Exemple #1
  private List<ZGroupLayerPainter> buildLayerPainters(
      Graphics2D graphics,
      StreamingRenderer renderer,
      String layerId,
      ProgressListener cancellationListener)
      throws IOException, FactoryException, NoninvertibleTransformException, SchemaException,
          TransformException {
    List<ZGroupLayerPainter> painters = new ArrayList<>();
    boolean closePainters = true;
    try {
      for (Layer layer : layers) {
        // get the LiteFeatureTypeStyle for this layer
        final FeatureSource featureSource = layer.getFeatureSource();
        if (featureSource == null) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("The layer does not contain a feature source");
        final FeatureType schema = featureSource.getSchema();

        final ArrayList<LiteFeatureTypeStyle> lfts =
            renderer.createLiteFeatureTypeStyles(layer, graphics, false);
        if (lfts.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
          if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            LOGGER.fine("Processing " + lfts.size() + " stylers for " + schema.getName());

        // get the feature iterator we need
        FeatureCollection features = renderer.getFeatures(layer, schema, lfts);
        // While we could use a non mark feature iterator for single fts layers,
        // that would cause multiple connections to be open at the same time,
        // which in turn could cause deadlocks against connection pools, so we
        // are going to build a MarkFeatureIterator regardless
        // TODO: we could optimize down to simple streaming painting if we end up
        // with a single painter with a single fts (due to scale dependencies)
        // but we'd have to delay opening the MarkFeatureIterator to recognize the
        // situation
        int maxFeatures = SortedFeatureReader.getMaxFeaturesInMemory(layer.getQuery());
        MarkFeatureIterator fi =
            MarkFeatureIterator.create(features, maxFeatures, cancellationListener);
        if (fi.hasNext()) {
          ZGroupLayerPainter painter = new ZGroupLayerPainter(fi, lfts, renderer, layerId);
        } else {

      // got to the end cleanly, no need to close the painters accumulated so far
      closePainters = false;
    } finally {
      if (closePainters) {
        for (ZGroupLayerPainter painter : painters) {
          try {
          } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Failed to close cleanly layer painter " + painter, e);


    return painters;