   * Used in synchronous mode only. Provides a hook that enables a synchronous operation on a
   * previously sent inform request. Only one inform request can be in synchronous mode on a given
   * thread. The blocked thread is notified when the inform request state reaches completion. If the
   * inform request is not active, the method returns immediately. The user must get the error
   * status of the inform request to determine the exact status of the request.
   * @param time The amount of time to wait. Zero means block until complete.
   * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the inform request has completed, <CODE>false</CODE> if it is
   *     still active.
  public final boolean waitForCompletion(long time) {

    if (!inProgress()) // check if request is in progress.
    return true;

    if (informSession.thisSessionContext()) {
      // We can manipulate callback safely as we are in session thread.
      SnmpInformHandler savedCallback = callback;
      callback = null;
      informSession.waitForResponse(this, time);
      callback = savedCallback;
    } else {
      // This is being done from a different thread. So notifyClient will do the notification.
      synchronized (this) {
        SnmpInformHandler savedCallback = callback;
        try {
          callback = null;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        callback = savedCallback;

    return (!inProgress()); // true if request completed.
  /** This method cancels an active inform request and removes it from the polling list. */
  private void stopRequest() {

    // Remove the clause synchronized of the stopRequest method.
    // Synchronization is isolated as possible to avoid thread lock.
    // Note: the method removeRequest from SendQ is synchronized.
    // fix bug jaw.00392.B
    synchronized (this) {
    synchronized (this) {
      requestId = 0;
  /** For SNMP Runtime internal use only. */
  final void setRequestSentTime(long sendtime) {
    waitTimeForResponse = prevPollTime + timeout * numTries;

    if (SNMP_ADAPTOR_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
          "Inform request Successfully sent");

   * For SNMP Runtime internal use only. Constructor for creating new inform request. This object
   * can be created only by an SNMP adaptor object.
   * @param session <CODE>SnmpSession</CODE> object for this inform request.
   * @param adp <CODE>SnmpAdaptorServer</CODE> object for this inform request.
   * @param addr The <CODE>InetAddress</CODE> destination for this inform request.
   * @param cs The community string to be used for the inform request.
   * @param requestCB Callback interface for the inform request.
   * @exception SnmpStatusException SNMP adaptor is not ONLINE or session is dead.
      SnmpSession session,
      SnmpAdaptorServer adp,
      InetAddress addr,
      String cs,
      int p,
      SnmpInformHandler requestCB)
      throws SnmpStatusException {

    informSession = session;
    adaptor = adp;
    address = addr;
    communityString = cs;
    port = p;
    callback = requestCB;
    informSession.addInformRequest(this); // add to adaptor queue.
   * Sends the prepared PDU packet to the manager and updates the data structure to expect a
   * response. It acquires a lock on the socket to prevent a case where a response arrives before
   * this thread could insert the request into the wait queue.
   * @exception IOException Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred.
  final void sendPduPacket(byte[] buffer, int length) throws java.io.IOException {

    if (SNMP_ADAPTOR_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
          "Send to peer. Peer/Port : "
              + address.getHostName()
              + "/"
              + port
              + ". Length = "
              + length
              + "\nDump : \n"
              + SnmpMessage.dumpHexBuffer(buffer, 0, length));
    SnmpSocket theSocket = informSession.getSocket();
    synchronized (theSocket) {
      theSocket.sendPacket(buffer, length, address, port);
 private final void queueResponse() {
  * This method creates a new request ID. The ID is submitted to the poll server for scheduling.
 private void schedulePoll() {
   numTries = 0;
 final synchronized void deleteRequest() {