   * Indicates whether feature selection needs to be performed at all for this experiment.
   * @return Wheter feature selection needs to be performed at all for this experiment
   * @throws Exception
  public static boolean NeedToSelectFeatures() throws Exception {
    for (AbstractDataProcessor processor :
      for (FeatureSelectionAlgorithm fsAlgorithm :
        if (FeatureSelectionEvaluator.NeedToSelectFeatures(processor, fsAlgorithm)) return true;

    return false;
   * Indicates how many different combinations of data processor, feature-selection algorithm, and
   * classification algorithm there are in this experiment.
   * @param includeNumFeaturesOptions Whether to count each number of features options as separate
   *     classification algorithm
   * @return Number of unique combinations
   * @throws Exception
  private static int GetNumberClassificationCombinations(boolean includeNumFeaturesOptions)
      throws Exception {
    int count = 0;

    for (AbstractDataProcessor processor :
      for (FeatureSelectionAlgorithm fsAlgorithm :
        for (ClassificationAlgorithm classificationAlgorithm :
          count +=
                  ? Singletons.Config.GetNumFeaturesOptions(processor, fsAlgorithm).size()
                  : 1);

    return count;