rstmt) {
   String[] ids = rstmt.id_list().getText().split(","); // TODO: ugly
   for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
     String token_name = ids[i];
     IRNode n = new IRNode(ISA.READI,;
Exemple #23
 private Type retrieve(String id, CommonTree occ) {
   // Retrieve id's type from the type table.
   Type type = typeTable.get(id);
   if (type == null) {
     reportError(id + " is undeclared", occ);
     return Type.ERROR;
   } else return type;
Exemple #24
  * @see,,
 public Pair<Integer, SSAInstruction> getPi(
     SSAConditionalBranchInstruction cond,
     SSAInstruction def1,
     SSAInstruction def2,
     SymbolTable symbolTable) {
   if (def1 instanceof SSAInstanceofInstruction) {
     if (symbolTable.isBooleanOrZeroOneConstant(cond.getUse(1))) {
       return Pair.make(def1.getUse(0), def1);
   if (def2 instanceof SSAInstanceofInstruction) {
     if (symbolTable.isBooleanOrZeroOneConstant(cond.getUse(0))) {
       return Pair.make(def2.getUse(0), def2);
   return null;
   * Function    : parseInstruction
   * Description : Parses the IType instructions without displacements.
  public static ITypeImmediate parseInstruction(String instruction, int address) {
    ITypeImmediate instruct = new ITypeImmediate();
    // set the icode
    instruct.icode = IMap.get(Instruction.getIcodeName(instruction));
    // grab the string from the class that we will use to match registers
    Pattern registerPattern = Pattern.compile(Registers.registerString());
    Matcher registerMatcher = registerPattern.matcher(instruction);
    // match the first register if there is one
    if (registerMatcher.find()) {
      instruct.rd = Registers.registerValue(;
      // I clear off the bits we've already read
      instruction = instruction.substring(registerMatcher.end(0));
    // match the second register if we can
    if (registerMatcher.find()) {
      instruct.r1 = Registers.registerValue(;
    // This regex attempts to match a label name. The [^\\s\\d] means not a space or digit character
    // This ensures that the label is infact a valid label and does not start with a number.
    Pattern symbolPattern = Pattern.compile("\\b([^\\d\\s][^\\s]*)\\b$");
    Matcher symbolMatcher = symbolPattern.matcher(instruction);
    Pattern literalPattern = Pattern.compile("\\b(0x)?\\d+\\b");
    Matcher literalMatcher = literalPattern.matcher(instruction);

    if (symbolMatcher.find()) {

      SymbolTable symbolTable = SymbolTable.getInstance();

      instruct.immediateValue = symbolTable.getSymbol(" ", ""));
      if (instruct.icode == BEQZ || instruct.icode == BNEZ) {
        instruct.r1 = instruct.rd;
        instruct.rd = 0;
        instruct.immediateValue = instruct.immediateValue - (address + 4);
    } else if (literalMatcher.find()) {
      instruct.immediateValue = Tools.processNumber(" ", ""));
    } else {
      instruct.r1 = instruct.rd;
      instruct.rd = 0;

    return instruct;
  public void testTypeCheckingVisitorP4Stat() throws IOException, ParseException {
    final String source =
        "proto \"p4stat.proto\"\nsubmitsthroughweek: table sum[minute: int] of count: int;\nlog: P4ChangelistStats = input;\nt: time = log.time; # microseconds\nminute: int = minuteof(t)+60*(hourof(t)+24*(dayofweek(t)-1));\nemit submitsthroughweek[minute] <- 1;\n";

    final SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable(new SizzleBytes());

    SizzleParser.ReInit(new StringReader(source));
    TestTypeCheckingVisitor.typeChecker.visit(SizzleParser.Start(), st);

        "submitsthroughweek is not an unweighted table of ints indexed by int",
        new SizzleTable(new SizzleInt(), Arrays.asList(new SizzleScalar[] {new SizzleInt()}), null),
    final List<SizzleType> members = new ArrayList<SizzleType>(Arrays.asList(new SizzleInt()));
    Assert.assertEquals("log is not a P4ChangelistStats", new SizzleTuple(members), st.get("log"));
    Assert.assertEquals("t is not a time", new SizzleTime(), st.get("t"));
    Assert.assertEquals("minute is not an int", new SizzleInt(), st.get("minute"));
Exemple #27
 private Symbol tryResolveSymbol(Token ident) {
   assert (;
   String name = ident.lexeme();
   try {
     return symbolTable.lookup(name);
   } catch (SymbolNotFoundError e) {
     String message = reportResolveSymbolError(name, ident.lineNumber(), ident.charPosition());
     return new ErrorSymbol(message);
Exemple #28
   * Creates a function definition and declaration in one fell swoop, all in global scope. This
   * isn't javascript, you know.
   * @param name Function name
   * @param returnType Function return type
   * @param paramTypes Function parameter types or empty list for void
   * @return Indication of success
  public boolean defineFunction(String name, Type returnType, List<Type> paramTypes) {
    SymbolTable root = this; // getRoot();
    Symbol s = root.getSymbol(name);
    if (s != null) {
      if (s.isFunction()
          && !s.defined
          && paramTypes.equals(s.signature.y)
          && returnType.equals(s.signature.x)) {
        s.defined = true;
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;

    s = new Symbol(name, null, new Pair<Type, List<Type>>(returnType, paramTypes));
    s.defined = true;
    return true;
Exemple #29
 private void detectSymbolsAndBaseAddresses() throws IOException {
   Hashtable<String, Integer> moduleSymbols = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
   int nd = parseNumber();
   for (int i = 1; i <= nd; i++) {
     String symbol = parseWord();
     if (SymbolTable.defines(symbol)) {
       String error = "Error: This variable is multiply defined; first value used.";
       SymbolTable.getInstance().getErrors().put(symbol, error);
     } else {
       moduleSymbols.put(symbol, parseNumber() + this.baseAddress);
       SymbolTable.getInstance().put(symbol, moduleSymbols.get(symbol));
   int moduleSize = parseNumber();
   MemoryMap.createProgramModule(this.baseAddress, moduleSymbols);
   this.baseAddress += moduleSize;
Exemple #30
  * Call this function if you want to parse expressions which involve complex numbers. This method
  * specifies "i" as the imaginary unit (0,1). Two functions re() and im() are also added for
  * extracting the real or imaginary components of a complex number respectively.
  * <p>
  * @since 2.3.0 alpha The functions cmod and arg are added to get the modulus and argument.
  * @since 2.3.0 beta 1 The functions complex and polar to convert x,y and r,theta to Complex.
  * @since Feb 05 added complex conjugate conj.
 public void addComplex() {
   // add constants to Symbol Table
   symTab.addConstant("i", new Complex(0, 1));
   funTab.put("re", new Real());
   funTab.put("im", new Imaginary());
   funTab.put("arg", new Arg());
   funTab.put("cmod", new Abs());
   funTab.put("complex", new ComplexPFMC());
   funTab.put("polar", new Polar());
   funTab.put("conj", new Conjugate());