private static void assertHeaders(Object msg, int streamId, boolean last, SpdyHeaders headers) { assertNotNull(msg); assertTrue(msg instanceof SpdyHeadersFrame); SpdyHeadersFrame spdyHeadersFrame = (SpdyHeadersFrame) msg; assertEquals(spdyHeadersFrame.getStreamId(), streamId); assertEquals(spdyHeadersFrame.isLast(), last); for (String name : headers.names()) { List<String> expectedValues = headers.getAll(name); List<String> receivedValues = spdyHeadersFrame.headers().getAll(name); assertTrue(receivedValues.containsAll(expectedValues)); receivedValues.removeAll(expectedValues); assertTrue(receivedValues.isEmpty()); spdyHeadersFrame.headers().remove(name); } assertTrue(spdyHeadersFrame.headers().isEmpty()); }
@Override protected void decode( ChannelHandlerContext ctx, SpdyDataOrControlFrame msg, MessageBuf<Object> out) throws Exception { if (msg instanceof SpdySynStreamFrame) { // HTTP requests/responses are mapped one-to-one to SPDY streams. SpdySynStreamFrame spdySynStreamFrame = (SpdySynStreamFrame) msg; int streamId = spdySynStreamFrame.getStreamId(); if (SpdyCodecUtil.isServerId(streamId)) { // SYN_STREAM frames initiated by the server are pushed resources int associatedToStreamId = spdySynStreamFrame.getAssociatedToStreamId(); // If a client receives a SYN_STREAM with an Associated-To-Stream-ID of 0 // it must reply with a RST_STREAM with error code INVALID_STREAM if (associatedToStreamId == 0) { SpdyRstStreamFrame spdyRstStreamFrame = new DefaultSpdyRstStreamFrame(streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.INVALID_STREAM); ctx.write(spdyRstStreamFrame); } String URL = SpdyHeaders.getUrl(spdyVersion, spdySynStreamFrame); // If a client receives a SYN_STREAM without a 'url' header // it must reply with a RST_STREAM with error code PROTOCOL_ERROR if (URL == null) { SpdyRstStreamFrame spdyRstStreamFrame = new DefaultSpdyRstStreamFrame(streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR); ctx.write(spdyRstStreamFrame); } try { FullHttpResponse httpResponseWithEntity = createHttpResponse(spdyVersion, spdySynStreamFrame); // Set the Stream-ID, Associated-To-Stream-ID, Priority, and URL as headers SpdyHttpHeaders.setStreamId(httpResponseWithEntity, streamId); SpdyHttpHeaders.setAssociatedToStreamId(httpResponseWithEntity, associatedToStreamId); SpdyHttpHeaders.setPriority(httpResponseWithEntity, spdySynStreamFrame.getPriority()); SpdyHttpHeaders.setUrl(httpResponseWithEntity, URL); if (spdySynStreamFrame.isLast()) { HttpHeaders.setContentLength(httpResponseWithEntity, 0); out.add(httpResponseWithEntity); } else { // Response body will follow in a series of Data Frames putMessage(streamId, httpResponseWithEntity); } } catch (Exception e) { SpdyRstStreamFrame spdyRstStreamFrame = new DefaultSpdyRstStreamFrame(streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR); ctx.write(spdyRstStreamFrame); } } else { // SYN_STREAM frames initiated by the client are HTTP requests try { FullHttpRequest httpRequestWithEntity = createHttpRequest(spdyVersion, spdySynStreamFrame); // Set the Stream-ID as a header SpdyHttpHeaders.setStreamId(httpRequestWithEntity, streamId); if (spdySynStreamFrame.isLast()) { out.add(httpRequestWithEntity); } else { // Request body will follow in a series of Data Frames putMessage(streamId, httpRequestWithEntity); } } catch (Exception e) { // If a client sends a SYN_STREAM without all of the getMethod, url (host and path), // scheme, and version headers the server must reply with a HTTP 400 BAD REQUEST reply. // Also sends HTTP 400 BAD REQUEST reply if header name/value pairs are invalid SpdySynReplyFrame spdySynReplyFrame = new DefaultSpdySynReplyFrame(streamId); spdySynReplyFrame.setLast(true); SpdyHeaders.setStatus(spdyVersion, spdySynReplyFrame, HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST); SpdyHeaders.setVersion(spdyVersion, spdySynReplyFrame, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_0); ctx.write(spdySynReplyFrame); } } } else if (msg instanceof SpdySynReplyFrame) { SpdySynReplyFrame spdySynReplyFrame = (SpdySynReplyFrame) msg; int streamId = spdySynReplyFrame.getStreamId(); try { FullHttpResponse httpResponseWithEntity = createHttpResponse(spdyVersion, spdySynReplyFrame); // Set the Stream-ID as a header SpdyHttpHeaders.setStreamId(httpResponseWithEntity, streamId); if (spdySynReplyFrame.isLast()) { HttpHeaders.setContentLength(httpResponseWithEntity, 0); out.add(httpResponseWithEntity); } else { // Response body will follow in a series of Data Frames putMessage(streamId, httpResponseWithEntity); } } catch (Exception e) { // If a client receives a SYN_REPLY without valid getStatus and version headers // the client must reply with a RST_STREAM frame indicating a PROTOCOL_ERROR SpdyRstStreamFrame spdyRstStreamFrame = new DefaultSpdyRstStreamFrame(streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR); ctx.write(spdyRstStreamFrame); } } else if (msg instanceof SpdyHeadersFrame) { SpdyHeadersFrame spdyHeadersFrame = (SpdyHeadersFrame) msg; int streamId = spdyHeadersFrame.getStreamId(); FullHttpMessage fullHttpMessage = getMessage(streamId); // If message is not in map discard HEADERS frame. if (fullHttpMessage == null) { return; } for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : spdyHeadersFrame.headers().entries()) { fullHttpMessage.headers().add(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } if (spdyHeadersFrame.isLast()) { HttpHeaders.setContentLength(fullHttpMessage, fullHttpMessage.content().readableBytes()); removeMessage(streamId); out.add(fullHttpMessage); } } else if (msg instanceof SpdyDataFrame) { SpdyDataFrame spdyDataFrame = (SpdyDataFrame) msg; int streamId = spdyDataFrame.getStreamId(); FullHttpMessage fullHttpMessage = getMessage(streamId); // If message is not in map discard Data Frame. if (fullHttpMessage == null) { return; } ByteBuf content = fullHttpMessage.content(); if (content.readableBytes() > maxContentLength - spdyDataFrame.content().readableBytes()) { removeMessage(streamId); throw new TooLongFrameException( "HTTP content length exceeded " + maxContentLength + " bytes."); } ByteBuf spdyDataFrameData = spdyDataFrame.content(); int spdyDataFrameDataLen = spdyDataFrameData.readableBytes(); content.writeBytes(spdyDataFrameData, spdyDataFrameData.readerIndex(), spdyDataFrameDataLen); if (spdyDataFrame.isLast()) { HttpHeaders.setContentLength(fullHttpMessage, content.readableBytes()); removeMessage(streamId); out.add(fullHttpMessage); } } else if (msg instanceof SpdyRstStreamFrame) { SpdyRstStreamFrame spdyRstStreamFrame = (SpdyRstStreamFrame) msg; int streamId = spdyRstStreamFrame.getStreamId(); removeMessage(streamId); } }
@Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception { if (msg instanceof SpdyDataFrame) { /* * SPDY Data frame processing requirements: * * If an endpoint receives a data frame for a Stream-ID which is not open * and the endpoint has not sent a GOAWAY frame, it must issue a stream error * with the error code INVALID_STREAM for the Stream-ID. * * If an endpoint which created the stream receives a data frame before receiving * a SYN_REPLY on that stream, it is a protocol error, and the recipient must * issue a stream error with the getStatus code PROTOCOL_ERROR for the Stream-ID. * * If an endpoint receives multiple data frames for invalid Stream-IDs, * it may close the session. * * If an endpoint refuses a stream it must ignore any data frames for that stream. * * If an endpoint receives a data frame after the stream is half-closed from the * sender, it must send a RST_STREAM frame with the getStatus STREAM_ALREADY_CLOSED. * * If an endpoint receives a data frame after the stream is closed, it must send * a RST_STREAM frame with the getStatus PROTOCOL_ERROR. */ SpdyDataFrame spdyDataFrame = (SpdyDataFrame) msg; int streamId = spdyDataFrame.streamId(); int deltaWindowSize = -1 * spdyDataFrame.content().readableBytes(); int newSessionWindowSize = spdySession.updateReceiveWindowSize(SPDY_SESSION_STREAM_ID, deltaWindowSize); // Check if session window size is reduced beyond allowable lower bound if (newSessionWindowSize < 0) { issueSessionError(ctx, SpdySessionStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR); return; } // Send a WINDOW_UPDATE frame if less than half the session window size remains if (newSessionWindowSize <= initialSessionReceiveWindowSize / 2) { int sessionDeltaWindowSize = initialSessionReceiveWindowSize - newSessionWindowSize; spdySession.updateReceiveWindowSize(SPDY_SESSION_STREAM_ID, sessionDeltaWindowSize); SpdyWindowUpdateFrame spdyWindowUpdateFrame = new DefaultSpdyWindowUpdateFrame(SPDY_SESSION_STREAM_ID, sessionDeltaWindowSize); ctx.writeAndFlush(spdyWindowUpdateFrame); } // Check if we received a data frame for a Stream-ID which is not open if (!spdySession.isActiveStream(streamId)) { spdyDataFrame.release(); if (streamId <= lastGoodStreamId) { issueStreamError(ctx, streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR); } else if (!sentGoAwayFrame) { issueStreamError(ctx, streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.INVALID_STREAM); } return; } // Check if we received a data frame for a stream which is half-closed if (spdySession.isRemoteSideClosed(streamId)) { spdyDataFrame.release(); issueStreamError(ctx, streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.STREAM_ALREADY_CLOSED); return; } // Check if we received a data frame before receiving a SYN_REPLY if (!isRemoteInitiatedId(streamId) && !spdySession.hasReceivedReply(streamId)) { spdyDataFrame.release(); issueStreamError(ctx, streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR); return; } /* * SPDY Data frame flow control processing requirements: * * Recipient should not send a WINDOW_UPDATE frame as it consumes the last data frame. */ // Update receive window size int newWindowSize = spdySession.updateReceiveWindowSize(streamId, deltaWindowSize); // Window size can become negative if we sent a SETTINGS frame that reduces the // size of the transfer window after the peer has written data frames. // The value is bounded by the length that SETTINGS frame decrease the window. // This difference is stored for the session when writing the SETTINGS frame // and is cleared once we send a WINDOW_UPDATE frame. if (newWindowSize < spdySession.getReceiveWindowSizeLowerBound(streamId)) { spdyDataFrame.release(); issueStreamError(ctx, streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR); return; } // Window size became negative due to sender writing frame before receiving SETTINGS // Send data frames upstream in initialReceiveWindowSize chunks if (newWindowSize < 0) { while (spdyDataFrame.content().readableBytes() > initialReceiveWindowSize) { SpdyDataFrame partialDataFrame = new DefaultSpdyDataFrame( streamId, spdyDataFrame.content().readSlice(initialReceiveWindowSize).retain()); ctx.writeAndFlush(partialDataFrame); } } // Send a WINDOW_UPDATE frame if less than half the stream window size remains if (newWindowSize <= initialReceiveWindowSize / 2 && !spdyDataFrame.isLast()) { int streamDeltaWindowSize = initialReceiveWindowSize - newWindowSize; spdySession.updateReceiveWindowSize(streamId, streamDeltaWindowSize); SpdyWindowUpdateFrame spdyWindowUpdateFrame = new DefaultSpdyWindowUpdateFrame(streamId, streamDeltaWindowSize); ctx.writeAndFlush(spdyWindowUpdateFrame); } // Close the remote side of the stream if this is the last frame if (spdyDataFrame.isLast()) { halfCloseStream(streamId, true, ctx.newSucceededFuture()); } } else if (msg instanceof SpdySynStreamFrame) { /* * SPDY SYN_STREAM frame processing requirements: * * If an endpoint receives a SYN_STREAM with a Stream-ID that is less than * any previously received SYN_STREAM, it must issue a session error with * the getStatus PROTOCOL_ERROR. * * If an endpoint receives multiple SYN_STREAM frames with the same active * Stream-ID, it must issue a stream error with the getStatus code PROTOCOL_ERROR. * * The recipient can reject a stream by sending a stream error with the * getStatus code REFUSED_STREAM. */ SpdySynStreamFrame spdySynStreamFrame = (SpdySynStreamFrame) msg; int streamId = spdySynStreamFrame.streamId(); // Check if we received a valid SYN_STREAM frame if (spdySynStreamFrame.isInvalid() || !isRemoteInitiatedId(streamId) || spdySession.isActiveStream(streamId)) { issueStreamError(ctx, streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR); return; } // Stream-IDs must be monotonically increasing if (streamId <= lastGoodStreamId) { issueSessionError(ctx, SpdySessionStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR); return; } // Try to accept the stream byte priority = spdySynStreamFrame.priority(); boolean remoteSideClosed = spdySynStreamFrame.isLast(); boolean localSideClosed = spdySynStreamFrame.isUnidirectional(); if (!acceptStream(streamId, priority, remoteSideClosed, localSideClosed)) { issueStreamError(ctx, streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.REFUSED_STREAM); return; } } else if (msg instanceof SpdySynReplyFrame) { /* * SPDY SYN_REPLY frame processing requirements: * * If an endpoint receives multiple SYN_REPLY frames for the same active Stream-ID * it must issue a stream error with the getStatus code STREAM_IN_USE. */ SpdySynReplyFrame spdySynReplyFrame = (SpdySynReplyFrame) msg; int streamId = spdySynReplyFrame.streamId(); // Check if we received a valid SYN_REPLY frame if (spdySynReplyFrame.isInvalid() || isRemoteInitiatedId(streamId) || spdySession.isRemoteSideClosed(streamId)) { issueStreamError(ctx, streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.INVALID_STREAM); return; } // Check if we have received multiple frames for the same Stream-ID if (spdySession.hasReceivedReply(streamId)) { issueStreamError(ctx, streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.STREAM_IN_USE); return; } spdySession.receivedReply(streamId); // Close the remote side of the stream if this is the last frame if (spdySynReplyFrame.isLast()) { halfCloseStream(streamId, true, ctx.newSucceededFuture()); } } else if (msg instanceof SpdyRstStreamFrame) { /* * SPDY RST_STREAM frame processing requirements: * * After receiving a RST_STREAM on a stream, the receiver must not send * additional frames on that stream. * * An endpoint must not send a RST_STREAM in response to a RST_STREAM. */ SpdyRstStreamFrame spdyRstStreamFrame = (SpdyRstStreamFrame) msg; removeStream(spdyRstStreamFrame.streamId(), ctx.newSucceededFuture()); } else if (msg instanceof SpdySettingsFrame) { SpdySettingsFrame spdySettingsFrame = (SpdySettingsFrame) msg; int settingsMinorVersion = spdySettingsFrame.getValue(SpdySettingsFrame.SETTINGS_MINOR_VERSION); if (settingsMinorVersion >= 0 && settingsMinorVersion != minorVersion) { // Settings frame had the wrong minor version issueSessionError(ctx, SpdySessionStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR); return; } int newConcurrentStreams = spdySettingsFrame.getValue(SpdySettingsFrame.SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS); if (newConcurrentStreams >= 0) { remoteConcurrentStreams = newConcurrentStreams; } // Persistence flag are inconsistent with the use of SETTINGS to communicate // the initial window size. Remove flags from the sender requesting that the // value be persisted. Remove values that the sender indicates are persisted. if (spdySettingsFrame.isPersisted(SpdySettingsFrame.SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE)) { spdySettingsFrame.removeValue(SpdySettingsFrame.SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE); } spdySettingsFrame.setPersistValue(SpdySettingsFrame.SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE, false); int newInitialWindowSize = spdySettingsFrame.getValue(SpdySettingsFrame.SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE); if (newInitialWindowSize >= 0) { updateInitialSendWindowSize(newInitialWindowSize); } } else if (msg instanceof SpdyPingFrame) { /* * SPDY PING frame processing requirements: * * Receivers of a PING frame should send an identical frame to the sender * as soon as possible. * * Receivers of a PING frame must ignore frames that it did not initiate */ SpdyPingFrame spdyPingFrame = (SpdyPingFrame) msg; if (isRemoteInitiatedId( { ctx.writeAndFlush(spdyPingFrame); return; } // Note: only checks that there are outstanding pings since uniqueness is not enforced if (pings.get() == 0) { return; } pings.getAndDecrement(); } else if (msg instanceof SpdyGoAwayFrame) { receivedGoAwayFrame = true; } else if (msg instanceof SpdyHeadersFrame) { SpdyHeadersFrame spdyHeadersFrame = (SpdyHeadersFrame) msg; int streamId = spdyHeadersFrame.streamId(); // Check if we received a valid HEADERS frame if (spdyHeadersFrame.isInvalid()) { issueStreamError(ctx, streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR); return; } if (spdySession.isRemoteSideClosed(streamId)) { issueStreamError(ctx, streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.INVALID_STREAM); return; } // Close the remote side of the stream if this is the last frame if (spdyHeadersFrame.isLast()) { halfCloseStream(streamId, true, ctx.newSucceededFuture()); } } else if (msg instanceof SpdyWindowUpdateFrame) { /* * SPDY WINDOW_UPDATE frame processing requirements: * * Receivers of a WINDOW_UPDATE that cause the window size to exceed 2^31 * must send a RST_STREAM with the getStatus code FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR. * * Sender should ignore all WINDOW_UPDATE frames associated with a stream * after sending the last frame for the stream. */ SpdyWindowUpdateFrame spdyWindowUpdateFrame = (SpdyWindowUpdateFrame) msg; int streamId = spdyWindowUpdateFrame.streamId(); int deltaWindowSize = spdyWindowUpdateFrame.deltaWindowSize(); // Ignore frames for half-closed streams if (streamId != SPDY_SESSION_STREAM_ID && spdySession.isLocalSideClosed(streamId)) { return; } // Check for numerical overflow if (spdySession.getSendWindowSize(streamId) > Integer.MAX_VALUE - deltaWindowSize) { if (streamId == SPDY_SESSION_STREAM_ID) { issueSessionError(ctx, SpdySessionStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR); } else { issueStreamError(ctx, streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR); } return; } updateSendWindowSize(ctx, streamId, deltaWindowSize); } ctx.fireChannelRead(msg); }
private void handleOutboundMessage(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception { if (msg instanceof SpdyDataFrame) { SpdyDataFrame spdyDataFrame = (SpdyDataFrame) msg; int streamId = spdyDataFrame.streamId(); // Frames must not be sent on half-closed streams if (spdySession.isLocalSideClosed(streamId)) { spdyDataFrame.release(); promise.setFailure(PROTOCOL_EXCEPTION); return; } /* * SPDY Data frame flow control processing requirements: * * Sender must not send a data frame with data length greater * than the transfer window size. * * After sending each data frame, the sender decrements its * transfer window size by the amount of data transmitted. * * When the window size becomes less than or equal to 0, the * sender must pause transmitting data frames. */ int dataLength = spdyDataFrame.content().readableBytes(); int sendWindowSize = spdySession.getSendWindowSize(streamId); int sessionSendWindowSize = spdySession.getSendWindowSize(SPDY_SESSION_STREAM_ID); sendWindowSize = Math.min(sendWindowSize, sessionSendWindowSize); if (sendWindowSize <= 0) { // Stream is stalled -- enqueue Data frame and return spdySession.putPendingWrite(streamId, new SpdySession.PendingWrite(spdyDataFrame, promise)); return; } else if (sendWindowSize < dataLength) { // Stream is not stalled but we cannot send the entire frame spdySession.updateSendWindowSize(streamId, -1 * sendWindowSize); spdySession.updateSendWindowSize(SPDY_SESSION_STREAM_ID, -1 * sendWindowSize); // Create a partial data frame whose length is the current window size SpdyDataFrame partialDataFrame = new DefaultSpdyDataFrame( streamId, spdyDataFrame.content().readSlice(sendWindowSize).retain()); // Enqueue the remaining data (will be the first frame queued) spdySession.putPendingWrite(streamId, new SpdySession.PendingWrite(spdyDataFrame, promise)); // The transfer window size is pre-decremented when sending a data frame downstream. // Close the session on write failures that leave the transfer window in a corrupt state. final ChannelHandlerContext context = ctx; ctx.write(partialDataFrame) .addListener( new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception { if (!future.isSuccess()) { issueSessionError(context, SpdySessionStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR); } } }); return; } else { // Window size is large enough to send entire data frame spdySession.updateSendWindowSize(streamId, -1 * dataLength); spdySession.updateSendWindowSize(SPDY_SESSION_STREAM_ID, -1 * dataLength); // The transfer window size is pre-decremented when sending a data frame downstream. // Close the session on write failures that leave the transfer window in a corrupt state. final ChannelHandlerContext context = ctx; promise.addListener( new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception { if (!future.isSuccess()) { issueSessionError(context, SpdySessionStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR); } } }); } // Close the local side of the stream if this is the last frame if (spdyDataFrame.isLast()) { halfCloseStream(streamId, false, promise); } } else if (msg instanceof SpdySynStreamFrame) { SpdySynStreamFrame spdySynStreamFrame = (SpdySynStreamFrame) msg; int streamId = spdySynStreamFrame.streamId(); if (isRemoteInitiatedId(streamId)) { promise.setFailure(PROTOCOL_EXCEPTION); return; } byte priority = spdySynStreamFrame.priority(); boolean remoteSideClosed = spdySynStreamFrame.isUnidirectional(); boolean localSideClosed = spdySynStreamFrame.isLast(); if (!acceptStream(streamId, priority, remoteSideClosed, localSideClosed)) { promise.setFailure(PROTOCOL_EXCEPTION); return; } } else if (msg instanceof SpdySynReplyFrame) { SpdySynReplyFrame spdySynReplyFrame = (SpdySynReplyFrame) msg; int streamId = spdySynReplyFrame.streamId(); // Frames must not be sent on half-closed streams if (!isRemoteInitiatedId(streamId) || spdySession.isLocalSideClosed(streamId)) { promise.setFailure(PROTOCOL_EXCEPTION); return; } // Close the local side of the stream if this is the last frame if (spdySynReplyFrame.isLast()) { halfCloseStream(streamId, false, promise); } } else if (msg instanceof SpdyRstStreamFrame) { SpdyRstStreamFrame spdyRstStreamFrame = (SpdyRstStreamFrame) msg; removeStream(spdyRstStreamFrame.streamId(), promise); } else if (msg instanceof SpdySettingsFrame) { SpdySettingsFrame spdySettingsFrame = (SpdySettingsFrame) msg; int settingsMinorVersion = spdySettingsFrame.getValue(SpdySettingsFrame.SETTINGS_MINOR_VERSION); if (settingsMinorVersion >= 0 && settingsMinorVersion != minorVersion) { // Settings frame had the wrong minor version promise.setFailure(PROTOCOL_EXCEPTION); return; } int newConcurrentStreams = spdySettingsFrame.getValue(SpdySettingsFrame.SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS); if (newConcurrentStreams >= 0) { localConcurrentStreams = newConcurrentStreams; } // Persistence flag are inconsistent with the use of SETTINGS to communicate // the initial window size. Remove flags from the sender requesting that the // value be persisted. Remove values that the sender indicates are persisted. if (spdySettingsFrame.isPersisted(SpdySettingsFrame.SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE)) { spdySettingsFrame.removeValue(SpdySettingsFrame.SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE); } spdySettingsFrame.setPersistValue(SpdySettingsFrame.SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE, false); int newInitialWindowSize = spdySettingsFrame.getValue(SpdySettingsFrame.SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE); if (newInitialWindowSize >= 0) { updateInitialReceiveWindowSize(newInitialWindowSize); } } else if (msg instanceof SpdyPingFrame) { SpdyPingFrame spdyPingFrame = (SpdyPingFrame) msg; if (isRemoteInitiatedId( { ctx.fireExceptionCaught( new IllegalArgumentException("invalid PING ID: " +; return; } pings.getAndIncrement(); } else if (msg instanceof SpdyGoAwayFrame) { // Why is this being sent? Intercept it and fail the write. // Should have sent a CLOSE ChannelStateEvent promise.setFailure(PROTOCOL_EXCEPTION); return; } else if (msg instanceof SpdyHeadersFrame) { SpdyHeadersFrame spdyHeadersFrame = (SpdyHeadersFrame) msg; int streamId = spdyHeadersFrame.streamId(); // Frames must not be sent on half-closed streams if (spdySession.isLocalSideClosed(streamId)) { promise.setFailure(PROTOCOL_EXCEPTION); return; } // Close the local side of the stream if this is the last frame if (spdyHeadersFrame.isLast()) { halfCloseStream(streamId, false, promise); } } else if (msg instanceof SpdyWindowUpdateFrame) { // Why is this being sent? Intercept it and fail the write. promise.setFailure(PROTOCOL_EXCEPTION); return; } ctx.write(msg, promise); }
@Override protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, ByteBuf out) throws Exception { if (msg instanceof SpdyDataFrame) { SpdyDataFrame spdyDataFrame = (SpdyDataFrame) msg; ByteBuf data =; byte flags = spdyDataFrame.isLast() ? SPDY_DATA_FLAG_FIN : 0; out.ensureWritable(SPDY_HEADER_SIZE + data.readableBytes()); out.writeInt(spdyDataFrame.getStreamId() & 0x7FFFFFFF); out.writeByte(flags); out.writeMedium(data.readableBytes()); out.writeBytes(data, data.readerIndex(), data.readableBytes()); } else if (msg instanceof SpdySynStreamFrame) { SpdySynStreamFrame spdySynStreamFrame = (SpdySynStreamFrame) msg; ByteBuf data = compressHeaderBlock(encodeHeaderBlock(version, spdySynStreamFrame)); byte flags = spdySynStreamFrame.isLast() ? SPDY_FLAG_FIN : 0; if (spdySynStreamFrame.isUnidirectional()) { flags |= SPDY_FLAG_UNIDIRECTIONAL; } int headerBlockLength = data.readableBytes(); int length; if (version < 3) { length = headerBlockLength == 0 ? 12 : 10 + headerBlockLength; } else { length = 10 + headerBlockLength; } out.ensureWritable(SPDY_HEADER_SIZE + length); out.writeShort(version | 0x8000); out.writeShort(SPDY_SYN_STREAM_FRAME); out.writeByte(flags); out.writeMedium(length); out.writeInt(spdySynStreamFrame.getStreamId()); out.writeInt(spdySynStreamFrame.getAssociatedToStreamId()); if (version < 3) { // Restrict priorities for SPDY/2 to between 0 and 3 byte priority = spdySynStreamFrame.getPriority(); if (priority > 3) { priority = 3; } out.writeShort((priority & 0xFF) << 14); } else { out.writeShort((spdySynStreamFrame.getPriority() & 0xFF) << 13); } if (version < 3 && data.readableBytes() == 0) { out.writeShort(0); } out.writeBytes(data, data.readerIndex(), headerBlockLength); } else if (msg instanceof SpdySynReplyFrame) { SpdySynReplyFrame spdySynReplyFrame = (SpdySynReplyFrame) msg; ByteBuf data = compressHeaderBlock(encodeHeaderBlock(version, spdySynReplyFrame)); byte flags = spdySynReplyFrame.isLast() ? SPDY_FLAG_FIN : 0; int headerBlockLength = data.readableBytes(); int length; if (version < 3) { length = headerBlockLength == 0 ? 8 : 6 + headerBlockLength; } else { length = 4 + headerBlockLength; } out.ensureWritable(SPDY_HEADER_SIZE + length); out.writeShort(version | 0x8000); out.writeShort(SPDY_SYN_REPLY_FRAME); out.writeByte(flags); out.writeMedium(length); out.writeInt(spdySynReplyFrame.getStreamId()); if (version < 3) { if (headerBlockLength == 0) { out.writeInt(0); } else { out.writeShort(0); } } out.writeBytes(data, data.readerIndex(), headerBlockLength); } else if (msg instanceof SpdyRstStreamFrame) { SpdyRstStreamFrame spdyRstStreamFrame = (SpdyRstStreamFrame) msg; out.ensureWritable(SPDY_HEADER_SIZE + 8); out.writeShort(version | 0x8000); out.writeShort(SPDY_RST_STREAM_FRAME); out.writeInt(8); out.writeInt(spdyRstStreamFrame.getStreamId()); out.writeInt(spdyRstStreamFrame.getStatus().getCode()); } else if (msg instanceof SpdySettingsFrame) { SpdySettingsFrame spdySettingsFrame = (SpdySettingsFrame) msg; byte flags = spdySettingsFrame.clearPreviouslyPersistedSettings() ? SPDY_SETTINGS_CLEAR : 0; Set<Integer> IDs = spdySettingsFrame.getIds(); int numEntries = IDs.size(); int length = 4 + numEntries * 8; out.ensureWritable(SPDY_HEADER_SIZE + length); out.writeShort(version | 0x8000); out.writeShort(SPDY_SETTINGS_FRAME); out.writeByte(flags); out.writeMedium(length); out.writeInt(numEntries); for (Integer ID : IDs) { int id = ID.intValue(); byte ID_flags = 0; if (spdySettingsFrame.isPersistValue(id)) { ID_flags |= SPDY_SETTINGS_PERSIST_VALUE; } if (spdySettingsFrame.isPersisted(id)) { ID_flags |= SPDY_SETTINGS_PERSISTED; } if (version < 3) { // Chromium Issue 79156 // SPDY setting ids are not written in network byte order // Write id assuming the architecture is little endian out.writeByte(id & 0xFF); out.writeByte(id >> 8 & 0xFF); out.writeByte(id >> 16 & 0xFF); out.writeByte(ID_flags); } else { out.writeByte(ID_flags); out.writeMedium(id); } out.writeInt(spdySettingsFrame.getValue(id)); } } else if (msg instanceof SpdyNoOpFrame) { out.ensureWritable(SPDY_HEADER_SIZE); out.writeShort(version | 0x8000); out.writeShort(SPDY_NOOP_FRAME); out.writeInt(0); } else if (msg instanceof SpdyPingFrame) { SpdyPingFrame spdyPingFrame = (SpdyPingFrame) msg; out.ensureWritable(SPDY_HEADER_SIZE + 4); out.writeShort(version | 0x8000); out.writeShort(SPDY_PING_FRAME); out.writeInt(4); out.writeInt(spdyPingFrame.getId()); } else if (msg instanceof SpdyGoAwayFrame) { SpdyGoAwayFrame spdyGoAwayFrame = (SpdyGoAwayFrame) msg; int length = version < 3 ? 4 : 8; out.ensureWritable(SPDY_HEADER_SIZE + length); out.writeShort(version | 0x8000); out.writeShort(SPDY_GOAWAY_FRAME); out.writeInt(length); out.writeInt(spdyGoAwayFrame.getLastGoodStreamId()); if (version >= 3) { out.writeInt(spdyGoAwayFrame.getStatus().getCode()); } } else if (msg instanceof SpdyHeadersFrame) { SpdyHeadersFrame spdyHeadersFrame = (SpdyHeadersFrame) msg; ByteBuf data = compressHeaderBlock(encodeHeaderBlock(version, spdyHeadersFrame)); byte flags = spdyHeadersFrame.isLast() ? SPDY_FLAG_FIN : 0; int headerBlockLength = data.readableBytes(); int length; if (version < 3) { length = headerBlockLength == 0 ? 4 : 6 + headerBlockLength; } else { length = 4 + headerBlockLength; } out.ensureWritable(SPDY_HEADER_SIZE + length); out.writeShort(version | 0x8000); out.writeShort(SPDY_HEADERS_FRAME); out.writeByte(flags); out.writeMedium(length); out.writeInt(spdyHeadersFrame.getStreamId()); if (version < 3 && headerBlockLength != 0) { out.writeShort(0); } out.writeBytes(data, data.readerIndex(), headerBlockLength); } else if (msg instanceof SpdyWindowUpdateFrame) { SpdyWindowUpdateFrame spdyWindowUpdateFrame = (SpdyWindowUpdateFrame) msg; out.ensureWritable(SPDY_HEADER_SIZE + 8); out.writeShort(version | 0x8000); out.writeShort(SPDY_WINDOW_UPDATE_FRAME); out.writeInt(8); out.writeInt(spdyWindowUpdateFrame.getStreamId()); out.writeInt(spdyWindowUpdateFrame.getDeltaWindowSize()); } else { throw new UnsupportedMessageTypeException(msg); } }