/** Test loading a FASTA data source. */
  public void testLoadFastaSource() {

    SourceInfoLoader loader = SourceInfoLoader.getInstance();

    SourceInfo fastaInfo = loader.getSourceInfo("fasta");

    assertNotNull("No source info for 'fasta'", fastaInfo);

    assertEquals("Type wrong", "fasta", fastaInfo.getType());

    SourceDescriptor source = fastaInfo.getSource();
    assertEquals("SourceDescriptor type wrong", "fasta", source.getType());
    assertEquals("Incorrect number of properties in source", 9, source.getProperty().size());

    Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> propMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyDescriptor>();
    for (PropertyDescriptor p : source.getProperty()) {
      propMap.put(p.getName(), p);

    PropertyDescriptor srcDataDir = propMap.get("src.data.dir");
    assertNotNull("No property 'src.data.dir'", srcDataDir);
        "'src.data.dir' not required when it should be", Boolean.TRUE, srcDataDir.isRequired());
    assertEquals("'src.data.dir' type wrong", PropertyType.DIRECTORY, srcDataDir.getType());
    assertNull("'src.data.dir' has validation", srcDataDir.getValidation());

    PropertyDescriptor taxonId = propMap.get("fasta.taxonId");
    assertNotNull("No property 'fasta.taxonId'", taxonId);
        "'fasta.taxonId' required when it should not be", Boolean.TRUE, taxonId.isRequired());
    assertEquals("'fasta.taxonId' type wrong", PropertyType.STRING, taxonId.getType());
    assertEquals("'fasta.taxonId' validation wrong", "^\\d+(\\s\\d+)*$", taxonId.getValidation());
   * Test loading a named derived source. Searches under the project directory <code>
   * src/test/sourcetest/project</code>, which in this distribution has a dummy Intermine directory
   * structure.
   * @throws IOException if there is an I/O problem during the test.
   * @see SourceInfoLoader#findDerivedSourceInfo(String, Project, File)
  public void testDerivedTypeLoad() throws IOException {

    File projectHome = new File("src/test/sourcetest/project");

    org.intermine.modelviewer.project.ObjectFactory factory =
        new org.intermine.modelviewer.project.ObjectFactory();

    Project project = factory.createProject();

    Property p = factory.createProperty();

    p = factory.createProperty();

    // Source s = factory.createSource();
    // s.setName("malaria");
    // s.setType("malaria-gff");
    // project.getSources().getSource().add(s);

    SourceInfo info =
        SourceInfoLoader.getInstance().findDerivedSourceInfo("malaria-gff", project, projectHome);

    assertNotNull("Could not find derived source type for malaria-gff", info);

    assertEquals("Derived type is not gff", "malaria-gff", info.getType());
  * Set up by initialising the SourceInfoLoader instance.
  * @throws IOException thrown from {@link SourceInfoLoader#initialise()}
  * @throws JAXBException thrown from {@link SourceInfoLoader#initialise()}
 public void setup() throws IOException, JAXBException {
   try {
   } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
     // Already loaded.