protected void keywordParam() throws ParseException { if (!fInput.hasNext()) return; if ( == TSExpression.SYMBOL) { Symbol symbol = (Symbol) fInput.current(); if (symbol.getSymbolName().equalsIgnoreCase(TOKEN_KEY)) { while (true) { if (!fInput.hasNext()) { break; } SExpression next =; if (isSpecialSymbol(next)) { fInput.pushBack(); break; } addKey(varInit(next)); } allowOtherKeys(); } else { fInput.pushBack(); } } else { error("Unknown symbol in key list: &key expected", fInput.getInputSExpression()); } }
protected void optionalParam() throws ParseException { if (!fInput.hasNext()) return; // leere Lambda Liste if ( == TSExpression.SYMBOL) { Symbol symbol = (Symbol) fInput.current(); if (symbol.getSymbolName().equalsIgnoreCase(TOKEN_OPTIONAL)) { // if(!fInput.hasNext()) { //&optional gesehen, aber kein weiteres symbol angegeben // error("At least one &optional parameter must be specified", // fInput.getInputSExpression()); // } // addOptional(varInit(; //mindesten ein Symbol ist angegeben while (true) { if (!fInput.hasNext()) { break; } SExpression next =; if (isSpecialSymbol(next)) { fInput.pushBack(); break; } addOptional(varInit(next)); } } else { fInput.pushBack(); return; } } else { error("Unknown symbol in optional parameter list: &optional expected", fInput.current()); } }
// where private String className(Symbol sym, boolean longform) { if ( == 0 && (sym.flags() & COMPOUND) != 0) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(supertype_field.toString()); for (List<Type> is = interfaces_field; is.nonEmpty(); is = is.tail) { s.append("&"); s.append(is.head.toString()); } return s.toString(); } else if ( == 0) { String s; ClassType norm = (ClassType) tsym.type; if (norm == null) { s = Log.getLocalizedString("anonymous.class", (Object) null); } else if (norm.interfaces_field != null && norm.interfaces_field.nonEmpty()) { s = Log.getLocalizedString("anonymous.class", norm.interfaces_field.head); } else { s = Log.getLocalizedString("anonymous.class", norm.supertype_field); } if (moreInfo) s += String.valueOf(sym.hashCode()); return s; } else if (longform) { return sym.getQualifiedName().toString(); } else { return; } }
/** * Returns the type of an element when that element is viewed as a member of, or otherwise * directly contained by, a given type. For example, when viewed as a member of the parameterized * type {@code Set<String>}, the {@code Set.add} method is an {@code ExecutableType} whose * parameter is of type {@code String}. * * @param containing the containing type * @param element the element * @return the type of the element as viewed from the containing type * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the element is not a valid one for the given type */ public TypeMirror asMemberOf(DeclaredType containing, Element element) { Type site = (Type) containing; Symbol sym = (Symbol) element; if (types.asSuper(site, sym.getEnclosingElement()) == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(sym + "@" + site); return types.memberType(site, sym); }
public boolean postMortem(PostMortem pm) { boolean result = true; Symbol that = (Symbol) pm; if (this.integer != that.integer || this.weight != that.weight) { return false; } if ((this.back != null) != (that.back != null)) { return false; } Symbol zero =; Symbol one =; if (zero == null) { if ( != null) { return false; } } else { result = zero.postMortem(; } if (one == null) { if ( != null) { return false; } } else { result = one.postMortem(; } return result; }
public static String GetValueElement(String elem, Vector memory) { Symbol var; // ------------------------- sinal - ------------- if (elem.charAt(0) == '-') { // --operador - if (elem.length() == 1) return elem; // ---resto String resto = elem.substring(1); var = Variable.getVariable(resto, memory); // valor negativo if (var == null) return elem + " "; // se for uma variavel vai selecionar o valor else if (var instanceof SymbolArray) { SymbolArray a = (SymbolArray) var; a.SetIndex(elem, memory); return " ( " + a.getValue() + " * -1 ) "; } else return " ( " + var.getValue() + " * -1 ) "; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // variavel sem valor negativo // ------------------------------------------------------------ var = Variable.getVariable(elem, memory); if (var == null) return elem + " "; else if (var instanceof SymbolArray) { SymbolArray a = (SymbolArray) var; a.SetIndex(elem, memory); return a.getValue() + " "; } else return var.getValue() + " "; }
private void setRecentButtons(Symbol symbols[], float sx, float sy) { for (int k = 0; k < TDSetting.mRecentNr; ++k) { Symbol p = symbols[k]; if (p == null) break; mRecent[k].reset(p.getPaint(), p.getPath(), sx, sy); } }
@Override public Query apply(Function input, Context context) throws IOException { List<Symbol> arguments = input.arguments(); assert arguments.size() == 4 : "invalid number of arguments"; assert Symbol.isLiteral(arguments.get(0), DataTypes.OBJECT); assert Symbol.isLiteral(arguments.get(1), DataTypes.STRING); assert Symbol.isLiteral(arguments.get(2), DataTypes.STRING); assert Symbol.isLiteral(arguments.get(3), DataTypes.OBJECT); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> fields = (Map) ((Literal) arguments.get(0)).value(); BytesRef queryString = (BytesRef) ((Literal) arguments.get(1)).value(); BytesRef matchType = (BytesRef) ((Literal) arguments.get(2)).value(); Map options = (Map) ((Literal) arguments.get(3)).value(); checkArgument(queryString != null, "cannot use NULL as query term in match predicate"); MatchQueryBuilder queryBuilder; if (fields.size() == 1) { queryBuilder = new MatchQueryBuilder(context.mapperService, context.indexCache, matchType, options); } else { queryBuilder = new MultiMatchQueryBuilder( context.mapperService, context.indexCache, matchType, options); } return queryBuilder.query(fields, queryString); }
@SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera incomingCamera) { try { if (System.currentTimeMillis() > lastSnapshotTime) { lastSnapshotTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + SNAPSHOT_DELAY; Camera.Parameters cameraParameters = incomingCamera.getParameters(); Camera.Size previewSize = cameraParameters.getPreviewSize(); Image barcode = new Image(previewSize.width, previewSize.height, GREY_COLOR_SPACE); barcode.setData(data); if (scanner.scanImage(barcode) != 0) { SymbolSet scannerResults = scanner.getResults(); if (vibrator != null) vibrator.vibrate(VIBRATE_TIME); for (Symbol symbol : scannerResults) if (scannerListener == null) Toast.makeText(getActivity(), symbol.getData(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); else scannerListener.onDataReceive(symbol.getData(), symbol.getType()); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public boolean isNullable() { boolean result = true; for (Symbol symbol : rhs) { result &= symbol.isNullable(); } return result; }
public void put(String name, Object value) {"Attempting to put " + name + " = " + value); // -- Put into local scope if it exists if (memorySpace != null) { Symbol symbol = new Symbol(name, value); "Pushing " + symbol + " into scope declared on line " + this.getLine() + " (" + this.toString() + " )"); if (name == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (value == null) throw new NullPointerException(); memorySpace.put(symbol.getName(), symbol); } // -- Recurse back up stack else if (getParent() != null) { + " does not have a memory space, trying parent."); getParent().put(name, value); } // -- Global scope else { Symbol symbol = new Symbol(name, value);"... storing into global scope."); globalMemorySpace.put(symbol.getName(), symbol); } }
public static void reconstructHeaders(Iterable<NativeLibrary> libraries, PrintWriter out) { List<MemberRef> orphanMembers = new ArrayList<MemberRef>(); Map<TypeRef, List<MemberRef>> membersByClass = new HashMap<TypeRef, List<MemberRef>>(); for (NativeLibrary library : libraries) { for (Symbol symbol : library.getSymbols()) { MemberRef mr = symbol.getParsedRef(); if (mr == null) continue; TypeRef et = mr.getEnclosingType(); if (et == null) orphanMembers.add(mr); else { List<MemberRef> mrs = membersByClass.get(et); if (mrs == null) membersByClass.put(et, mrs = new ArrayList<MemberRef>()); mrs.add(mr); } } } for (TypeRef tr : membersByClass.keySet()) out.println("class " + tr + ";"); for (MemberRef mr : orphanMembers) out.println(mr + ";"); for (Map.Entry<TypeRef, List<MemberRef>> e : membersByClass.entrySet()) { TypeRef tr = e.getKey(); List<MemberRef> mrs = e.getValue(); out.println("class " + tr + " \n{"); for (MemberRef mr : mrs) { out.println("\t" + mr + ";"); } out.println("}"); } }
public PlanBuilder appendProjections( Iterable<Expression> expressions, SymbolAllocator symbolAllocator, PlanNodeIdAllocator idAllocator) { TranslationMap translations = copyTranslations(); ImmutableMap.Builder<Symbol, Expression> projections = ImmutableMap.builder(); // add an identity projection for underlying plan for (Symbol symbol : getRoot().getOutputSymbols()) { projections.put(symbol, symbol.toSymbolReference()); } ImmutableMap.Builder<Symbol, Expression> newTranslations = ImmutableMap.builder(); ParameterRewriter parameterRewriter = new ParameterRewriter(parameters, getAnalysis()); for (Expression expression : expressions) { Expression rewritten = ExpressionTreeRewriter.rewriteWith(parameterRewriter, expression); translations.addIntermediateMapping(expression, rewritten); Symbol symbol = symbolAllocator.newSymbol(rewritten, getAnalysis().getTypeWithCoercions(expression)); projections.put(symbol, translations.rewrite(rewritten)); newTranslations.put(symbol, rewritten); } // Now append the new translations into the TranslationMap for (Map.Entry<Symbol, Expression> entry : { translations.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } return new PlanBuilder( translations, new ProjectNode(idAllocator.getNextId(), getRoot(),, parameters); }
private ArrayList<Symbol> getSymbolTable(byte[] encodedFileAsBytes) { // Finding the Divider in the file & separate the SymbolTable System.out.println("\nFileContent: "); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(encodedFileAsBytes)); int i = getDividerIndexInArray(encodedFileAsBytes); // Reading the String of symbol table from the byteArray String symbolTableString = ""; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { symbolTableString += String.valueOf((char) encodedFileAsBytes[j]); } // Generating the ArrayList<Symbol> String[] splitSymbolsAndCodes = symbolTableString.split(","); ArrayList<Symbol> symbols = new ArrayList<Symbol>(); for (int j = 0; j < splitSymbolsAndCodes.length; j++) { String[] symbolCodePair = splitSymbolsAndCodes[j].split(":"); Symbol symbol = new Symbol(0, symbolCodePair[0]); symbol.setCode(symbolCodePair[1]); symbols.add(symbol); } // Logging the Symbol List System.out.println("\nSymbol Table Retrived from the File"); System.out.println(Symbol.symbolListToString(symbols)); return symbols; }
/** * @param line - linha com a definicao * @param level - nivel do symbolo */ public SymbolArray(String line, Memory mem, int level) throws LanguageException { super(Symbol.ARRAY, true); this.level = level; IteratorArray it = new IteratorArray(line); String mod = Symbol.getDefAlter(line); String type = Symbol.getDefType(line); String nameVar = Symbol.getDefName(it.getNext()); // nome da variavel name = nameVar + getOriginalDims(line); int dimension = Integer.valueOf(it.getNext()); // numero de dimensoes data = new Vector<SymbolData>(dimension); nameVar = nameVar + it.getUnprocessed(); nameVar = mod + " " + type + " " + nameVar; for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) { SymbolData var = Memory.makeNewSymbol(nameVar + Symbol.iniArray + i + Symbol.finArray, mem, level); var.normalizeName(); data.add(var); } // objectValue = data; // constructor }
@Nullable private Function rewriteAndValidateFields(Function function, Context context) { if (function.arguments().size() == 2) { Symbol left = function.arguments().get(0); Symbol right = function.arguments().get(1); if (left.symbolType() == SymbolType.REFERENCE && right.symbolType().isValueSymbol()) { Reference ref = (Reference) left; if ( { function.setArgument( 0, new Reference(DocSysColumns.forTable(ref.ident().tableIdent(), DocSysColumns.UID))); function.setArgument( 1, Literal.newLiteral( Uid.createUid( Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE, ValueSymbolVisitor.STRING.process(right)))); } else { String unsupportedMessage = context.unsupportedMessage(; if (unsupportedMessage != null) { throw new UnsupportedFeatureException(unsupportedMessage); } } } } return function; }
/** * Two RTCs are equal if both the trigger and action Symbols (respectively) are equal. * * @param other the Object to be compared to this RTC Object * @return true iff both RTCs have the same trigger and action Symbols. */ public boolean equals(Object other) { return ((other instanceof RTC) && ((trigger == ((RTC) other).trigger) || ((trigger != null) && trigger.equals(((RTC) other).trigger))) && ((action == ((RTC) other).action) || ((action != null) && action.equals(((RTC) other).action)))); }
/** * Converts a class name into a (possibly localized) string. Anonymous inner classes gets * converted into a localized string. * * @param t the type of the class whose name is to be rendered * @param longform if set, the class' fullname is displayed - if unset the short name is chosen * (w/o package) * @param locale the locale in which the string is to be rendered * @return localized string representation */ protected String className(ClassType t, boolean longform, Locale locale) { Symbol sym = t.tsym; if ( == 0 && (sym.flags() & COMPOUND) != 0) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(visit(t.supertype_field, locale)); for (List<Type> is = t.interfaces_field; is.nonEmpty(); is = is.tail) { s.append("&"); s.append(visit(is.head, locale)); } return s.toString(); } else if ( == 0) { String s; ClassType norm = (ClassType) t.tsym.type; if (norm == null) { s = localize(locale, "compiler.misc.anonymous.class", (Object) null); } else if (norm.interfaces_field != null && norm.interfaces_field.nonEmpty()) { s = localize( locale, "compiler.misc.anonymous.class", visit(norm.interfaces_field.head, locale)); } else { s = localize(locale, "compiler.misc.anonymous.class", visit(norm.supertype_field, locale)); } return s; } else if (longform) { return sym.getQualifiedName().toString(); } else { return; } }
private PlanBuilder appendProjections(PlanBuilder subPlan, Iterable<Expression> expressions) { TranslationMap translations = new TranslationMap(subPlan.getRelationPlan(), analysis); // Carry over the translations from the source because we are appending projections translations.copyMappingsFrom(subPlan.getTranslations()); ImmutableMap.Builder<Symbol, Expression> projections = ImmutableMap.builder(); // add an identity projection for underlying plan for (Symbol symbol : subPlan.getRoot().getOutputSymbols()) { Expression expression = new QualifiedNameReference(symbol.toQualifiedName()); projections.put(symbol, expression); } ImmutableMap.Builder<Symbol, Expression> newTranslations = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Expression expression : expressions) { Symbol symbol = symbolAllocator.newSymbol(expression, analysis.getType(expression)); // TODO: CHECK IF THE REWRITE OF A SEMI JOINED EXPRESSION WILL WORK!!!!!!! projections.put(symbol, translations.rewrite(expression)); newTranslations.put(symbol, expression); } // Now append the new translations into the TranslationMap for (Map.Entry<Symbol, Expression> entry : { translations.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } return new PlanBuilder( translations, new ProjectNode(idAllocator.getNextId(), subPlan.getRoot(),, subPlan.getSampleWeight()); }
private int skipOptionalSize(Symbol sig, int index) { byte c = sig.getByteAt(index); while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { ++index; c = sig.getByteAt(index); } return index; }
private List<ISymbol> convertToObjectSymbols(BlockExpression blk) { List<ISymbol> syms = new ArrayList<ISymbol>(); for (ISymbol iSymbol : blk.getArgs()) { Symbol symbol = new Symbol((Symbol) iSymbol); symbol.setType(JavaTypes.OBJECT()); syms.add(symbol); } return syms; }
@Override public void visitTopLevel(JCCompilationUnit tree) { JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(tree.sourcefile); boolean addEnv = false; boolean isPkgInfo = tree.sourcefile.isNameCompatible("package-info", JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE); if ( != null) { tree.packge = reader.enterPackage(TreeInfo.fullName(; if (tree.packageAnnotations.nonEmpty() || pkginfoOpt == PkgInfo.ALWAYS) { if (isPkgInfo) { addEnv = true; } else { log.error(tree.packageAnnotations.head.pos(), ""); } } } else { tree.packge = syms.unnamedPackage; } tree.packge.complete(); // Find all classes in package. Env<AttrContext> topEnv = topLevelEnv(tree); // Save environment of file. if (isPkgInfo) { Env<AttrContext> env0 = typeEnvs.get(tree.packge); if (env0 == null) { typeEnvs.put(tree.packge, topEnv); } else { JCCompilationUnit tree0 = env0.toplevel; if (!fileManager.isSameFile(tree.sourcefile, tree0.sourcefile)) { log.warning( != null ? : null, "pkg-info.already.seen", tree.packge); if (addEnv || (tree0.packageAnnotations.isEmpty() && tree.docComments != null && tree.docComments.get(tree) != null)) { typeEnvs.put(tree.packge, topEnv); } } } for (Symbol q = tree.packge; q != null && q.kind == PCK; q = q.owner) q.flags_field |= EXISTS; Name name = names.package_info; ClassSymbol c = reader.enterClass(name, tree.packge); c.flatname = names.fromString(tree.packge + "." + name); c.sourcefile = tree.sourcefile; c.completer = null; c.members_field = new Scope(c); tree.packge.package_info = c; } classEnter(tree.defs, topEnv); if (addEnv) { todo.append(topEnv); } log.useSource(prev); result = null; }
@Override public String printObject() { try { final LispThread thread = LispThread.currentThread(); // FIXME if (typep(Symbol.RESTART) != NIL) { Symbol PRINT_RESTART = PACKAGE_SYS.intern("PRINT-RESTART"); LispObject fun = PRINT_RESTART.getSymbolFunction(); StringOutputStream stream = new StringOutputStream(); thread.execute(fun, this, stream); return stream.getString().getStringValue(); } if (_PRINT_STRUCTURE_.symbolValue(thread) == NIL) return unreadableString(structureClass.getName().printObject()); int maxLevel = Integer.MAX_VALUE; LispObject printLevel = Symbol.PRINT_LEVEL.symbolValue(thread); if (printLevel instanceof Fixnum) maxLevel = ((Fixnum) printLevel).value; LispObject currentPrintLevel = _CURRENT_PRINT_LEVEL_.symbolValue(thread); int currentLevel = Fixnum.getValue(currentPrintLevel); if (currentLevel >= maxLevel && slots.length > 0) return "#"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("#S("); sb.append(structureClass.getName().printObject()); if (currentLevel < maxLevel) { LispObject effectiveSlots = structureClass.getSlotDefinitions(); LispObject[] effectiveSlotsArray = effectiveSlots.copyToArray(); Debug.assertTrue(effectiveSlotsArray.length == slots.length); final LispObject printLength = Symbol.PRINT_LENGTH.symbolValue(thread); final int limit; if (printLength instanceof Fixnum) limit = Math.min(slots.length, ((Fixnum) printLength).value); else limit = slots.length; final boolean printCircle = (Symbol.PRINT_CIRCLE.symbolValue(thread) != NIL); for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { sb.append(' '); SimpleVector slotDefinition = (SimpleVector) effectiveSlotsArray[i]; // FIXME AREF(1) LispObject slotName = slotDefinition.AREF(1); Debug.assertTrue(slotName instanceof Symbol); sb.append(':'); sb.append(((Symbol) slotName).name.getStringValue()); sb.append(' '); if (printCircle) { StringOutputStream stream = new StringOutputStream(); thread.execute(Symbol.OUTPUT_OBJECT.getSymbolFunction(), slots[i], stream); sb.append(stream.getString().getStringValue()); } else sb.append(slots[i].printObject()); } if (limit < slots.length) sb.append(" ..."); } sb.append(')'); return sb.toString(); } catch (StackOverflowError e) { error(new StorageCondition("Stack overflow.")); return null; // Not reached. } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public Collection<ConstructorDeclaration> getConstructors() { ArrayList<ConstructorDeclaration> res = new ArrayList<ConstructorDeclaration>(); for (Symbol s : getMembers(true)) { if (s.isConstructor()) { MethodSymbol m = (MethodSymbol) s; res.add((ConstructorDeclaration) env.declMaker.getExecutableDeclaration(m)); } } return res; }
@Before public void setUp() { forms = new Form[] { new StringLiteral("docstr"), Symbol.create("abc"), new Attribute(Symbol.create("abc"), Symbol.create("def")), new NumberLiteral(123) }; program = new Program(forms); }
/** Only valid for T_ARRAY; throws unspecified exception otherwise */ public ArrayInfo getArrayInfo() { int index = 1; int dim = 1; index = skipOptionalSize(signature, index); while (signature.getByteAt(index) == '[') { index++; dim++; skipOptionalSize(signature, index); } int elementType = BasicType.charToType((char) signature.getByteAt(index)); return new ArrayInfo(dim, elementType); }
@Override public void send(EventHandler e) { e.startNonterminal(name, begin); int pos = begin; for (Symbol c : children) { if (pos < c.begin) e.whitespace(pos, c.begin); c.send(e); pos = c.end; } if (pos < end) e.whitespace(pos, end); e.endNonterminal(name, end); }
boolean computeSubtypeOf(Klass k) { // An array is a subtype of Serializable, Clonable, and Object Symbol name = k.getName(); if (name != null && (name.equals(javaIoSerializableName()) || name.equals(javaLangCloneableName()) || name.equals(javaLangObjectName()))) { return true; } else { return false; } }
// Verify if the number of items of list right member (on fedinition) is equal to left member public Boolean verifyNumberVarList(int num_var) { Iterator<Symbol> it1 = this.getMembers().iterator(); Symbol sym1; int i; for (i = 1; i < num_var; i++) { sym1 =; if (sym1.getIsVariableSymbol() == false) break; } if (i == num_var) return true; else return false; }
public static String format(String messageTmpl, Symbol... symbols) { Object[] formattedSymbols = new String[symbols.length]; for (int i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) { Symbol s = symbols[i]; if (s == null) { formattedSymbols[i] = "null"; } else { formattedSymbols[i] = s.accept(INSTANCE, null); } } return String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, messageTmpl, formattedSymbols); }