protected List<IJavaFXElement> found(List<IJavaFXElement> pElements, IJavaFXAgent driver) {
   List<IJavaFXElement> r = new ArrayList<IJavaFXElement>();
   for (IJavaFXElement je : pElements) {
     Node component = je.getComponent();
     if (!(component instanceof Parent)) continue;
     int index = getIndexOfComponentInParent(component);
     if (index < 0) continue;
     Parent parent = component.getParent();
     JFXWindow topContainer = driver.switchTo().getTopContainer();
     ObservableList<Node> children = parent.getChildrenUnmodifiable();
     for (int i = index + 1; i < children.size(); i++) {
       Node c = children.get(i);
       IJavaFXElement je2 =
           JavaFXElementFactory.createElement(c, driver, driver.switchTo().getTopContainer());
       if (sibling.matchesSelector(je2).size() > 0) {
         IJavaFXElement e =
             topContainer.addElement(JavaFXElementFactory.createElement(c, driver, topContainer));
         if (!r.contains(e)) r.add(e);
   return r;
Exemple #2
     * Scans for a CSS 'simple selector'.
     * Returns true if it found one.
     * Returns false if there was an error or the input is empty.
    public boolean nextSimpleSelector(Selector selector) throws SAXException {
      if (empty()) return false;

      int start = position;
      Combinator combinator = null;
      SimpleSelector selectorPart = null;

      if (!selector.isEmpty()) {
        if (consume('>')) {
          combinator = Combinator.CHILD;
        } else if (consume('+')) {
          combinator = Combinator.FOLLOWS;

      if (consume('*')) {
        selectorPart = new SimpleSelector(combinator, null);
      } else {
        String tag = nextIdentifier();
        if (tag != null) {
          selectorPart = new SimpleSelector(combinator, tag);

      while (!empty()) {
        if (consume('.')) {
          // ".foo" is equivalent to *[class="foo"]
          if (selectorPart == null) selectorPart = new SimpleSelector(combinator, null);
          String value = nextIdentifier();
          if (value == null)
            throw new SAXException("Invalid \".class\" selector in <style> element");
          selectorPart.addAttrib(CLASS, AttribOp.EQUALS, value);

        if (consume('#')) {
          // "#foo" is equivalent to *[id="foo"]
          if (selectorPart == null) selectorPart = new SimpleSelector(combinator, null);
          String value = nextIdentifier();
          if (value == null) throw new SAXException("Invalid \"#id\" selector in <style> element");
          selectorPart.addAttrib(ID, AttribOp.EQUALS, value);

        if (selectorPart == null) break;

        // Now check for attribute selection and pseudo selectors
        if (consume('[')) {
          String attrName = nextIdentifier();
          String attrValue = null;
          if (attrName == null)
            throw new SAXException("Invalid attribute selector in <style> element");
          AttribOp op = null;
          if (consume('=')) op = AttribOp.EQUALS;
          else if (consume("~=")) op = AttribOp.INCLUDES;
          else if (consume("|=")) op = AttribOp.DASHMATCH;
          if (op != null) {
            attrValue = nextAttribValue();
            if (attrValue == null)
              throw new SAXException("Invalid attribute selector in <style> element");
          if (!consume(']'))
            throw new SAXException("Invalid attribute selector in <style> element");
          selectorPart.addAttrib(attrName, (op == null) ? AttribOp.EXISTS : op, attrValue);

        if (consume(':')) {
          // skip pseudo
          int pseudoStart = position;
          if (nextIdentifier() != null) {
            if (consume('(')) {
              if (nextIdentifier() != null) {
                if (!consume(')')) {
                  position = pseudoStart - 1;
            selectorPart.addPseudo(input.substring(pseudoStart, position));


      if (selectorPart != null) {
        return true;

      // Otherwise 'fail'
      position = start;
      return false;
 public String toString() {
   return selector.toString() + condition.toString();
   * Adds the rule.
   * @param styleSheet the style sheet
   * @param rule the rule
   * @throws MalformedURLException the malformed url exception
   * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
  private final void addRule(CSSStyleSheet styleSheet, CSSRule rule)
      throws MalformedURLException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
    HTMLDocumentImpl document = this.document;
    if (rule instanceof CSSStyleRule) {
      CSSStyleRule sr = (CSSStyleRule) rule;
      String selectorList = sr.getSelectorText();
      StringTokenizer commaTok = new StringTokenizer(selectorList, ",");
      while (commaTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String selectorPart = commaTok.nextToken().toLowerCase();
        ArrayList<SimpleSelector> simpleSelectors = null;
        String lastSelectorText = null;
        StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(selectorPart, " \t\r\n");
        if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
          simpleSelectors = new ArrayList<SimpleSelector>();
          SimpleSelector prevSelector = null;
          for (; ; ) {
            String token = tok.nextToken();
            if (">".equals(token)) {
              if (prevSelector != null) {
              continue SELECTOR_FOR;
            } else if ("+".equals(token)) {
              if (prevSelector != null) {
              continue SELECTOR_FOR;
            int colonIdx = token.indexOf(':');
            String simpleSelectorText = colonIdx == -1 ? token : token.substring(0, colonIdx);
            String pseudoElement = colonIdx == -1 ? null : token.substring(colonIdx + 1);
            prevSelector = new SimpleSelector(simpleSelectorText, pseudoElement);
            if (!tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
              lastSelectorText = simpleSelectorText;
        if (lastSelectorText != null) {
          int dotIdx = lastSelectorText.indexOf('.');
          if (dotIdx != -1) {
            String elemtl = lastSelectorText.substring(0, dotIdx);
            String classtl = lastSelectorText.substring(dotIdx + 1);
            this.addClassRule(elemtl, classtl, sr, simpleSelectors);
          } else {
            int poundIdx = lastSelectorText.indexOf('#');
            if (poundIdx != -1) {
              String elemtl = lastSelectorText.substring(0, poundIdx);
              String idtl = lastSelectorText.substring(poundIdx + 1);
              this.addIdRule(elemtl, idtl, sr, simpleSelectors);
            } else {
              String elemtl = lastSelectorText;
              this.addElementRule(elemtl, sr, simpleSelectors);
      // TODO: Attribute selectors
    } else if (rule instanceof CSSImportRule) {
      UserAgentContext uacontext = document.getUserAgentContext();
      if (uacontext.isExternalCSSEnabled()) {
        CSSImportRule importRule = (CSSImportRule) rule;
        if (CSSUtilities.matchesMedia(importRule.getMedia(), uacontext)) {

          String href = importRule.getHref();

          CSSStyleSheet sheet = null;
          try {
            sheet = CSSUtilities.parse(href, document);
          } catch (Exception err) {
            logger.severe("Unable to parse CSS. URI=[" + href + "]." + err);

          if (sheet != null) {
    } else if (rule instanceof CSSMediaRule) {
      CSSMediaRule mrule = (CSSMediaRule) rule;
      MediaList mediaList = mrule.getMedia();
      if (CSSUtilities.matchesMedia(mediaList, document.getUserAgentContext())) {
        CSSRuleList ruleList = mrule.getCssRules();
        int length = ruleList.getLength();
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          CSSRule subRule = ruleList.item(i);
          this.addRule(styleSheet, subRule);