  * Maps an int to a specific mode. This is needed when saving state, or inflating the view from
  * XML where the mode is given through a attr int.
  * @param modeInt - int to map a Mode to
  * @return Mode that modeInt maps to, or PULL_FROM_START by default.
 static SlideMode mapIntToValue(final int modeInt) {
   for (SlideMode value : SlideMode.values()) {
     if (modeInt == value.getIntValue()) {
       return value;
   // If not, return default
   return getDefault();
  * Init ListView
  * @param attrs AttributeSet
 private void init(AttributeSet attrs) {
   if (attrs != null) {
     TypedArray styled = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.SlideListView);
     mAnimationTime = styled.getInteger(R.styleable.SlideListView_slideAnimationTime, 0);
     mSlideMode =
         SlideMode.mapIntToValue(styled.getInteger(R.styleable.SlideListView_slideMode, 0));
     mSlideLeftAction =
             styled.getInteger(R.styleable.SlideListView_slideLeftAction, 0));
     mSlideRightAction =
             styled.getInteger(R.styleable.SlideListView_slideRightAction, 0));
   mTouchListener = new SlideTouchListener(this);
   // You can't use setOnTouchListener() in your own code
   // You can use setOnScrollListener() in your own code
   // You can use setOnItemClickListener() in your own code