Exemple #1
 public CoreRoute createRoute(Point start, Point end, String name) {
   name = name == null ? getName() : name;
   StraightRoute route =
       new StraightRoute(name, start, getFirst().getTime(), end, getLast().getTime());
   return route;
Exemple #2
  /** use a simple speed/time decision to decide if it's possible to navigate a route */
  public void decideAchievableRoute(CoreRoute r) {
    if (!r.isPossible() || !(r instanceof StraightRoute)) return;
    StraightRoute route = (StraightRoute) r;

    double distance = route.getDistance();
    double elapsed = route.getElapsedTime();
    double speed = distance / elapsed;

    SpeedRange speedR = _states.get(0).getSpeed();
    if (speedR != null && !speedR.allows(speed)) {

    double thisC = route.getCourse();
    CourseRange courseR = _states.get(0).getCourse();
    if (courseR != null && !courseR.allows(thisC)) {

    // examine the scaled polygons to see if this candidate route passes
    // through all of them.
Exemple #3
   * create a straight leg.
   * @param name what to call the leg
   * @param states the set of bounded states that comprise the leg
  void decideScaledPolygons(StraightRoute theRoute) {
    // do we already know this isn't possible?
    if (!theRoute.isPossible()) return;

    // bugger, we'll have to get on with our hard sums then

    // sort out the origin.
    State startState = theRoute.getStates().get(0);
    Coordinate startCoord = startState.getLocation().getCoordinate();

    // also sort out the end state
    State endState = theRoute.getStates().get(theRoute.getStates().size() - 1);
    Point endPt = endState.getLocation();

    // remeber the start time
    long tZero = startState.getTime().getTime();

    // how long is the total run?
    double elapsed = theRoute.getElapsedTime();

    // allow for multiple fidelity processing
    int ctr = 0;

    // how frequently shall we process the polygons?
    // calculating the scaled polygons is really expensive. this
    // give us most of the benefits, at a third of the speed (well,
    // with a freq of '3' it does)
    final int freq = 3;

    // loop through our states
    Iterator<BoundedState> iter = _states.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      BoundedState thisB = iter.next();

      LocationRange thisL = thisB.getLocation();
      if (thisL != null) {
        // ok, what's the time difference
        long thisDelta = thisB.getTime().getTime() - tZero;

        // convert to secs
        long tDelta = thisDelta / 1000;

        // is this our first state
        if (tDelta > 0) {
          // ok, we've got a location - increment the counter

          // is this one we're going to process?
          if (((ctr % freq) == 0) || ctr == _states.size() - 1) {
            double scale = elapsed / tDelta;

            // ok, project the shape forwards
            AffineTransformation st =
                AffineTransformation.scaleInstance(scale, scale, startCoord.x, startCoord.y);

            // ok, apply the transform to the location
            /*Geometry originalGeom = thisL.getGeometry();
            Geometry newGeom = st.transform(originalGeom);

            // see if the end point is in the new geometry
            if (endPt.coveredBy(newGeom))
            	// cool, this route works
            	// bugger, can't do this one
            if (!MathUtils.rayTracing(endPt, thisL.getGeometry(), st)) {